All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
Wall Sit Pilates

Wall Sit Pilates

Wall sit Pilates is like chair pose of yoga. You will have support of wall to sit. Even though sitting seems to be easy, it needs strength.


Benefits: It helps to strengthen lower body muscles as well as legs.  This pose strengthens hamstrings, glutes, quadriceps and also increases blood circulation to legs.


To perform Wall sit Pilates:


1.       Lean your back against the wall and slide down until your knees are at a 90-degree angle and your thighs are parallel to the floor.

2.       Keep your feet hip-width apart and your weight in your heels.

3.       Hold this position, engaging your core and leg muscles. Aim to hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.


Image credit: (cc by 0)


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 16, 2023
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Wall Roll Down

Wall Roll Down

Wall roll down is a simple beginner exercise performed standing on mat. Wall roll down stretches the back and the hamstrings, it works the abdominals, and teaches good posture that is essential for performing Pilates.


Benefits of performing wall roll down: brings body awareness and helps to achieve better posture and improves walking forms. It also known to reduces stress and strain in back, hips, legs, knee joints and neck.


To perform Wall roll down exercise: 


1.       Stand with your back against the wall, feet hip-width apart, and heels about 6 inches away from the wall.

2.       Inhale as you lengthen your spine, and exhale as you slowly roll down the wall one vertebra at a time.

3.       Keep your abdominals engaged and the back of your head in contact with the wall.

4.       Inhale to pause at the bottom, and exhale to roll back up to the starting position.


Image credit: Jemasty, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Easy Wall Pilates Exercises Helps To Reduce Weight & Strengthen Core

Easy Wall Pilates Exercises Helps To Reduce Weight & Strengthen Core

Pilates is highly recommended to strengthen the core, legs and to increase flexibility and motion in our joints. Wall Pilates exercises are a variation of traditional Pilates poses that are low -impact and safe workout that utilize a wall for support, stability and resistance. These exercises are great for targeting specific muscle groups and improving body alignment.

Few wall Pilates exercises that are recommended for core strength as wells as to lose weight are:

1.       Wall roll down

2.       Wall sit

3.       Wall bridge

4.       Wall angles

5.       Wall push ups


It is recommended to perform these exercises with control and proper form. If you’re new to Pilates or have any specific health concerns, it’s a good idea to consult with a certified Pilates instructor before beginning these exercises. Pilates instructor guide and ensure that you are performing the exercises correctly, and tailor the workout to your individual needs and fitness level.


Image credit: Photo by Elina Fairytale: (cc by 0)


Wall Roll Down:

Wall Roll Down

Wall Sit Pilates:

Wall Sit Pilates

Wall Bridge Pilates:

Wall Bridge Pilates

Wall Angels Pilates:

Wall Angels Pilates

Wall Push-Ups Pilates:

Wall Push-Ups Pilates

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Yoga for hearing improvement

These Yoga Poses Can Improve Your Hearing

Sometimes loud noise, stress and weather could act on our hearing and might feel a reduction in hearing. There are several yoga poses that are recommended by practicing which our ear health can improve. These poses can indirectly support circulation, relaxation, and overall well-being, which can contribute to maintaining healthy sensory functions, including hearing.

Karnapidasana or Ear pressure pose:

  • This pose is performed after halasana, which not only stretches the spine, also controls and balances the pressure of ears.

Sukshma Vyayama Kriya or Subtle exercise for ears:

  • Sukshma vyayama kriya is yoga pose helps in clearing mucus by aerating  the middle ear system and nasopharynx. It helps to prevent spreading of infection in the middle ear.

Adho mukha svanasana: Downward facing dog pose:

  • Downward facing dog pose helps improve blood circulation to the head and neck region.
  • It can potentially enhance blood flow to the ears and auditory pathways.

Setu bandhasana or Bridge Pose:

  • Bridge Pose stimulates thyroid gland and can promote better metabolism and hormonal balance, which indirectly supports overall health including sensory organs.

Matsyasana or Fish pose:

  • Fish Pose stretches the neck and throat area, potentially improving blood flow to the head and neck.
  • The pose can help relax neck muscles and alleviate tension resulting in better hearing.

