All posts by HealthyLife

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Brazil Refuses All Imports of U.S.- Grown Genetically-Modified Crops

Brazil Refuses All Imports of U.S.- Grown Genetically-Modified Crops

While genetically modified (GMO) foods seem to proliferate across the U.S., many other nations do not allow such products to enter or grow within their borders.

Christina Sarich /(UR) Brazil — The list of countries refusing Monsanto’s genetically-modified crops continues Cropsto grow. Highlighting the world divide on the issue, Brazil recently refused all U.S.-grown GM crops. While we are continually force-fed genetically modified foods — since they are in approximately 80 percent of all packaged, conventional foods in grocery stores in America — other countries are refusing to import them, grow them, or sell them within their borders.

As more nations pass laws that impose trade regulations on genetically modified goods, despite World Trade Organization back room deals, Monsanto and their cut-outs opt for ever-more devious strategies to insinuate their wares onto the world.

Despite this, as a Bloomberg article points out,

“In recent years, some of the largest commodity trading companies have refused to take certain GMO crops from farmers because the seeds used hadn’t received a full array of global approvals, something that can lead to holdups at ports or even the rejection of entire cargoes.”

For example, Brazil.

In this instance, it is Brazil’s chicken farmers who won’t feed their birds GM corn; but there are other countries opting out of GM crops, too.

Ironically, Brazil is the second largest producer of GM crops in the world after the U.S., and grows 29 varieties of GM corn, so they are likely pulling rank for trade rather than hoping to save their population’s health — but at least the chicken farmers see the detriment from using GM corn.

This doesn’t mean that a resistance in Brazil isn’t growing as well. Female Members of the Landless Worker’s Movement (MST) broke into a São Paulo State lab and destroyed millions of samples of GM prototypes not long ago that contained a carcinogenic pesticide.

There is a good reason for banning GM crops, even if they are only meant for livestock to consume. A new Seralini study says that the very first GM crop, introduced way back in 1996, was highly toxic to farm animals over the long-term.

Seralini highlights problems such as “partial paralysis (paresis) accompanied by great fatigue, and problems in the kidneys and mucosal membranes in the animals, followed by death in 10% of cases,” all from feeding the animals GM crops like corn, soy, and alfalfa. Not surprisingly, he finds that GM maize (like Monsanto’s highly touted Bt variety) are the most toxic of all.

You can imagine what we’ve done to these animals’ health since the 1990s — and to ourselves in the years that have followed.

Fortunately, Brazil’s farmers join a growing, international resistance against cultivating GM seed. Russia recently banned all U.S. corn and soy imports due to possible GM contamination. Nineteen additional countries in the E.U. also banned all GM crops, and dozens more have banned GM crops for import or growth in their country.

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Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 20, 2016
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Research shows that by grade 12 _____ percent of students have tried cigarette smoking.

  • 25
  • 35
  • 54
  • 64
  • None of the above

The answer is: 54%

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 18, 2016
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Sweet Potato -Tofu Vegan Muffins

Sweet Potato -Tofu Vegan Muffins

If you are looking for some recipe that does not require real eggs, but should be a savory, then here is a vegan/vegetarian muffin recipe you might like. Try this healthy recipe that supplies fiber, antioxidants, protein and is gluten free and free of nuts. Kids may like this taste as it gives that savory taste and is a baked item. This is a vegan and vegetarian muffin.

Sweet Potato -Tofu Vegan Muffins

1. 1 large sweet potato, baked and peeled

2. 1 12 0z. block of firm tofu

3. 1 tomato, chopped (optional)

4. 1 cup fresh spinach

5. 1/2 red bell pepper, 1/2 yellow bell pepper – slice into thin pieces

6. 1/4 tsp. paprika

7. salt and pepper

8. One sheet of puff pastry

Method :

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Spray cooking spray in 5 or 6 muffin tins.

3. Cut sweet potato in fifths.

4. Cut 3-4 inch pieces from the puff pastry sheet and line each muffin cup, pressing down and line the sides.

5. Press each piece of sweet potato into one muffin cup each. Similar to pastry sheet press down the potato piece to bottom and sides.

6. In a food processor, combine tofu, spinach, paprika ,salt and pepper.

7. Blend for about 20 seconds until the mixture is smooth.

8. Now stir in bell peppers and if you are using stir in chopped tomatoes too.

9. Add mixture to sweet potato cups and bake for about 30 minutes till the pastry sheet turns brown

10. Serve this as a snack item or appetizer item.

Original recipe by:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 17, 2016
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Health can be improved by engaging in as little as ______ minutes of light to moderate exercise most days of the week.

  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
  • 45

The answer is: 30

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 15, 2016
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King Pigeon Pose (Kapotasana)

King Pigeon Pose (Kapotasana)

(Full King Pigeon pose (kapotasana) = Yogis are familiar with better known version of king pigeon pose namely eka pada raja kapotasana or one legged king pigeon pose. The variation which is explained below is Full king pigeon pose or kapotasana , which is a super deep back bend, which requires flexibility of the hips, back, and shoulders. With practice comes perfection. Slowly master the pose and do not try to force yourself to do the pose within few practices. Benefits of this pose is helps the hip flexors, thigh muscle, increases spine flexibility, shoulder muscle, abdominal muscle and helps to concentrate on the body. Try this pose under supervision of a yoga instructor – ).

