All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
More than honey

More than honey

A documentary (2012) by Markus Imhoof who is a decedent of beekeeper family focuses on importance of honey bee and the fear of their extinction that can cause change in our food system.

Many bee species are under the verge of extinction. More than honey gets into the mystery of dwindling bee population worldwide (America, Australia, Switzerland, China and other countries) and how the food supply will be affected by bee’s disappearance.

The colony collapse disorder and agribusiness of honey production – the two phenomenon is well connected by Markus in the documentary.

Movie is also a tutorial of biology and social behavior of bees and cinematography is wonderful (by Jorg Jeshel). Swiss Alps to interior of beautiful beehives brings bees close to your heart and is  one must see document.

The film also covers aspects like pesticide effect that sprayed on almond flowers in California and its impact on bee colonies. Randolf Menzel, a German neurobiologist views bee colony as a single large animal!

Per Menzel, the worker bees make up the body, and the drone and the queen are male and female sexual organs. As per this definition a colony of 50,000 bees represents a single organism with nearly 500 billion nerve cells (as compared with the human brain’s 100 billion).

A movie worth watch “more than honey”.

Image Courtesy: Google

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 3, 2017
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Super-Size Me

Super Size Me

In this movie, Director Morgan Spurlock personally explores the consequences of eating nothing but McDonald’s food for about month. Spurlock himself becomes a proverbial guinea pig in this hilarious and terrifying movie.

Every day for a month, three meals a day- he eats nothing but supersize order from the McDonald’s menu.  While examining the effect of influence of food industry and fast foods on the health Spurlock finds out the influence of fast food diet on his health.

After watching movie many ask one question “why will one eat only MacDonald’s food for a month?”

Movie was made in 2004 (shortly after McDonald’s controversy and legal battel )and still one of the most viewed nutrition related movie – a documentary is available to watch online too.

Image Courtesy: Google

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Dirt, The movie

Dirt, The movie

Dirt is very much alive and contains lot of hidden fertile matters. Mining, urban development, industrial farming has huge negative impact on the soil and this resulted in droughts, floods, starvation and global warming with climate change.

How we humans can reconnect to dirt that has billions and billions of organisms who work constantly to bring the balance?  Movie tells the story of Earth’s most unappreciated yet valuable  source of fertility “dirt” that is beneath our feet.

The film makers travel around the world to capture the stories of global visionaries like Wangari Maathai, Vandana Shiva, Gary Vaynerchuk, Paul Stamets and Bill Logan.

Dr. Vandana Shiva discusses with the narrator about her fight in preserving most valuable biodiversity of India. Documentary  narrates the planting work of renowned photographer Sebastião Salgado and his wife Lélia in Brazil.

This movie a must watch as it brings to life the environmental, economic, social, and political importance of dirt and suggests ways we can create new possibilities for all life on Earth. It talks about the lost relationship between humans and soil and how we can preserve the relationship.

Dirt was released in 2009 ; Jamie Lee Curtis (Actor), Bill Benenson (Director), Gene Rosow (Director) Movie was inspired by the book Dirt: The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth by William Bryant Logan.


Image Courtesy: Google

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Everything feels like falling apart

Does it feels like everything falling apart?

Life is a challenge, no doubt! Life is not perfect or a fairy tale. And, all of us don’t have the luxury of living a comfortable life.

Moreover, human’s ability to accept the challenge varies between individuals.

House loans, carrier pressure, relationship, farming, business, health, student loan – several things can take a dig at our life.

When things do not go the way we want, when it feels like everything falling apart, what we should do? Grandma has some advice.

