Sago [Sabudana-Rice Rava Idli]

Sago-Rice Rava Idli

Sabudana or Sago is a healthy food as it supplies protein, iron and calcium. It helps in fighting fatigue and keeps blood pressure level under control. A favorite food of many- who keeps fasting for various reasons. Did you know sago is rich in folic acid and Vitamin B and is prepared from tapioca? It helps to prevent fetal birth defects and improves the development of unborn baby.

If you are fond of Idli then try this sago -rice rava idli.


  • 1 cup small size silky Sago
  • 3/4 cup idli rava
  • Chopped green chilli – 1/2 to 1 tsp
  • One green chilli
  • One small piece of Ginger
  • 1/4 cup grated coconut
  • 1 & 1/2 cup sour curd or buttermilk
  • Oil or ghee – 1/2 tsp
  • Few Cashew nuts
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • Salt to taste
  • Few curry Leaves
  • Chopped Coriander Leaves
  • Cumin seeds – 1/4 tsp ( optional )
  • Urad daal – 1/4 tsp


  1. Wash and soak sago and rice rava in curd or buttermilk for minimum 8 hours
  2. Make tempering by heating oil in a small pan add mustard, cumin, urad  daal, cashew nuts and curry leaves
  3. Add seasoned ingredients, chopped coriander, ginger and salt to the soaked sago -rice rava mixture. Mix well.
  4. Apply ghee or oil to idli plates or molds.
  5. Pour the sago- rice rava mix into Idli plates and steam it for 5 to 6 minutes
  6. Turn of f the heat and allow it to cool for 10 minutes.
  7. Remove idli’s using a spoon and serve hot with coconut chutney and sambar


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: November 4, 2016

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