PM Modi -In “Abundance in Millets” song, creativity has blended with an important cause of food security and removing hunger
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s initiative resulted in declaring year 2023 as “Year of Millets”. Now, PM Modi in collaboration with Grammy Award winning singer Falu and her husband Gauav Shah bringing out song “Abundance in Millets” to promote the importance of millets. The song which released on June 16th promotes millets while highlighting the importance of millets and potential to alleviate the world hunger – Healthy Life
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has said that there is abundance of health and well-being in Shree Ann or millets.
Grammy Award-winning Indian-American singer Falu has come out with the song inspired by the Prime Minister’s initiative to get UN declare 2023 as the International Year of Millets. She tweeted about collaborating with the Prime Minister to write a song to promote millets, help farmers grow it and help end world hunger.
In reply the Prime Minister tweeted :
“Excellent effort @FaluMusic! There is abundance of health and well-being in Shree Ann or millets. Through this song, creativity has blended with an important cause of food security and removing hunger.”
For more news: Press Information Bureau (pib.gov.in), Release ID: 1932984
Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 16, 2023
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