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Twelve Most Toxic Fruits And Vegetables To Consume

Twelve Most Toxic Fruits And Vegetables To Consume

By Amanda Froelich (

(This time of year people look for fresh produces as this is the season we get freshly grown fruits and vegetables. Some of the vegetables and fruits that are conventionally grown can be most toxic than others – you will be surprised to see the list of these produces that can be toxic because of chemical applications. The chemicals sprayed on non-organic crops are just as lethal for humans as they are for insects. -Healthylife)

Sure, organic food is expensive, but is buying conventionally-grown produce really worth the risk? If you are not yet aware, the chemicals sprayed on non-organic crops are just as lethal for humans as they are for insects. In fact, countless studies have linked pesticides to cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, ADHD, and even birth defects. In addition, pesticides can also throw the ecosystem off balance.

Because of these effects, the organic movement has grown in popularity in recent years. However, the fact still remains that conventional produce is much more affordable than organic.

For this reason, it’s beneficial to know the most toxic fruits and vegetables (also known as the ‘Dirty Dozen’) so you can make it a priority to purchase those organic if nothing else. Doing so will reduce your exposure to endocrine disruptors and potentially carcinogenic compounds.

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), the following are the most toxic conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables:

1. Strawberries

2. Apples

3. Nectarines

4. Peaches

5. Celery

6. Grapes

7. Cherries

8. Spinach

9. Tomatoes

10. Sweet bell peppers

11. Cherry tomatoes

12. Cucumbers

Every year, the EWG calls out the worst offenders with its Dirty Dozen list, while also giving credit to produce with the lowest pesticides levels. Compared to last year, strawberries have overtaken apples as the highest pesticide grown crop. Reportedly, 98% of conventional strawberries tested by federal officials had detectable pesticide residues; 40% had residues of 10 or more pesticides and some had residues of 17 different pesticides.

Fruits and vegetables are essential for a healthy diet, but they’ll always be better for one’s health when they’re not contaminated with dangerous chemicals.

What are your thoughts? Please comment below and share this list to raise awareness!

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Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: February 25, 2021
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Advice for Expecting Mothers

Advice For Expectant Mothers

Every pregnancy is precious irrespective of whether it is first time or not. Expectant mothers need to take care of their health very carefully and follow proper nutrition regime. How the mother takes care of herself decides the fate of the little one who is developing in the womb.

Listen what  grandma’ s advice for expectant mothers.

1. Take extra care in the first 3 months – do not lift heavy items and do not do heavy exercises

2. If you are suffering from nausea and vomiting then avoid spicy food and restaurant foods.

3. Consume fruits juices like pomegranate juice to build strength of the uterus.

4. Eat almonds every morning – protein is essential for the baby to grow.

5. Consume pistachio and walnuts – they are good for baby’s development too.

6. Eat less salt and fat. Too much salt after 7 months onwards can cause edema (water retention in the body).

7. Consume clarified butter (ghee) everyday.  For a cup of hot rice put little ghee and eat before continuing with your meal.  Ghee helps to relax and increases baby’s brain strength.

8. Eat iron rich foods like spinach, celery, artichoke, apples, banana, lettuce.

9. Consume protein in the form of yogurt, tofu (soya product) and some amount of lentil or dal.

10. Calcium rich foods are important too during pregnancy – The pregnant mom needs three or more glasses of low fat or nonfat milk or fortified soymilk every day before, during, and after pregnancy while nursing the little baby.

11. Drink good amount of water and lots of good fluids – drink nutritious beverages, such as reduced-sodium V8, orange juice, or nonfat milk to get your fluids.

12. Do not be hungry for long time. Keep a bottle of dry fruits in your room. Dry fruits  especially figs and almonds  provide a large number of nutrients

13. Don’t forget to include salad in your lunch. Make sure the vegetables are washed properly and cut. If you don’t like to eat raw vegetables, steam cook vegetables and consume it.

