All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
Handling temper tantrum of a child

Handling temper tantrum of child

If the little fellow throwing tantrums and becoming aggressive in his behavior it means, the toddler is becoming an independent individual. Between 18 months to 4 years’ age group children show hyper activity and sometimes can be uncontrollable.  They have limited self-control and will not understand why their behavior is not acceptable.  When you visit a store, he may take your hand and direct you to toy section. If you don’t buy something that he wants, then there will be “crying, hitting, kicking, beating” to show you “how mad he is”. It may not be the case with all children. However, generally it is the scenario -overwhelming emotions one can expect!

Some children are easy going and once you say no to something then they won’t pursue with you. Some are big reactors and tend to show more aggressiveness. They communicate using heavy tantrums. Parents responsibility is to help toddler to understand and communicate with child and show only nonaggressive ways of communication is acceptable.

Handling temper tantrum of child

  • Observe and learn: Figure out what is the reason for your child’s overwhelming behavior. Is the behavior happening at home, store, mall, with siblings, childcare or preschool? Is it happening when they visit grandparents? Or is it happening only when you are around or with a specific person?
  • Developmental stage: Understand whether the behavior is typical for your child’s age group? During developmental stages, different age groups behave differently. If it is typical, then talk to toddler in a manner she understands.
  • Temperament: How do you describe your child’s temperament? Is he a slow to warm up child? Is he afraid of new faces or does not like to be approached? Is there a fear? Because anger is one of the expression of children that they use to mask their fear. Observe and get answer. This may help you to calm down child in a proper way.
  • Your rules and behavior: If you had a strict childhood and trying to impose same rules to your child then it might be an issue with your child. Child may have a short fuse while dealing with such rules. For example, while in a restaurant if you expect your toddler to behave certain way, she may refuse to do so. You are taking child out for fun, if your expectation of her is to eat quietly then it is an issue. Your guidance in a soft and sweet manner is needed in these kinds of situation.
  • Calm yourself: When your child starts throwing tantrums, learn to calm yourself before addressing the situation. If not, you both will end up in horrible moods. Take time off for few minutes to calm down. If you lose your cool, then the distress increases in child.
  • Plan and think prevention: If you know what you expect from you child then, plan. If you are planning to go out for dinner and you know the menu, talk to toddler and describe the items in such a way that they look forward to eat. Similarly, before meeting friends or new people, talk to toddler about them, say their names and show them photos if you have any. Toddler will start recognizing the words, faces and may greet them happily or may not behave aggressively.
  • Give options: Ask your child what would be her choice. When they select their choice child calms down. When child is throwing tantrums to get something, offer something that is an acceptable alternative. If your child wants to throw objects, get a soft ball and play few minutes with him or give an empty box to use as a target box in which ball must fall. It will be fun for them.
  • Talk to child: When you have free time, talk to your child about her aggressive behavior and her emotions. Tell advantage of exhibiting good behavior versus aggressiveness. Don’t compare the child to other children. Instead, whenever she behaves well, put positive word and show appreciation. Your smile positively makes a big difference.
  • Recognition and communication: If the child wants to play in water, let him know it is okay to play but no spilling water or tell child to play in designated area. Use hand gesture and words at the same time when you communicate – If child is hitting you, tell ‘No, it hurts’ and hold his hand at his side firmly. Use an authoritative voice, but don’t show your anger.
  • Be consistent: If you have simple rules and your child is not following then, be consistence with rules. Do not change the rule. While exhibiting anger, if your child throws toy, take away the toy for few minutes. Eventually child will learn that his behavior is not acceptable and must not throw toys. Don’t negotiate with child as it becomes a bad habit in future as they will negotiate for everything.

It is important to show children that there is a logic for your behavior, there is a structure and consistency in the family and world. With parental guidance and support children will learn to manage their emotions and reactions over the years.



Image credit: Photo by Lucas Pezeta from Pexels (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 11, 2017
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When to wean baby

When to wean a baby

Weaning is a personal choice. But when to wean a baby – this every mother need to understand. Weaning is gradual introducing babies to solid food from breast milk.