  1. Don’t blame your luck: Blaming luck is easy. The more you blame your luck, situation will look hopeless. Instead, understand what went wrong and what are the negative aspect of the situation, why it happened? What could have been done differently? If you feel that all doors are closed – look for that tiny crack that can lead you to right path.
  2. Look for solutions: Look for opportunities that can be a solution for your problem. All problems will have at least one solution. The solution may not be best choice, but it can help you solve your problem. Go on internet and do some research on the subject. You will find out many possible solutions that will help you to be optimistic.
  3. Talk to reliable friends: Discuss with your trustworthy, reliable friends who does not make fun of your situation. A good friend will help you, guide you no matter what. Even if they don’t have an answer, talking and discussing with them will help you to clear your mind and chest. If you are a strong person and always ready to lend your hand to others, in these situations your friends will come through to solve the problem!
  4. Give yourself a break: Take a break and revisit the problem. When you move away temporarily by attending to other matters of your life, it may help you to consider the problem in a different angle. You may have some other pressing matters to take care in your life. Work on it! Giving a break to work out on the solution will help you to recover mentally. If possible, go on a short trip to the place where you will find peace. When life is bleak looking at nature or spending time outdoor helps.
  5. Consider positive aspects of your situation: Look at the brighter side – positive side of your situation. Study the situation thoroughly, there may be some hidden positive aspects in the situation. Write it down and study it. You will be surprised to see the positive outcome of the situation too! These experiences will help you transform into the best version of yourself.
  6. Stay grounded, strong and don’t give up hope: When things feel like falling apart, understand that everything is reality. There are many people who go through similar situation and you are not an exception. That means things will change and will come back to normalcy sooner or later. Instead of blaming yourself or others take control of situation, stay grounded and stay strong. Whatever may come don’t give up your hopes. Because pain is temporary.

Create a life full of love and admire every situation that your come across.

This helps you to gain the confidence. Remember “there is always light at the end of tunnel. Keep going in life, everything happens for a reason”.


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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 2, 2017
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Angelina Jolie suffered from Bell’s Palsy

Angelina Jolie suffered from Bell’s Palsy

Angelina Jolie, the Hollywood celebrity is not only known for her beauty and charity work, but also for speaking about health issues that she faces. Hollywood celebrity in an interview said she suffered from Bell’s palsy a condition related to nervous system of the face.

Well, this is not the first time the actress has spoken about her health. When she tested positive for BRCA1gene she went through double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery to avoid the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer. In the year 2015 she underwent another surgery to remove ovaries and fallopian tubes.  Per Vanity fair Jolie was diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure) and Bell’s palsy.

What is Bell’s palsy?

Bell’s palsy is a form of temporary facial paralysis, resulting from damage or trauma to the facial nerves. (The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke). It affects facial nerve function causing an interruption in the messages that the brain sends to facial muscle leading to paralysis and weakness of the area.

It is not an uncommon condition and can happen to anybody over 15 to 40 years old. The condition affects around one in 5,000 people a year and most commonly affects people under 60. Bell’s palsy can happen on both side of the face. The rapid onset of weakness of face can happen on lower and upper face part without any identifiable cause.

In Angelina’s case one side of her face was drooped. As per media reports she took acupuncture therapy to cure the condition and got herself cured.

What causes Bell’s palsy?

Bell’s palsy occurs when the nerve that controls the facial muscles becomes inflamed or compressed. The facial nerve passes through a narrow gap of bone near the upper jaw on its way from the brain to the face. If the facial nerve is compressed or swollen it can interfere with the signals that your brain sends to the muscles in your face. This interference can restrict the blood and oxygen supply to your nerve cells and cause the facial weakness or paralysis that is characteristic of Bell’s palsy (

Damage to nerve can happen due to trauma to the face, injury from surgery, ear infection and other types of infections.

Other infections: Syphilis, the Epstein-Barr virus – which causes glandular fever and cytomegalovirus

Viral infection is one of the main cause of Bell’s palsy; The herpes simplex virus (HSV), including either herpes type 1 (HSV-1), which causes cold sores, or herpes type 2 (HSV-2), which causes genital herpes. The varicella-zoster virus, which causes chickenpox and shingles

What are symptoms?

Mild numbness total paralysis. Many people with condition think that it is a stroke.

In long-term cases, tears in eyes and eye-mouth synkinesias (in some cases, facial nerve grows back in a different way, which can lead to a winking eye when eating, smiling or laughing)

How to cure Bell’s palsy?

