Fat, sick & nearly dead

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

What obesity, illness and steroids can do to our body? – watch this documentary to find out. The main character Joe Cross with 100-pound overweight, an autoimmune disease and in addition steroids in the body decides to act on his health improvement.

It is an inspiring movie. Joe Cross takes control to bring down his weight from 310 pounds.

He believes in body’s ability to heal itself and makes up his mind to support his belief. He trades the junk food for fresh vegetables and fruit juice and hits the road with his juicer to cover 3000 miles with a goal to achieve balanced lifestyle.

Joe also meets another fellow Phil Staple who is morbidly obese man weighing 429 lbs. Along with his own journey to reduce and get healthy, Joe helps Phil to start his dieting regime to become healthy.

Directed by: Joe Cross and Kurt Engfher, 2010 movie. It is an inspiring movie because what many of us think impossible was made possible by Joe. Drinking green juice for 60 days and achieving his goal with diet change! – a inspiring story.

Image Courtesy: Google

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 3, 2017

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