  • Kapotasana
  • (cap-oh-TAHS-anna)
  • kapota = pigeon or dove


• Strengthens the back muscles
• Stretches the pelvic region, abdomen, and chest
• Stretches the hip flexors
• Increases spinal flexibility and tones the spinal region
• Stimulates the abdominal organs
• Massages the heart


  • Knee, neck, or low back injuries
  • High blood pressure
  • Low blood pressure
  • Headache
  • Insomnia


1. Begin sitting in Virasana (Hero pose). Lean back and lower your torso to the ground in Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero pose).

2. Reach your arms overhead and bend your elbows. Place your palms on the floor beside your head, fingers pointing toward your feet.

3. Exhale and push into your hands to straighten your arms. Raise your body and head from the floor, arching your spine.

4. Bend your elbows and grasp your toes; then lower your forearms to the ground. Rest your head on the floor.

5. Stay in King Pigeon pose for several breaths. To come out of the pose, release your toes, lift your head slightly, and lower yourself down to Supta Virasana.


  • Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel pose)



• Ustrasana (Camel pose)
• Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (One-Legged King Pigeon pose)


• Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero pose)
• Virasana (Hero pose)
• Balasana (Child’s pose)


• Lengthen your tailbone toward your knees.
• Lift your sternum up.
• Press your shins and forearms into the floor.


• Hold onto your heels and rest the crown of your head onto the soles of your feet.
• Practice the pose with your knees touching.


• Elbows splayed out to the side

Credit: This article and image is re-produced with permission from

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 14, 2016
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Our Renewable Energy Can Be Garbage And That’s A Good Thing

Our Renewable Energy Can Be Garbage And That’s A Good Thing

By Jeff Sanchez (at

Who would’ve thought that garbage can rid the world of landfills and put the lid on fossil fuels?

It is common knowledge that the world right now is facing two major problems – fossil fuels (something that Donald Trump wants to put at the forefront once again) and landfills – the single largest methane gas source on the planet. But thanks to the ingenuity of Full Cycle Energy, through its program dubbed as the Full Cycle Energy Fund, we can finally be rid of these two things, and at the same time, make use of our waste for our own benefit.

Kickstarted by Ibrahim AlHusseini, the Full Cycle Energy Fund aims to raise money to put to fruition a new technology that will take all our garbage and make use of it to generate energy.

Through the help of Synova, Full Cycle has developed its groundbreaking gasification system that allows them to turn garbage – otherwise known as municipal solid waste (MSW), into ”syngas” to produce energy. The process reduces greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 98 percent, it is also cleaner and more efficient than any approach that we have today.

According to Ibrahim AlHusseini, he thought of the idea after seeing how our problem with waste affects society.

”Unfortunately, in regions of geopolitical unrest, the environment takes a back seat to daily survival and the paralysis of an unpredictable tomorrow,” AlHusseini said in an interview.

”We have a looming environmental crisis that threatens not just the region where I’m from, but the entire world. And as calamities always seem to do, this one will adversely and disproportionately affect the poorest among us.”

”Given how I was raised, this outcome is not one that I am willing to sit back and accept without trying to do whatever I can to halt or reverse it.”

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Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 13, 2016
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Asparagus Chutney

Asparagus Chutney

Even though Asparagus is a spring vegetable it is available throughout the year thanks to green house and tropical regions. Asparagus has many health benefits. It is loaded with nutrients like folate, vitamin A, C, E and K. It supplies good amount of fiber. It helps in fighting cancer as it has rich source of glutathione a detoxifying compound. It is packed with antioxidants and has ability to neutralize cell-damaging free radicals. It is a brain booster and has anti-aging property and is also a diuretic herb as it contains asparagine at high levels. It is recommended for male infertility too.

Tender Asparagus is edible and cooked in many ways. Asparagus chutney, which is slightly spicy, is tasty and easy to make and supplies less calories.


1. Asparagus 1 bunch
2. Green chillies 4
3. Garlic cloves 3
4. Minced Ginger ¼ tsp
5. Chana dal ½ tsp
6. Urad dal ¼ tsp
7. Roasted Groundnut 2 tsp
8. Tamarind paste ¼ tsp
9. Mustard ¼ tsp
10. Curry leaves 4
11. Salt
12. Oil


1.Wash and chop the Asparagus into small pieces. Chop green chillies and garlic. Set aside.

2. Heat 1 tsp of oil in a pan. Add chana dal, Urad dal, green chillies one by one and sauté for few minutes. Add garlic, chopped asparagus and little salt. Fry them till the asparagus get tender. Switch off the stove and let it cool.

3. Grind the step 2 ingredients along with tamarind, ginger, groundnut and some water into fine paste.

4. Season it with mustard and curry leaves.

5. Asparagus chutney goes well with chapati, dosa, idli, rotti etc.

Recipe by: Ms. Mamatha Anil @

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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When a person sets realistic goals to make positive changes, what question should they ask themselves?

  • Which change is the greatest priority at this time?
  • Why is this change important to me?
  • What are the potential positive outcomes?
  • All of the above

The answer is: All of the above

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 12, 2016
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