To restore the symmetry of the face and based on the complexity of the symptoms condition can be cured by any of the following procedures

  • Many people recover from the condition without any treatment. To avoid complications, it is better to undergo therapy. Complications depends on the extent of nerve damage. (Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a rare and progressive condition that can cause problems with balance, movement, vision, speech and swallowing). As per NHS Choices, out of ten people seven will make a complete recovery and will get back to normalcy within nine months.
  • Physiotherapy: Physiotherapist will teach facial exercises and can help to cure the condition.
  • Plastic surgery: It is another option. Surgery may not be able to help restore nerve function but can save the eye.
  • Botulinum toxin injection: BOTOX injections can be used to treat either the affected or the unaffected side of the face in some people with long-term Bell’s palsy.
  • To restore facial nerve function – Facial exercises, relaxation techniques and acupuncture may help speed up the recovery. In Angelina’s case one side of her face was drooped. As per media reports she took acupuncture therapy to cure the condition and got herself cured.



Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: July 28, 2017
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Tips to prepare for your surgery

Tips to prepare for surgery

Surgery will be performed to make one feel better and take away the suffering.

Patients and families undergo lot of stress with fear of undergoing surgery.

Those imaginations and thoughts can have severe effect on patient health before surgery.

Whether it is minor or major surgery it is better to be prepared mentally and physically for the big day.

Here are some tips to get ready for the surgery (pre and post surgery)

  1. Address of the hospital: Have Hospital address, phone number with you. Generally hospital will notify you previous day about your appointment. If not, call the hospital number and confirm.
  2. Take out jewelry, wallet etc: Do not wear jewelry or carry valuables with you. During surgery you will be asked to remove jewelry that you are wearing.
  3. Perfumes, shower etc.: Do not wear any perfume on the day of surgery. Have a shower before going to hospital and be clean and neat. It is important to scrub down with antibacterial soap the night before surgery as well as the morning of surgery.
  4. Grocery shopping : Finish all your grocery shopping two days before your surgery. Stock up the cabinets, refrigerator, snack bar. Make sure you have sufficient healthy food for your recovery.
  5. Insurance: Call insurance and understand the copay and coverage. Don’t be surprised about the hospital bill after the surgery. If you or your spouse is working, understand how much insurance will be covered.
  6. Get to know the date of surgery: Be clear with date and time of your surgery. Mark the calendar and on the day of surgery be in the hospital on time. Being on time is essential because going through system, signing papers all these will take time.
  7. Know the name of surgeon: Ask your doctor or the referral doctor, who will perform surgery. If needed meet the surgeon. Most cases surgeon will be your specialist doctor. Meet your medical team if necessary. Talk to them and understand how and what procedure they do.
  8. Ask question: Understand the process and healing time. Sometimes hospitals will show you videos and provide your brochures that can help you understand the procedure – what to do and not to do before and after surgery.
  9. Wear lose cloth: Day of surgery and during recovery wear cotton, lose dress that is easy to remove.
  10. Take a friend or a family member: If you are alone take your friend with you or take a family member. You will need them on surgery day.
  11. Don’t eat or drink: Ask is it okay to eat or drink, Generally it is not preferred. Limit alcohol consumption and stop drinking alcohol at least a week before surgery.
  12. Stop smoking: Anyway, smoking is injurious to health. So stop smoking – this is your chance to make a life style change in the name of surgery.
  13. Anesthesia: Depending on the type of surgery you may be give local (for small part), regional (a larger area) or general anesthesia (whole body). Ask your anesthesiologist about your choices- inhaling or shot through vein or IV anesthesia can be given.
  14. Don’t fear of waking up in the middle of surgery: Talk to your anesthetist about your concern. Generally, this should not happen. But, asking question and showing concern is not a crime.
  15. Check your blood pressure: Check your BP and make sure it is normal. It is important to get BP under control before surgery.
  16. Talk to your doctor: Before surgery and after surgery talk to your doctor  if you have any health issues, including heart or lung disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, dental work, arthritis, or drug allergies.
  17. X-mark and name band: To avoid any complications while preparing for surgery make sure you are marked on the correct side /place where surgery need to be  carried out and also ask your family to recheck the name band. Nurses will ask questions too to confirm your identity.
  18. Pain and discomfort: After surgery you may feel pain, burning sensation or pressure and uncomfortable while moving. Muscles may be sore and so also your throat. If it is too much pain, explain your doctor.
  19. Keep yourself clean: Before and after surgery make sure that you are clean and don’t carry hospital infection. In case your nurse and doctor forget to clean their hands, gently remind them about it.
  20. Check medications: Ask about medications that are going to be prescribed. You don’t want any life threatening conditions to develop. For example, aspirin is a blood thinner and can cause problem.
  21. Bleeding or clotting: If you see any bleeding any part of your body inform your doctor. Similarly, people who smoke, old age, overweight, on certain medication or suffering from cancer etc. may develop clotting (Deep Vein Thrombosis) after surgery. Inform your doctor about this if you have concern and fear.
  22. Supplements: Many supplements can cause side effects. Stop supplements till you recover.  Ginkgo biloba, ginseng, fish oil – all these can cause problem when mixed with other medicines.
  23. Second opinion : Get a second opinion about your surgery and recovery process.
  24. Diet: Talk to nutritionist and understand what should be your diet before releasing from hospital.
  25. After surgery: Take medicines as described, note down any changes or uneasiness. Understand your diet and eat healthy. This will help you to get back to your feet soon.