Balasana or child pose:

  • Balasana can promote relaxation and reduce stress, which is beneficial for overall well-being.
  • It can help release tension in the neck and shoulders, indirectly benefiting circulation to the head and clears hearing.

Yoga neck stretches:

  • Many yoga instructors follow this routine either in the beginning or end of the practice. Gentle neck stretches, such as tilting the head side to side and gently rotating the neck, can help relieve tension and improve blood flow to the neck area.

Pranayama or Breathing exercises:

  • Practicing deep breathing exercises, such as Nadi Shodhana -commonly known as alternate nostril breathing, can promote relaxation and reduce stress.
  • Bhramari pranayama (honey bee humming) is another type of yogic breathing that promotes ear health.
  • Deep breathing techniques can also help improve circulation and oxygenation in the body.

Pranayama helps nose, ear and eyes.

Savasana or corpse pose:

Never skip savasana at the end of your yoga practice. Our sensory organs benefit from practicing this simple pose.

  • Savasana promotes relaxation and allows the body to rest deeply. Good resting means improving the ability of body organs to function.
  • Relaxation can contribute to overall well-being and reduce stress, which indirectly supports sensory health.

Other poses one can practice to improve ear health: Lion pose or simhasana, crocodile pose or makarasana.  Simhasana relieves sore throat and improves hearing whereas crocodile pose is good for reducing ear pain and relieves blockage in ears. 

Remember that while these yoga poses may offer indirect benefits for well-being and relaxation, they are not a substitute for proper medical care. If you have concerns about your hearing or any other health issues related to your ears or if you are experiencing hearing problems or discomfort, it’s important to consult an audiologist or an ENT specialist, for proper diagnosis and treatment. Practicing yoga will improve sensory organs health.

Image credit: Photo by Thirdman:

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 10, 2023
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Tattoo safety tips

Safe Tattoo: Things You Should Know Before You Ink

Tattoos are one of the most desired body arts and the stigma of tattoos is widespread though out the world. For many people it is a way of self-expression. Getting tattoos is attractive. However, tattoos can come with some health risks. According to American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) most people will not notice severe symptoms. Simple symptoms that a person could get because of permanent inking could be swelling, soreness and redness. Some might develop severe infections and allergic reactions sooner or later after getting a tattoo. There are few reports of people encountering health issues after getting tattooed.  If there is pain and if pain worsens, if there is severe rash, blisters, fever, chills, pus formation coming out of the tattoo contact your physician immediately.

If you are planning to get a tattoo, go for a safe tattoo. What is a safe tattoo?

A safe tattoo is one that is done with proper hygiene practices and by a skilled, professional tattoo artist. When getting a tattoo, it’s essential to prioritize your health and safety to avoid potential risks and complications. Here are some key factors to consider for a safe tattoo:

  • Choose a reputable tattoo studio: Select a reputable tattoo studio with a clean and sterile environment. Look for reviews and recommendations from others who have had positive experiences at the studio.
  • Licensed and experienced artist: Ensure that the tattoo artist is licensed and has ample experience in tattooing. A skilled artist will be knowledgeable about proper techniques and hygiene practices.
  • Sterilization and sanitation: Make sure the tattoo studio follows strict sterilization and sanitation protocols. The artist should follow the instructions similar to hospitals – use single-use, disposable needles, and other equipment to prevent the risk of infections.
  • Health screening: A professional tattoo artist should inquire about your health history and screen for any conditions that may interfere with the tattooing process or pose risks.
  • Ink quality: The ink used for the tattoo should be of high-quality and approved for use on the skin. Cheap or substandard inks may cause adverse reactions. Tattoo inks are unregulated in many countries. Like in the USA it is considered as a cosmetic and when something goes wrong after using the ink authorities step in. Tainted ink can lead to bacterial infections, skin diseases and illnesses.  – Talk to tattoo artist about the source of ink, expiration date and note down lot number. No harm in understanding the ink ingredients.
  • Choose your design carefully: You need to be sure about the design (art) that you want to go on your body. Sometimes complicated art might not come out well and you might regret getting one.
  • Allergies and sensitivities: Inform the tattoo artist about any known allergies or sensitivities you have to certain substances, especially if you’ve had previous reactions to tattoo inks.
  • Aftercare instructions: After getting a tattoo, follow the aftercare instructions provided by the artist carefully. Proper aftercare is crucial for ensuring the tattoo heals well and reduces the risk of infection.
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs: Avoid alcohol or recreational drugs before getting a tattoo, as they can thin the blood and lead to excessive bleeding during the process.
  • Talk to your physician: If you have any underlying health conditions or concerns about getting a tattoo, consult with your doctor beforehand.
  • Trust your instincts: If something doesn’t feel right about the tattoo studio or the artist, trust your instincts and consider finding a different, more reputable option.