14. Daily add saffron to milk, boil and have it before going to bed.

15. Add date syrup to boiled milk and drink one cup a day.

16. Dates and fresh figs provide instant energy while grapes and stewed prunes are good for digestion.

17. As Ayurveda says eat Satvik food – pure, clean, light and gentle on the system types of foods like Milk, rice, wheat, ghee (clarified butter), fresh and mostly green vegetables, fresh fruits and multi grains.

18. Get good amount of relaxed sleep. A cupful of hot milk with a teaspoonful of honey as sweetener, induces a relaxing sleep.

19. Do not go on dieting while you are pregnant – avoid fad diets and all kind of diets. Mother’s body needs 40+ nutrients during pregnancy to build a healthy baby. The developing baby is much more sensitive to the mother’s nutritional status than what we think.

20. Do not watch scary and disturbing movies. Watch fun filled, feel good movies. Listen to soft music.

21. Do not eat sea foods. Studies show that most fishes contains mercury, a toxic metal that can cause serious nervous system damage.

22. Do not eat papaya fruit and pineapple too – these may increase heat in the body system and can lead to adverse effect.

23. Do not drink alcohol, colas, meat or eat soft cheeses. Remember alcohol causes irreversible birth defects. No safe limit has been established. Avoid soft cheeses and meat. Because these can be sources of bacterial contamination (listeriosis), which causes fever, miscarriage and other complications during pregnancy, so avoid these during pregnancy.

24. Control on greasy foods and fatty foods. Do not gain too much weight. Excess body weight entering pregnancy or accumulated during pregnancy can affect whether a woman conceives and might increase the risks for pregnancy complications, such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, stillbirth, very-preterm birth and cesarean delivery. Keep your body in the best shape that you are able to, because it will definitely help you in the stamina department when it comes to a natural birth.

25. Pregnancy is exhausting and the activity level goes down during 9 months. That should not stop your regular mild activities and mild exercises. Continue  walking around the neighborhood or doing yoga here and there can help in natural birth.

26. Do not wear tight cloths and party hard. Pregnancy is divine – enjoy every bit of it. There is nothing to show off – a human is forming in your womb.

27. Balance vata dosha during pregnancy – Ayurveda says this. Because vata dosha balances out the nervous system and stabilizes the mother as well as the baby. Cut down on following foods – coffee, black tea, sugar, ice cream, chocolate, packaged food, iced drinks, beans and pulses as they are hard to digest. Generally consume : for breakfast – hot or warm cereals and sweet fruits. For lunch : 50% brown rice, 30% well -cooked/steamed vegetables and 20% light proteins. Later afternoon snack – light tea, nuts, yogurt. For dinner: Soup, whole-grain bread, warm milk and little cheese.

28. If you are driving – wear seat belt and take slower and less traffic route if possible.

29. Avoid any type of stress and overwhelming work – priority is your pregnancy. If you feel you are stressed, talk to your partner, parents and friends. Take a break from busy schedules to enjoy your pregnancy.

30. Always be positive and think positive. Think good and be good. Garbha Sanskar refers to good habits, morals, values given to a baby while mother is carrying a baby in the garbha (womb). It comprises of music, talks, guided imagery etc. to educate the baby right inside the womb. This is what your child is going to pickup from you. Remember – Baby while growing in your womb can understand your feelings and can related to your thoughts.

Have a wonderful pregnancy and enjoy precious time!


Image credit: Photo by Ashton Mullins on Unsplash

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Grandma's Hair Care Tips

Hair Care Tips

How to maintain healthy hair? See what grandma has to say.

Everybody wants beautiful hair. However, one should know about general hair care.  Traditional way of hair washing, brushing and drying always has been better than using chemical shampoos, conditioners and hair dryer. When you see 1980’s advertisements that were talking about chemical shampoos and today’s shampoo advertisements one can see is a dramatic change in today’s ads. What methods and natural remedies were used by our ancestors has become our “new ” shampoos and conditioners ! Use of oil will help the scalp to keep away from itching and drying. Let us see what general care one should take and then traditional remedies for hair care.