Mother no need to stop breast feeding if she is not ready to do so. Generally, infants can be exclusively breast fed for the first 6 to 8 months and solid food can be introduced at around 6 months. If mother wishes she can continue breast feeding for one year or up to 2 years.

Mother need to know that after one year breast milk is only a comfort food for the baby and baby already is on solid food that gives other benefits for the developing body.

  1. Solid and formula foods: Starting solid food is important milestone of baby’s life. If the baby under one year and weaning, then it is better to talk to the pediatrician and get advice. Reason is breast milk should be replaced with infant formula. Babies older than 6 months need breast milk. If baby weans at this point talk to your doctor and introduce best nutrient food that boosts baby’s immune system. Babies at this early stages need iron, protein, vitamin D for their growth. Talk to pediatrician to get advice if not breast milk what would be the option.

Remember: Giving solid foods too soon may not be good for infant, so an infant should not be fed solid food until he or she is physically ready.

  1. Night weaning: Once the baby is on formula and solid food, night sleep will be generally peaceful. It means not many night nursing session. In the process the protein FIL (Feedback inhibitor of lactation) slows down the milk production. This natural approach is always better for both mother and baby.
  2. Baby led weaning: Sometimes babies themselves stop craving for breast milk. This usually happens after one year of growth. It is possible that the baby is adjusting to other nutrient food. Mom no need to get too emotional about it. It is a natural phenomenon.

Some signs that helps you to recognize baby’s weaning:

  • Baby stay in sitting position and holds head steady.
  • Baby picks up the food by hand and puts in her mouth by herself
  • Putting things in mouth
  • Chewing fists
  • Watching others with interest when eating
  • Demanding feeds more often
  1. Reduce session: Quitting breast feeding can be frustrating as both baby and mother must undergo pain, psychological distress and engorgement. Reduce number of feeding session slowly in days. Stop one session per day initially. And, continue to reduce the number of session. Give baby few days to adjust before stopping next session of feeding. The last feeding session is always difficult, prepare your mind for that. Humans tend to produce less milk when the session and feeding is reduced. Slowly reducing breast feeding session will also help prevent mastitis and engorged breasts conditions.

Weaning can be a source of worry. Reason is when baby herself weans then sometimes parents need to deal with cow’s milk allergy or other allergies that can be an added pressure. Dairy is part of child’s favorite foods like butter, yogurt and cheese. Many baby food formulas also contain cow’s milk as ingredient. Similarly, bread, cereal, biscuits – all these contain hidden dairy ingredients too. For these important reasons, it is very important to talk to pediatrician before starting weaning. Pediatrician or dietician can give suggestions to ensure your baby gets enough nutrients and allergy safe foods.

Listen to grandma:

Image credit: Photo by Colin Maynard on Unsplash

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 9, 2017
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8 Food & Nutrition movies one must watch

8 Food & Nutrition movies one must watch

We watch movies for entertainment and we also combine movie and food to have fun.

Why can’t we combine both to get to know what could be happening to our food industry or where the food comes from or what happens when we over eat or when we go for healthy food diet?

Many producers and directors worked on several such short movies/ documentaries and presented on screen. These movies worth watching for betterment of our health, our family health.


Here is a selection of top 8 movies that are related to nutrition, diet, food industry that hold good for all time.

Food, Inc. – Click here to read more

Food, Inc.


Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead – Click here to read more

Fat, sick & nearly dead


Forks Over Knives – Click here to read more

Forks Over Knives


Food Matters – Click here to read more

Food Matters


Cowspiracy, The sustainability secret – Click here to read more

Cowspiracy, The sustainability secret


Super-Size Me – Click here to read more

Super-Size Me


More than honey – Click here to read more

More than honey


Dirt, The movie – Click here to read more

Dirt, The movie

Some are available online and some available on DVD.


Image Courtesy: Google


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 3, 2017
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Food Matters

Food Matters

Food is better medicine than drugs! “you are what you eat” this is a basis for this movie. Worldwide people are suffering from obesity and eat junk food a lot.  This film tells us how the food we eat shapes us.