Tattoo removal: In case you don’t want that “permanent tattoo” and start regretting of getting one, there are several techniques that professionals use to remove the tattoo. Remember – there is no guarantee that the permanent ink that has become part of you will not totally go away from any of these techniques. Getting a tattoo is a permanent decision, so take your time in researching the location, artist, and design. Prioritize your safety and health throughout the process to ensure a positive and safe tattooing experience. Before making the decision to get a tattoo, think about it with your close ones and then proceed with your decision.

Image credit: Image by Felix from Pixabay (cc by 0)


First Tattoo Tips: Advice for Beginners From Tattoo Artists | Allure

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 8, 2023
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Date seed benefits

Ways To Incorporate Date Seed Powder In Your Diet

Date seeds, which are often discarded, have several potential benefits. Next time when you buy a box of dates, don’t discard seeds. Wash and store them as these seeds provide multiple health benefits.

  • Antioxidant properties: Date seeds contain high levels of antioxidants like phenolic compounds and flavonoids. Antioxidants help protect the body against oxidative stress, which can lead to chronic diseases and aging.
  • Anti-inflammatory effects: Bioactive compounds present in date seeds help to fight inflammation thus making us feel better, energized.
  • Antimicrobial activity: Some studies suggest that extracts from date seeds may exhibit antimicrobial activity against certain types of microbes.
  • Anticancer properties: Preliminary studies have suggested that date seed extracts may have anticancer effects and including the seed powder could reduce chances of development of tumors.
  • High fiber content: It is a good source of dietary fiber, which can aid digestion, promote bowel regularity, and contribute to overall stomach health.
  • Nutritional value: Even though in smaller amounts presence of important nutrients in date seeds -including essential fatty acids, vitamin E minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium, and protein makes it a good source of essential nutrients.
  • As food ingredient: Date seed powder or extracts can be used as a natural food ingredient in various products, such as baked goods or healthy drinks. This will add nutritional value to food products.

How to include date seed powder in your diet?

If you are not familiar with date seed powder, start with a small quantity and see how you feel. If you like the flavor and taste then gradually increase the quantity.

Date seed powder can be utilized in various ways in cooking and other applications.

  1. Smoothies and shakes: Add a tablespoon of date seed powder to your favorite smoothie or protein shake for an added nutritional boost. It can provide a subtle nutty flavor and extra fiber.
  2. Baking: Incorporate date seed powder into baked goods such as bread, muffins, cookies, or energy bars and laddus It can be used as a partial or complete substitute for other flours, adding a unique flavor and texture to your recipes.
  3. Hot beverages: Mix date seed powder into warm milk or plant-based milk alternatives, such as almond or oat milk. Add brown sugar or jaggery powder and enjoy a warm drink.
  4. Seasoning and spice blends: Combine date seed powder with other spices and herbs to create unique seasoning blends. It will contribute additional flavor curries, vegetable stews or stir fries.
  5. Salad dressings: Incorporate date seed powder into homemade salad dressings to enhance flavors and provide a nutritional boost. Combine it with ingredients like olive oil, lemon juice, herbs, and spices.
  6. Nutritional supplements: You can prepare date seed powder and turmeric powder mix at home and consume. For this mix both powders in equal quantity.

