How to calculate fruits and vegetables servings?
Courtesy: TheKitchn.com
Calculating Fruit & Vegetable Servings
How do servings work?
For the most part, a cup means a cup — just measure out a cup of grapes or a cup of chopped carrots, and you have your measurement.
There are a few exceptions though.
- When it comes to salad, a cup is not a cup. It takes 2 cups of leafy greens to equal 1 cup of vegetables.
- Juice does count as a fruit. A cup of fruit juice does count as a serving of fruit, but nutritionists caution that you’re not getting the fiber and other good benefits of eating whole fruit.
- When it comes to dried fruit, cut the amount in half. A half cup of dried fruit equals one cup of fresh fruit.
- One big piece of fruit is roughly a cup. An apple, an orange, a large banana, a nectarine, a grapefruit — one piece of fruit gives you one cup.
Below is combinations of fruits and vegetables that one can consume everyday
1) Fruit: 1 large banana. 8 ounces apple juice.
Vegetables: 5 cups salad greens (which equals 2 1/2 cups vegetables), plus onion.
2) Fruit: 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup strawberries (about 8 large)
Vegetables: 1 cup coleslaw, 6 baby carrots with dip, 1 cup sautéed kale
3) Fruit: 1 cup cantaloupe, 1 cup champagne grapes
Vegetables: 1 cup sugar snap peas, 1 yellow bell pepper, 1 stalk celery
4) Fruit: 1/2 cup dried cherries, 1 apple
Vegetables: Large salad with about 5 cups salad greens
5) Fruit: 1 cup cantaloupe, 1 cup blueberries
Vegetables: 2 cups salad greens, 1 cup cherry tomatoes, 1 stalk celery
6) Fruit: 1 cup cantaloupe, 1 cup champagne grapes
Vegetables: 1 cup asparagus salad, 1 cup sautéed kale, 1/2 bell pepper
7) Fruit: 1 cup applesauce, 1 large banana
Vegetables: 1 red bell pepper, 1/2 cup cucumber slices, 2 cups salad greens
8) Fruit: 1 cup strawberries (about 8 large), 1 orange
Vegetables: 1 cup cherry tomatoes, 1 stalk celery, 1 cup sautéed kale
9) Fruit: 1 nectarine, 1/2 cup dried cherries
Vegetables: 1 cup sliced cucumber, 1/2 cup baby carrots, 1 cup sautéed kale
10) Fruit: 1 cup cantaloupe, 1 apple
Vegetables: 1 cup coleslaw, 1 bell pepper, 1 stalk celery
Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: September 7, 2017
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