General care of hair:

  • Do not brush wet hair. Wet hairs are more vulnerable for damages.
  • Use sun light to dry hair and cut down on blow dryers, hot curlers, straight iron and other hair styling products.
  • Apply oil previous day of washing hair.
  • Use wide toothcomb to detangle the hair.
  • Do not use chemical based shampoo or conditioner when your hair is going through dryness and damages.
  • Strengthen your hair with right food: Include foods that contain Biotin in your diet. Biotin is present in brown rice, lentils, sunflower seeds, walnuts, soybeans, walnuts. Include protein, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin C and selenium in your diet. Leafy vegetables that serve folic acid is good for hair health.
  • Do not use tight hair bands to tie your hair. This will cut hair and leads to unequal hair.
  • Wash your hair minimum two days a week. Do not forget to apply oil before washing hair. Massage your hair using good non-fragrant oil.

1. Fenugreek is very effective in preventing dandruff, hair fall and baldness.

  • Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight and grind it into a fine paste the following morning.
  • Leave this paste applied on the scalp for 30 to 45 minutes and then wash it with a mild shampoo.
  • Do not allow your hair to remain wet for a long time. Leaving the scalp wet for a long time facilitates growth of dandruff.

2. Dandruff is a common scalp problem where white flakes are shed by the scalp and often causes itching. There could be many causes of dandruff

Fenugreek seeds or Methi: Methi is known as a common natural ingredient that can delay the graying of hair and is also the perfect antidote against stubborn dandruff.

  • Soak methi seeds overnight in water and then grind them into a paste. Apply this on your scalp, leave it for a few hours, and then wash your hair with shampoo.

Curd or Yogurt: Curd or dahi is in known to have health and skin benefits. Curd has anti-fungal properties which help banish dandruff and other hair and skin problems.

  • Mix curd with white pepper and apply on your scalp.
  • Keep it on for 30 minutes and wash off.

Here are 7 quick and easy ways to cure dandruff.

3. For silky hair: Healthy hair looks and feels soft. If your hair has become too dry and brittle, it has probably lost the natural oils that your hair uses to lock in moisture.

Olive oil :is not only good for health, but for beauty as well. It is known as a solution to various hair problems and stimulates hair growth too.

  • Mix a few drops of honey in your olive oil and then massage it well into your hair.
  • Keep it for half-an-hour before rinsing it off with a mild shampoo.

Curd or dahi: is also known as a natural conditioner for the hair. Here’s what you can do for smooth, silky hair.

  • Mix together curd and an egg yolk.
  • Apply on your locks and keep for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off with a mild shampoo.

Hibiscus and shikakai powder: Boil hibiscus flower or tender leaves. Allow it to cool and add shikakai powder. Mix well. Apply this to hair and slowly wash your hair. Allow hair to dry naturally. It will help to get beautiful silky hair. Care should be taken not to open the eyes when using shikakai powder.

Castor oil: You may think that castor oil is very thick and not possible to remove from hair. Do you know castor oil gives you soft silky hair and also reduces grey hair? Apply castor oil once a week and wash hair after a day using good shampoo or shikakai powder to get silky hair.

4. Natural Hair Conditioner: 

It is important that our hair needs to be conditioned after every wash. Homemade natural herbal conditioners are always better than the chemical ones. Dry and damaged hair needs to be conditioned regularly. There is a very good grandmas home remedy for dry and damaged hair – Hibiscus leaves!

Grind hibiscus leaves to a smooth paste and apply on the hair and leave for a few minutes. After half an hour wash hair thoroughly. Washing may be very difficult as the minute particles of the leaves cling to the hair. There will still be some small particles left on the hair even after repeated washing. These will fall off once the hair is dried and combed. The process may be a little tedious but it is worth it.

