All posts by Sumana Rao

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AMRIT - Affordable Medicines and Reliable Implants for Treatment

AMRIT : GOOD NEWS! Affordable drugs for cancer and heart diseases by Govt of India

A new scheme helps all Indian citizens to get better treatment for cancer and cardiovascular disease. The pharmacy AMRIT – Affordable Medicines and Reliable Implants for Treatment – will sell 202 drugs to cure cancer and cardiovascular diseases with prices much lower than that in the open market. The government will also provide 148 cardiac implants that will be sold at 50-60 per cent discount at the pharmacy. Under the AMRIT scheme, drugs will be sold at a fraction of the market price. Docetaxel 120mg, used for chemotherapy cycle, will be priced at Rs 888.75 (93 per cent rebate for one cycle), while the MRP of the injection is Rs 13,440. Similarly, Carboplatin 450 mg would be sold at Rs 1,316.25 while its MRP is Rs 2,561.57.

“Under the AMRIT programme, we want to give medicines at an affordable cost. We have identified 202 drugs of cancer and cardio-vascular diseases where the price is going to reduced on an average by 60 to 90 percent. In the same way, 148 cardiac implants will be given from the centre and sold here and their cost will be reduced by 50 to 60 percent,” Union Health Minister JP Nadda, India.

The government’s move comes amid statistics that peg Indians diagnosed with cancer at 700,000 every year. About 2.8 million people have cancer at any point of time and half a million die of the disease each year. The annual figure of women being diagnosed with breast cancer in India is 145,000, according to the World Health Organization. A significant number of patients (nearly over 50 per cent) stop visiting hospitals after two or three cycles of chemotherapy due to unaffordable costs.

With the aim to reduce the expenditure incurred by patients on treatment of cancer and heart diseases, first Affordable Medicines and Reliable Implants for Treatment (AMRIT) outlet at All India Institute Of Medical Sciences AIIMS was opened on Sunday. It will be run by HLL Lifecare. To begin with, HLL will dispense 195 oncology drugs, 186 cardiovascular drugs and 148 cardiac implants through AMRIT pharmacy. According to HLL chairman and managing director Dr M Ayyappan- Initially, the pharmacy will retail cancer drugs. By end of November month, it will commence the dispensing of cardiovascular drugs and implants in line with cancer drugs. Based on the outcome of the AIIMS outlet, this initiative will be taken to other central government hospitals and Regional Cancer Centres.



Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: November 18, 2015
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Natural Remedies to control lice

Natural Remedies to control lice

Lice!!! – The very thought of this creature sends you reaching for your head in dismay. No matter how careful, clean and particular you are at home, children can very easily get lice from classmates and while playing with friends. Do not wait until your child starts scratching her head before you check for lice. Often, your child has had lice for a while before her scalp starts itching, and as a result, lice can go unnoticed for days – unless you check your kids head regularly. Make it a matter of routine to check your child’s hair for lice once a week. It doesn’t take more than five minutes. The earlier you find out your child has lice, the easier it will be for you to get rid of them, and the lesser the chances that the lice may spread. You need to use a variety of techniques to kill not only adult lice, but also their tiny eggs (called nits), which are glued to the hair shaft. The nits can survive treatments that kill the adults and vice versa.

There are several medicated treatments are available in the market that kill the lice, but the problem is that lice are developing immunity to these products all too soon. Here are few home tips to control and get rid of the lice from your child’s hair.


Use of essential oils

Use of Essential Oils


Hair Wash

Smother the Lice with strong odor!

Smother the Lice with strong odor!

Hair soaking

Hair Soaking

Nitpicking and combing

Nit Picking




Avoid head contacts

Avoid Head Contacts

References and Image Credits:Images:,,,,


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: November 17, 2015
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In case you feel itchy in your scalp then chances that the lice would have transferred to your head too. Shampoo hair, and blow dry, concentrating on the scalp. Follow up with a hair iron. If any of the lice has passed on to you, this should kill it. Never use hot air after applying a chemical lice treatment. Some may contain flammable ingredients.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Nitpicking and combing

Nitpicking and combing

To treat lice, there are times use lice comb to comb your child’s hair every morning and evening for few weeks. First you comb hair section by section with a special lice comb to remove lice and nits. Divide the hair to several section, have patience and pickup the nits and kill them using traditional method – crushing using nails or collect in waste paper and burn them! You can combine the combing with other home remedies.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Hair Soaking

Hair Soaking

Petroleum jelly:

Applying petroleum jelly suffocates the lice by clogging their breathing holes. Some people prefer petroleum jelly even though it is greasier and some studies found that petroleum jelly is better than other home remedies. Coat the hair and scalp, cover it overnight with a shower cap, and wash out the next morning. Comb for nits. Repeat the treatment one week later.

Mayonnaise treatment:

Drench hair with mayonnaise for few hours. Cover the hair using shower cap. Sit in hot Sun for 5-10 minutes, wash hair using warm water and comb immediately to remove lice and eggs that are separated from hair.


Some people believe vinegar will dissolve the sticky glue that the female louse uses to attach her eggs to hair shafts. The acetic acid in vinegar is considered helpful in prepping hair for nit combing after using a bug-killing treatment.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Smother the Lice with strong odor!

Smother the Lice with strong odor!

Nearly all home remedies rely on some method to suffocate the lice. Using an effective home remedy is probably preferable to putting harsh chemicals on your child’s head. Here are some of the natural “suffocating” or “smothering” treatments that work well if you follow the instructions. It’s important to note that some experts believe that the combing does most of the work. The “suffocating” treatments just stun the lice and make them slower and easier to catch on the comb.

Sesame oil and camphor

To a tea spoon of sesame oil add a pinch of camphor and apply to hair. Leave for half an hour. Because of strong camphor smell lice suffocate and move slowly. Comb hair few times and wash using warm water.

Garlic Treatment

Apply garlic paste in lime juice on the scalp. Leave it for half an hour. Wash the hair. Repeat this process 3-4 weeks. Eating raw garlic everyday helps and one can also apply garlic oil on the scalp followed by washing hair.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Hair Wash


It is likely that your child’s bed sheets, pillows, towels etc are infested with lice or nits, so make sure you put them all for a wash. Soak them well in hot water, let them dry in the sun, and iron. Wash all hair brushes and combs daily, until your child’s lice have gone.

Apply castor oil or olive oil on hair. Let the hair soak for few hours. If there is hot sun make kid sit in hot sun for few minutes. Then wash hair using warm water. Try combing the hair. Lice that are soaked in oil and affected by warm water will fall off while combing.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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