Forks Over Knives
A movie directed by Lee Fulkerson, with a concept similar to super size me by Morgan Spurlock. The difference is here in this documentary Lee explores only plant based food.
No meat, no animal protein, dairy is no good, skim milk is not better either as it contains animal protein ends up in more cholesterol. Also, one need to cut down on sugar, salt and fat.
In this documentary two food scientists focus on the popularity of processed and fast foods that lead to epidemic rates of diabetes, obesity, chronic pain and other conditions.
Instead of eating in a fast food chain, Lee in this movie eats only the plant based whole food for six months and ultimately comes out of blood pressure medications, reduced cholesterol, losing lot of weight, more energy and sleeps better!
Movie stresses on vegetarian diet and asks the viewers to contact their physicians before trying such diet.
Movie also indicates that plant based diet can reduce the risk of conditions such as cancer and can get you off medications! This 2011 movie is filled with statistics and research!
Image Courtesy: Google
Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 3, 2017
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