Panchakarma Ayurveda therapy

Panchakarma ultimate detoxifying therapy

Panchakarma is traditional Ayurvedic detoxifying and rejuvenation program. It is a treatment that helps in resetting proper digestion and brings back the ability to detox naturally. Fast foods, oily food and our way of living in this technology world and sedentary life makes us suffer with different known and unknown conditions. Ayurveda’s this old treatment is helping millions to get back healthy life.   Ayurveda’s panchakarma, alternate medicine treatment is an answer for several conditions.

What is Panchakarma?

This detoxifying technique is a pillar on which many other Ayurvedic techniques stand. Panchakarma in Sanskrit means “Five Actions”.  This technique relies upon five basic activities that control our body. These five activities are purgation, niruham, nasysam, vomiting and anuvaasan.

Image credits: All the images presented in this slider articles are curtesy of following sites. Please visit these sites for more informaiton on Panchakarma therapy:,,,,

Benefits of Panchakarma: Read more

Benefits of panchakarma

Five types of Panchakarma: Read more

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: October 16, 2018

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