More importantly during and after surgery- be yourself, be your best. Surgery trauma is partly psychological and party physical.  Reduce your anxiety before and after surgery. After your discharge you might need help. Call your family and friends and seek their support.


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: July 13, 2017
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Safe medicine use

Use medicines safely

Medicines can help you feel better and get well when you are sick. But if you don’t follow the directions, medicines can hurt you. Use medicines safely !

You can lower your chances of side effects from medicines by carefully following the directions on the medicine label or from your pharmacist, doctor, or nurse. Side effects may be mild, like an upset stomach. Other side effects – like damage to your liver – can be more serious.

Take these simple steps to avoid problems with medicines.

  1. Follow the directions on the medicine label carefully.
  2. If you don’t understand the directions, ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist to explain them to you.
  3. Keep a list of all the medicines, vitamins, minerals, and herbs you use. Share this information with your doctor at your next checkup.
  4. Store your medicines in a cool, dry place where children and pets can’t see or reach them.

There are two categories of medicine:The 2 categories of medicine are prescription and over-the-counter (OTC).

Prescription medicines: Prescription medicines are medicines you can get only with a prescription (order) from your doctor. You get these medicines from a pharmacy. Prescription medicines shouldn’t be used by anyone except the person whose name is on the prescription.

Get rid of expired (out-of-date) or unused prescription medicines. Learn about how to get rid of medicines safely or ask your pharmacist for tips. Sometimes you can choose between a generic medicine and a brand name medicine. Generic and brand name medicines work the same way, but generic medicine usually costs less. Talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or insurance company for more information about generic medicines. Learn more about generic medicines.

Over-the-counter medicinesOver-the-counter (OTC) medicines are medicines you can buy at a store without a prescription.

Some examples of OTC medicines include:

  • Cold and flu medicines
  • Pain medicines like aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen
  • Allergy medicines
  • Sleep aids
  • Toothpaste with fluoride

Drug Facts label :All OTC medicines come with a Drug Facts label. The Drug Facts label also gives you instructions for using the medicine safely. OTC medicines can cause side effects or harm if you use too much or don’t use them correctly.

Following the directions on the Drug Facts label will lower your chances of side effects.

Take Action: Prevent problems and mistakes with your medicines. Follow the directions carefully. Be sure to read the directions carefully when taking prescription or OTC medicines. If you notice unpleasant side effects after taking medicine, like feeling dizzy or having an upset stomach, call your doctor or nurse.

Before you use any new prescription medicines, tell your doctor:

  • About other medicines you use – both prescription and OTC medicines
  • About any vitamins, minerals, or herbs you use
  • If you are allergic to any medicines
  • If you’ve had side effects after using any medicines
  • If you are pregnant or breast feeding, because some medicines may harm your baby
  • If you have any questions or concerns about the new medicine

Be sure to keep taking prescription medicines until your doctor tells you it’s okay to stop – even if you are feeling better.

  • It’s also a good idea to talk to your doctor before you stop taking a prescription medicine – even if you’re worried it’s making you feel worse. Sometimes you can get side effects from stopping your medicine. Get more tips for talking to your doctor about medicine.
  • Ask questions to make sure you understand.

To use a medicine safely, you need to know:

  • The name of the medicine
  • Why you are using the medicine
  • How to use the medicine the right way
  • If there are any medicines, you shouldn’t take with this one
  • What the side effects could be

Keep track of your medicines.