What we should do to feel better with our health?  As Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine” and food choices that we make today helps us or hurts us in longer term. The movie also uncovers the hidden agenda of health care industry.

In this 2008 movie, nutritionist, dieticians, naturopaths, including an investigative journalist – all talk about the influence of raw food, organic food, food safety and nutritional therapy to improve health!

The movie makers (Directors: James Colquhoun, Carlo Ledesma) labels the medical industry as “sickness industry” industries those make profit more from treating the symptoms of illness than curing the illness.

Image Courtesy: Google

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Fat, sick & nearly dead

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

What obesity, illness and steroids can do to our body? – watch this documentary to find out. The main character Joe Cross with 100-pound overweight, an autoimmune disease and in addition steroids in the body decides to act on his health improvement.

It is an inspiring movie. Joe Cross takes control to bring down his weight from 310 pounds.

He believes in body’s ability to heal itself and makes up his mind to support his belief. He trades the junk food for fresh vegetables and fruit juice and hits the road with his juicer to cover 3000 miles with a goal to achieve balanced lifestyle.

Joe also meets another fellow Phil Staple who is morbidly obese man weighing 429 lbs. Along with his own journey to reduce and get healthy, Joe helps Phil to start his dieting regime to become healthy.

Directed by: Joe Cross and Kurt Engfher, 2010 movie. It is an inspiring movie because what many of us think impossible was made possible by Joe. Drinking green juice for 60 days and achieving his goal with diet change! – a inspiring story.

Image Courtesy: Google

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Food, Inc.

Food, Inc.

A must watch movie! In this Oscar nominated documentary truth unfolds in front of our eyes and makes us think about where we get our food from.

The movie examines the corporate farming and its influences on everyday food. In the movie, scary truths about the corporate controlled food source unveils.

Animal abuse, animal farming, use of growth hormones for more meat (chicken, beef, pork) production, policy makers lobby – all these graphic documents are reveals on the screen. Movie segments also talks about legal and economic power of food labeling by major food companies.

The powerful movie changed the way American think about the food. Movie was often shown in colleges, vegan support groups, conferences everywhere!

Movie was directed by Robert Kenner in 2008, Michael Pollan is the consultant who also appears in the movie. Eric Schollaser is the co-producer of the movie.

Image Courtesy: Google

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Forks Over Knives

Forks Over Knives

A movie directed by Lee Fulkerson, with a concept similar to super size me by Morgan Spurlock. The difference is here in this documentary Lee explores only plant based food.

No meat, no animal protein, dairy is no good, skim milk is not better either as it contains animal protein ends up in more cholesterol. Also, one need to cut down on sugar, salt and fat.

In this documentary two food scientists focus on the popularity of processed and fast foods that lead to epidemic rates of diabetes, obesity, chronic pain and other conditions.

Instead of eating in a fast food chain, Lee in this movie eats only the plant based whole food for six months and ultimately comes out of blood pressure medications, reduced cholesterol, losing lot of weight, more energy and sleeps better!

Movie stresses on vegetarian diet and asks the viewers to contact their physicians before trying such diet.

Movie also indicates that plant based diet can reduce the risk of conditions such as cancer and can get you off medications! This 2011 movie is filled with statistics and research!

Image Courtesy: Google

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Cowspiracy, The sustainability secret

Cowspiracy, The sustainability secret

Produced by Academy award winner actor Leonardo De Caprio, this movie (2014) is all for far veganism. The movie explores the threat from animal agriculture to environment and to fossil fuels.

Director Kip Anderson probes question why the Greenpeace like environmental organization keeps quite when we know the fact that the meat industry and big farms lobby for the profit and has tie to the government.

The claim made in this documentary is that most global greenhouse gases that are driving climate change are produced by animal agriculture.

Apart from Greenpeace the other environmental organizations investigated in the film include Sierra Club, Surfrider Foundation, Rainforest Action Network etc!!

Image Courtesy: Google

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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