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Ramadan Dessert: Apple Halwa!

Ramadan Dessert: Apple Halwa!

Around the world people are celebrating Holy month of Ramadan. After breaking the fast in the evening, people look forward for Iftar with great meal and good dessert.  This is also season of apples.   Apples are delicious fruits with many nutrition values. If someone brings lots of apples to your home, don’t worry about how to consume so many apples. You can make apple pie, smoothie or apple pickle. Apple halwa is a  delicious dessert one should try for Iftar of this Ramadan.  It is easy to prepare and can be stored for few days.

Ingredients: (Serving size : 4)

1. Apples: 7, peeled, sliced and diced

2. Ghee: Two Tbs (one can use butter too)

3. Water: One Tbs

4. Sugar: 8 Tbs (depends on sweetness of apple)

5. Almonds: 12 – peel and cut into half

6. Pistachios – 10-12, peel and cut into half

7. Cinnamon powder: One tsp

8. Vanilla powder : One tsp

9. Raisin: 1 Tbs

10. Saffron: A pinch


1. In a pan melt the ghee (or butter) and slightly heat.

2. Now add apples and fry for 4-5 minutes. When the apple turns to slightly brown and soft add a Tbs of water.

3. Cook apples in medium heat for about 15 minutes by covering the lid. Cook till the apple get together and thickens.

4. Now mash the apples using a spoon and stir. Add sugar and continue stirring till the contents in the pan starts to release from the pan.

5. While stirring, add cinnamon and vanilla powder followed by saffron.

6. See whether the mixture has become translucent around the edges. If so, remove the pan from the flame.

7. While the mix is hot, add raisin and mix . Meanwhile smear little oil or ghee on a plate to transfer halwa.

8. Transfer the hot halwa mix to the plate and form a 1 inch thick layer. Place almond and pistachio pieces on the poured halwa.

9. When halwa cools down cut it into small squares. It can be served while it is warm or can be stored in an air tight container for next 5 to 6 days.

Recipe, Image :

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 10, 2016
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Importance of Meditation (Dhyana)

Importance of Meditation (Dhyana)

In our modern day life, we are immersed in stress, over work, competition, fights, busy life, technology and many others. All these reasons and many other reasons can make us unhappy, frustrated and unhealthy. In busy schedules and other priorities, we put ourselves in low priority line. We do not get enough time to focus on our happiness and peace. A simple 5 to 10 minutes meditation twice a day can help us to cheer up, be happy and focused.

Dhyana is the Sanskrit word for meditation. Remember dhyana or meditation is not weird — sitting in a quiet place and breathing with a focused mind does not look weird. The practice of meditation is spreading throughout the world. Besides, US congressmen, NFL football leagues, CEO’s of many companies, soldiers, college students, veterans, celebrities and the US Marine Corps all are doing it, then how it is weird ?

Overcoming negative minds and cultivating constructive thoughts is one of the sole purposes of the meditation.

Science has given reason for meditation.  When we meditate, it has effects on brain in different ways.

• The frontal lobe of brain is the most evolved part and is responsible for planning, reasoning, emotions and awareness. During meditation the frontal cortex tends to go offline.

• The parietal lobe is responsible for processing sensory information of the surrounding world and helps in orientation of in the present time and in space. During meditation the parietal lobe activity slows down.

• Thalamus regions is the gatekeeper for all senses and it keeps sensory data of the brain. Meditation helps to reduce the flow of incoming information and focuses mind only inside of the body.

• Reticular formation receives the incoming stimuli and keeps brain in alert condition. Meditation keeps this area calm and quite. Meditation increases cortical thickness in areas related to paying attention.

The other benefits of mediation: 

Improved concentration and improves productivity. Helps in focusing and giving attention on subjects and also at work.

• Better health: Increases immune system, decreases pain and inflammation

• Knowledge of self and boosts self control. It makes us wiser. It helps to in making decision and gives clarity with what we have to do.

• Keeping calm : Boosts happiness, increases positive thoughts, decreases depression, stress and anxiety. The more we meditate the less anxiety we have. Multiple research studies have shown that meditation has the potential to decrease anxiety, thereby potentially boosting resilience and performance under stress.

• Happiness and healthy social life: Meditation may be a solitary activity, but it helps to increase the sense of connectivity to others. Helps to build good relationship and helps in making better choices.

Memory booster and it helps in our ability to creativity and think outside the box.

• More Compassion-Research on meditation has shown that empathy and compassion are higher in those who practice meditation regularly.

Everybody has a busy life and priorities. Finding time for meditation may be challenging but make time. Do not think meditation as one more thing to do in your list. In fact, we should not “do” meditation, because meditation “does” us. All we need to do is sit for meditation and meditation will take care of us!