5. For black hair:

Curry leaves and amla powder: Grandma says try curry leaves and amla powder (Indian gooseberry) ! Yes, Indian curry leaves have such property. Do not throw curry leaves while eating your food. It has contents that support hair. Slightly warm sesame oil or coconut oil and add curry leaves and amla powder to it. Leave it for couple of days. Drain the oil and apply oil on hair once or twice a week.

Oil sealing:In India’s Kerala state, women follow oil-sealing method from centuries to keep their hair black, long and healthy.  They seal the moisture in their hair with oil. Oil sealing is a method where oil is used as a sealant over wet moisturized hair. Preconditioned hair is with coconut oil, herbal oil, hair is washed with shikakai or mild shampoo and then 2 to 3 drops of oil is applied immediately over hair. Then allow hair to dry naturally.

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Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: February 24, 2021
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sage koundinya pose advanced yoga

Sage Koundinya Pose II

Sage Koundinya or Eka Pada Koundinyasana II is named after sage Koundinya who had one twisted leg and arm. The difference between sage Koundinya pose I and II lies in thigh and hips position. In Eka Pada Koundinyasana thigh alternate on triceps in pose II thighs will be on same side triceps. Both are advanced poses and pose II obviously more advanced than pose I.  To practice this pose one must have good strength in arms and shoulders and must be able to hold the whole body weight in hands. Benefits of doing this pose is: reduces belly fat, strengthens shoulders, wrists, arms, increases overall strength, helps in focusing, rejuvenates spine, flexibility and strengthening of leg muscles, increases digestion by stimulating abdominal organs. This pose needs instructor supervision. If you have problem in wrist, lower back or hamstring tear then do not perform this pose – Healthylife.

LEVEL :Advanced

Anatomy : Abs, Arms

Pose Type :Arm Balance

Sanskrit :Eka Pada Koundinyasana (eh-kah pah-dah cown-din-YAHS-anna)

eka = one pada = foot Koundinya = the sage Koundinya



  • Wrist injuries
  • Low back injuries


  1. Begin in Downward-Facing Dog with your hands shoulder-width apart. Bring your left foot forward, just outside of your left hand, and place it flat on the floor, bending your left knee.
  2. Thread your left arm underneath your left leg. Press your palm into the floor, next to your left foot.
  3. Bend your arms deeply. Your elbows should point straight back, and your upper arms should be parallel to the floor.
  4. Using your left upper arm as a shelf for your leg, slowly straighten your left leg out to the side. Lift your toes from the floor.
  5. Shift your weight slightly forward. Slowly raise your right toes from the floor, reaching your right leg straight back. Gaze forward.
  6. Stay in the pose for up to five breaths. Exhale and lower your back foot to the ground; then push back to Downward-Facing Dog. Change sides.




  • Place a pillow under your head to alleviate the fear of falling forward.
  • Tuck your right arm underneath your hip for extra support.



  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog)
  • Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff pose)
  • Utthan Pristhasana (Lizard Pose)


Adho Mukha Svanasana


  • Hug your elbows toward each other.
  • Powerfully reach your left leg forward and out to the side in order to lift your toes from the floor.
  • Bring your body weight so far forward that the back toes lift off the floor.
  • Keep your forehead soft.


  • Enter the pose from Salamba Sirsasana II (Supported Headstand II).


  • Holding the breath
  • Body weight not far enough forward

The article and image is published here with prior permission from

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Stuffed Idlis

Idli is  South Indian breakfast item. It is considered as the most healthiest and nutrient rich breakfast of India. ‘India Breakfast Habits Study’, a survey conducted in four metros, found that Southern cities of India  has the best breakfast ‘nutrient profile’ in the country.  The nutrition scale was assessed based on the adequacy of carbohydrates, energy, proteins, fats and calcium. According to research on ‘India Breakfast Habits Study’ conducted by Dr. Malathi Sivaramakrishnan of Nirmala Niketan (with support of Kellogg India), the existence of well-defined breakfast foods like Idli and Dosa with Sambar ensures that Chennaiites have a breakfast adequate in calories compared to De­lhi, Mumbai and Kolkata.