  • Make a list of the medicines you use. Write down how much you use and when you use each medicine.
  • Take the list with you whenever you go to a medical appointment. You may also want to make a copy to give to a family member or friend in case you have a medical emergency.
  • Read and save any information that comes with your medicine.
  • Keep your medicine in the box or bottle it came in so you have all of the information from the label.
  • Pay attention to the color and shape of your pills. If they look different when you get a refill, ask your pharmacist to double-check that you have the right medicine.

For more information please visit

Put your medicines in a safe place. Medicines that are stored correctly last longer and work better. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist about safe storing of medicine (Healthylife).


Image credit: Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay  (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: July 7, 2017
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Food poisoning

Tips to avoid food poisoning

Food poisoning (or foodborne illness) happens when you get sick from eating or drinking something that has harmful germs in it – like bacteria, viruses, or parasites.

Two common causes of food poisoning are E. coli and Salmonella.

What causes food poisoning?

You can get food poisoning from eating bad (contaminated) food. Bacteria are the most common cause of food poisoning. Bacteria can get into food in several ways.

  • Raw meat, poultry (like chicken and turkey), fish, vegetables, and fruit may pick up bacteria where they are grown or packaged.
  • Foods can also pick up bacteria at the store or in the kitchen. This can happen when you don’t wash your hands – or when food that needs to be kept cold is left out at room temperature for more than 2 hours.

 How do I know if I have food poisoning?

Some signs of food poisoning include:

  • Stomach cramps
  • Vomiting (throwing up)
  • Diarrhea (frequent, watery poop)
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Body aches

Signs of food poisoning can start hours or even days after eating bad food. Usually the effects only last for 1 or 2 days, but they may last up to 2 weeks.

The treatment for most cases of food poisoning is to drink lots of fluids, like water. For a more serious illness, you may need treatment at a hospital.

When do I need to see a doctor?

Get medical help right away if you:

  1. Are throwing up many times a day for more than 2 days
  2. Can’t drink or keep down any liquids for 24 hours
  3. Have blood in your vomit or stools (poop)
  4. Have a fever higher than 101.5 °F (degrees Fahrenheit)
  5. Have extreme pain or cramping in your stomach
  6. Are feeling very weak, dizzy, or lightheaded
  7. Who needs to be concerned about food poisoning?
  8. Anyone can get sick from eating bad food. But food poisoning is a serious health risk for some people.

Following good habits like these can help protect you and your family from food poisoning:

  1.  Buy food from stores that look and smell clean.
  2. Don’t buy food past “sell by,” “use by,” or other expiration dates.
  3. Wash your hands often with warm water and soap – especially before and after touching food.
  4. Make sure food is cooked to a safe temperature.
  5. Keep raw meat, poultry, and seafood away from cooked and ready-to-eat food.
  6. Keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot. This helps prevent bacteria from growing.

 Follow these other safety tips when you choose food at the store:

  1. Check the expiration (“use by” or “sell by”) dates on everything you buy.
  2. Don’t buy cans that are leaking, bulging, rusty, or badly dented.
  3. Don’t buy bottles or jars with “popped” lids or broken seals.
  4. Make sure frozen food packages aren’t open or crushed.
  5. Buy eggs that have been kept in the store’s refrigerated section. Make sure they are free of cracks and liquid.
  6. Put meat, fish, and poultry (like chicken and turkey) in plastic bags – or separate them from other food in your shopping cart. This will keep them from dripping onto your other food.
  7. Make sure frozen food stays frozen.
  8. Shop for frozen foods last so they are less likely to thaw before you get them home.
  9. Don’t buy packages with frost or ice crystals – these are signs that the food became warm and then refroze.
  10. Plan ahead to get food home safely.
  11. Put cold foods into a refrigerator or freezer as soon as possible.

Stay safe from food poisoning when you eat out: These tips can help you enjoy healthy, safe meals away from home.

  • See if a restaurant looks clean before you even sit down. If the restaurant doesn’t look and smell clean, eat somewhere else.
  • Order your food fully cooked (well-done), especially if it’s meat, poultry, fish, or eggs. Cooking kills germs.
  • To be safe, hot food needs to be served hot, and cold food needs to be served cold. Send back your dish if it’s the wrong temperature.

It is important to understand about food storage, restaurant food quality, temperature at which various foods can be stored.


Image credit: Image by Shutterbug75 from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: July 6, 2017
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