Image and article:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 8, 2016
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Study: Vegetarian Blood Is 8X More Effective At Killing Cancer Cells

Study: Vegetarian Blood Is 8X More Effective At Killing Cancer Cells

By Amanda Froelich (

At present, 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women in the United States will develop cancer in their lifetimes. Furthermore, the number of cancer cases is expected to double by the year 2050. Obviously, this news is distressing. However, there is hope, and the solution could be as simple as eating more unprocessed plant-based foods.

According to a study conducted in 2005, scientists have learned that blood taken from vegans is 8 times more effective at killing cancer cells than blood taken from those following a Standard American Diet.

A series of experiments helped unearth these findings. Collective Evolution relays that test subjects were assigned opposing diets which they maintained for over a year. After participants’ blood was taken, it was pitted against cancer cells in a petri dish. The ultimate goal was to determine which diet resulted in blood that was more effective at suppressing cancer growth in the prostate.

The study states:

“Experimental group patients were prescribed an intensive lifestyle program that included a vegan diet supplemented with soy (1 daily serving of tofu plus 58 gm of a fortified soy protein powdered beverage), fish oil (3 gm daily), vitamin E (400 IU daily), selenium (200 mcg daily) and vitamin C (2 gm daily), moderate aerobic exercise (walking 30 minutes 6 days weekly), stress management techniques (gentle yoga based stretching, breathing, meditation, imagery and progressive relaxation for a total of 60 minutes daily) and participation in a 1-hour support group once weekly to enhance adherence to the intervention.10 The diet was predominantly fruits, vege- tables, whole grains (complex carbohydrates), legumes and soy products, low in simple carbohydrates and with approx- imately 10% of calories from fat.11 The diet is intensive but palatable and practical. In earlier studies most patients were able to adhere to this diet for at least 5 years.”

The blood belonging to vegan eaters had nearly eight times the stopping power when it comes to cancer cell growth. It is important to note that participants on the plant-based diet also partook in stress management groups, yoga, and other techniques to show how lifestyle choices affect cancer.

Subsequent studies against breast cancer revealed the power of eating plants for just two weeks. After just 14 days, a dramatic strengthening of cancer defenses was shown from eating a plant-based diet and engaging in light exercise (walking between 30 to 60 minutes a day).

Samples of blood were taken from women with breast cancer, and then the women were asked to spend 14 days on a plant-based diet and perform 30-60 minutes of light exercise daily. After 14 days their blood was taken again and found to significantly slow down the growth of cancer, as well as increase the blood’s ability to kill cancer cells.

However, because scientists wanted to determine how much effect the exercise component had in suppressing cancer growth, or whether the plant-based diet was solely responsible for the boost in defense, a separate experiment was conducted. The results found that exercise helps suppress cancer growth, but a plant-based diet alone has twice as much power to kill cancer cells.

Clearly, lifestyle changes can have a huge impact on one’s long-term health and quality of life. And, having blood that’s more inhospitable to cancer growth is just one major health advantage of consuming a vegan diet. Other benefits include reducing carbon output and saving hundreds of animals’ lives each year.

Read More:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 6, 2016
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Flax Seed Chutney Powder

Flax Seed Chutney Powder

One of the rich sources of Omega -3-fatty acids is the healthiest food namely flax seed. Flax seeds not only prevents excessive gas, but they can also help fight constipation. Grounded flaxseeds powder can be added to smoothies, dressings and yogurts. Apart from omega -3-fatty acids they also contain good amount of fiber and, lignans. It is good source for cardiovascular health and controls cholesterol level and known to assist in fertility and menopause as it also helps in balancing hormones.

A traditional recipe– flax seed chutney powder is very tasty and one can have this spicy item mixed with rice or can mix with oil and have with jawar roti, roti, idli, dosa and with curd rice.

1. Flax seeds 1 cup
2. Dry red chillies 8-10
3. Chana dal (Split Bengal gram) 3- 4 tsp
4. Urad Dal (Split black gram) 3-4 tsp
5. Sesame seeds 2tsp
6. Cumin seeds 2 tsp
7. Garlic (optional) 2 cloves
8. Salt


1. Heat a pan and dry roast flax seeds in low heat till aroma comes. Keep aside.(Cover the lid while roasting).

2. In same pan roast chana dal, urad dal, sesame seeds, cumin seeds, garlic and dry red chillies SEPARATELY. Let them cool.

3. Combine all the roasted ingredients and salt in a blender. Make fine powder.

4. Flax seed chutney powder is ready. Store it in an airtight container.

5. Flax seed chutney powder goes well with white rice, roti, chapati, idli etc.

Recipe by: Mamatha Anil @

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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What is a diet mean ?

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The answer is: The food you eat

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: May 31, 2016
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This food group is our body’s best source of energy?

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The answer is: Breads and Cereals

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: May 28, 2016
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