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Tag: healthy eating

Prevention of Breast Cancer

Prevention: Exercising and eating healthily is the first essential rule

Regular exercise, particularly vigorous exercise, appears to offer protection against breast cancer.

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Healthy eating plan

Healthy Eating Plan Helps To Control Weight Gain

Many factors, including consuming more calories than you need from food and beverages, lack of sleep, and low levels of physical activity, may play a part in gaining excess weight. Here are some factors that may influence weight and overall health.

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Eating Healthy this summer

Eating Healthy this summer

It’s easy to let healthy eating habits slide, but holidays can still be healthy.

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Sago [Sabudana-Rice Rava Idli]

Sago-Rice Rava Idli

Sabudana or Sago is a healthy food as it supplies protein, iron and calcium.

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Fill in the BLANK: This is a basic rule of healthy eating… EAT MORE _________________!

  • Sugar
  • Proteins
  • Plants
  • Food
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True health Care

“True health-care reform starts in your kitchen, not in Washington” -Anonymous

A well-stocked kitchen allows you to throw together a fast, flavorful meal after a long day.

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Let food be thy medicine

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”-Hippocrates

Where there is healthy eating there is not much room for worry about medicine.

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Green Beans

Buy organic foods instead…

Pesticide risk for green beans hasn’t fallen for 20 years even though progress has been made for other produce.

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