Intermittent fasting types

Types of intermittent fasting

It is not easy for everyone to lose weight. Weight loss process depends on various factors. While one try to lose weight by exercising and different types of diets, intermittent fasting is an option to lose weight. Fasting is not easy, it needs determination. To reach proper weight there are many  intermittent fasting types one can chose from. First one has to figure out what is the best fasting to follow depending on type of diet, work, lifestyle, time etc.

Types of intermittent fasting :Intermittent fasting (IF) is an ideal tool for those who want to lose weight and gain back good health. Intermittent fasting is not eating on certain scheduled hours or days or it is an eating pattern where one completes a fasting cycle between periods of eating and not eating. It is in practice by many religions from centuries and adopted by fitness and nutrition professionals!

The obesity rate is increasing in the world resulting in increase in percentage of population with various conditions. Few years back diabetes – Type 2, Cancer, chronic pain, muscle inflammation types of conditions used to be uncommon conditions. In recent years, obesity, weight gain, choice of foods and unhealthy life style choices resulted in making these health conditions widely distributed and common.

To reduce weight people try several types of diets. Intermittent fasting- IF – has gained popularity in recent years because millions of people experienced not only good weight loss also detoxification of the body . In Yoga and Ayurveda, Intermittent fasting is adopted to detoxify the body. In many religions intermittent fasting is compulsory during certain time of the year or during festivals or ceremonies. If we adopt intermittent fasting, we will detoxify the body while losing weight. It helps to clean the gut, lowers body inflammation, bloating, pain etc.

Which is the ideal intermittent fasting one can try? Answer is, it depends on the body type, determination, will power and the goal. Next few slides will explain distinct types of intermittent fasting that one can try.

Image credit: Image by Gábor Adonyi from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Intermittent fasting: Fast for 16 hours 

16 hours fasting

Intermittent fasting: Fasting for 2 days per week

2 days fasting per week

Eat stop Eat: 24 Hour Intermittent fasting

Stop-eat-stop-24 hours fasting

Intermittent fasting: Alternate Day Fasting

Alternate days fasting - Prolonged fasting

Intermittent fasting: Warrior diet

warrior diet - Prolonged fasting

Intermittent fasting: Meals skipping

Skipping meals - Prolonged fasting

Intermittent fasting: Prolonged fasting

Prolonged fasting


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 7, 2020

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