Including date seed in your diet has potential benefit. However, if you have preexisting conditions before incorporating the date seed powder, contact your doctor and seek advise to ensure it aligns with your specific health needs and goals.

Image credit: Image by Pictavio from Pixabay (cc by 0)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 6, 2023
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Vitamin plant leaves chutney powder

Healthy Vitamin Plant Leaves Chutney Powder

Sweet leaves bush, star gooseberry or commonly known as vitamin plant is source of all goodies! In English it is known as Sauropus and Sanskrit Chakramuni.  Plant parts are used for conditions such as cough, congestion, eye problem, lung problem, fever, erythema, measles, urinary problems.  Growing vitamin plant at home is easy – you can plant them in pots or directly in soil. Leaves and tender shoots can be cooked, added to salad or can be used for preparing various types of dishes including curry.

Vitamin plant chutney powder is tasty, easy to prepare. If you have vitamin plant, try preparing chutney powder. It is like curry leaves chutney powder.


  1. Vitamin plant leaves – 3 cups
  2. Coriander seeds – 2 tsp
  3. Cumin – 1 tsp
  4. Urad dal – ¼ cup
  5. Channa dal – ¼ cup
  6. Tamarind – medium lemon size
  7. Copra – 1 cup
  8. Red chili – 12
  9. Jaggery – 1 tsp
  10. Salt – as per taste
  11. Asafetida – little
  12. Oil – 1 tsp
  13. Curry leaves – few
  14. Mustard – ½ tsp


  1. Rinse vitamin leaves using water and place on paper towel to dry.
  2. Roast vitamin leaves on low flame till leaves become crispy or you can use oven to dry (1 min)
  3. Dry roast Urad, Channa dal, coriander seeds, cumin and red chili and allow to cool.
  4. Roast copra and allow it to cool.
  5. Dry roast tamarind
  6. Powder all the above listed contents adding one by one to the grinder. Add salt, jaggery and mix well. Coarse powder is preferred for good taste.
  7. Heat oil on medium heat, add mustard, curry leaves and asafetida. Allow seasoning to cool.
  8. Transfer seasoning to Vitamin leaves chutney powder and mix well.
  9. Store Vitamin leaves chutney powder to air tight container. You can mix with hot rice and ghee or have with bread and chapati.

Image credit: Bùi Thụy Đào Nguyên, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: July 31, 2023
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Edible Drones

These Edible Drones Designed To Help Survivors In Emergency

Can you imagine yourself trapped in an emergency where food is not available, and you struggle to survive. Well, don’t worry! A team of scientists from Swiss federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) has developed a technology using drone to provide food for those who are stranded in such situation.

No, this is not food delivery or food transport by drone. Here drone itself is food or we can say partially edible!

EPFL researchers had made two wings of drone edible by modifying the wings using food. Rice cakes are attached to rudimentary fuselage which is a tail unit and a propellent unit. This innovation can save lives of those who go on adventure, who are lost in the process or injured or stranded. While waiting for the rescuers, those are in trouble can feed on to rice cakes and contain their hunger.

Researchers presented their work at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Systems in Kyoto under the title, “Towards Edible Drones for Rescue Missions: Design and Flight of Nutritional Wings.”

These partially edible drones are made with 50% food carrying mass in the wings. After consuming rest of the non-edible part can be recycled.

RoboFood -Developing edible robots in a way that maximizes both performance and nutritional value.

Our ultimate goal is to create food that’s like a robot – says Shintake.

Jun Shintake Scientist from Japan is part of this Engineering research group. According to Shintake, scientists are trying to develop edible robots elsewhere for a wide variety of reasons and scenarios. The new drone which has rice crackers in the wings could also be used as a quick delivery meal to those who are in distress, and it will help to boost their confidence.

Edible drones are about 70 centimeters across, wings are built with rice crackers stuck together with gelatin. It provides 300 calories of food and 80 grams of water. It means half of the drone is edible. Research team is working on increasing the edible portion to 75% or so more than the food it can deliver when compared to conventional drone.


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: July 28, 2023
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