See more at

Here is a recipe of stuffed idlis for all idli lovers. This is slight modification from traditional idli with potato subji in the center.


For Idli preparation

  • Idli rice – 2 cups
  • Urad daal – One cup
  • Salt – as needed

For stuffing:

  • Potatoes – 5
  • Chopped onions – one
  • Chillies -chopped -3
  • Coriander leaves -1/4 cup
  • Ginger -1 inch
  • Turmeric
  • Salt – as needed
  • Lime juice
  • Mustard
  • Curry leaves
  • Oil

Method :

1. Soak both urad daal and idli rice for about 5 hours. And course grind with little water. The batter need to be little thick to make idlis.

*If idli rice is not available one can use idli rava (one need not soak rava)

2. Add salt to batter, mix well and keep in a warm place overnight so that the batter will ferment.

3. Next day, boil potatoes, remove the skin. In a pan heat oil add mustard and curry leaves followed by onions, chillis, ginger, turmeric and salt. Sauté the ingredients under medium flame. Add Smash boiled potatoes and mix well. Add little lemon juice and chopped coriander leaves.  Subji is ready to fill in idli.

4. Make small dumplings with potato subji.

5. In a steam cooker heat water to steam cook idlis. Meanwhile, grease the idli stands. Add half a ladle of idli batter in the idli moulds. Place a small potato dumpling in the middle of poured idli batter and again cover it with idli batter again.

6. Fill all idli moulds in the idli stand similarly and close the lid and steam cook for about 12 minutes.

7. Hot stuffed idlis can be removed after steam cooker cools down a bit. Serve stuffed idlis with any type of chutneys – coconut chutney, tomato chutney, coriander chutney or traditional daal chutney.



Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: February 22, 2021
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Fenugreek top 7 foods

Fenugreek leaves and seeds

Fenugreek is such a lovely, wonderful plant. Yes, it is little bitter but has wonderful medicinal properties and very nutritious too. Known as methi in India- leaves, stems and seeds of this plant has magical benefits.  It is a very good vegetable and has been in use from centuries. Ayurveda mentions the use of this plant in controlling various conditions.

  • Lowers blood cholesterol: It contains saponins that prevent absorption of fats that are responsible for buildup of cholesterol.
  • Good friend of heart: Presence of Galactomannan and potassium makes it a friend of heart.
  • Controls blood sugar level: It also contains amino acid responsible for inducing the production of insulin.
  • Helps digestion: It contains fiber and antioxidants that helps to remove toxic waste from the body.
  • Lose weight: Chewing soaked methi seeds in the morning on an empty stomach help in suppressing the appetite and aids in weight loss.

How to use? See all recipes in

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Bitter gourd top 7 food

Sweet bitter gourd

Indian bitter gourd is a well known vegetable for diabetic condition. The plant produces bitter fruits that holds all goodies and has sweet benefits for those who suffer from high sugar level.

Bitter gourd has an insulin-like compound called Polypeptide-p or p-insulin which has been shown to control diabetes naturally. This is a popular ingredient of Asian cooking and traditional Chinese medicine. It is believed to relieve thirst and fatigue, which are possible symptoms of type 2 diabetes.  It is helpful in weight reduction, reduces constipation and purifies blood.

How to use? With bitter gourd one can prepare Juice, powder and different verities of dishes.

Image credit:

Tenbon / CC BY-SA ( (modified image)

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Finger millet for diabetes

Finger millet powerful grain

Finger millet is powerful grain. It is popularly known as ragi, finger millet flour is  very good source of minerals, vitamins and known for low glycemic index. It has high dietary fiber levels. It is a grain food that diabetic patient should strongly consider to include in their diet.

Finger millet has 40 times more phenolic content in its seed coat compared to rice, maize and wheat. It controls blood sugar level and reduces cholesterol. In addition, it helps to bring back the strength and recover from diabetic wounds!

How to use:

Try ragi porridge, ragi flour balls, raagi noodles at home. You will find recipes on internet easily.

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