All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
Belly fat & larger waistline linked to lower Vitamin D level

Belly fat & larger waistline linked to lower Vitamin D level

There is an increase in number of population worldwide suffering from Vitamin D deficiency and it is a serious health issue. Research studies have shown that Vitamin D the ‘Sunlight vitamin’ protects humans against diabetes, cancer and heart conditions. Deficiency of Vitamin D is linked to body aches, respiratory tract infections, infertility, chronic pain, tiredness, autoimmune disease and hair loss.

Apart from these conditions, obesity and weight increase is also linked to inadequate levels of Vitamin D.

A team of scientists from Netherlands Epidemiology of Obesity conducted analysis to understand the fat accumulation in body parts and lower vitamin D level. Rachida Rafiq and group of researchers, revealed the results conducted on women and men aged between 45 – 65. This data was presented in Barcelona at the European Society of Endocrinology annual meeting, ECE 2018.

The variables included smoking, ethnicity, education level, chronic conditions, exercises and alcohol intake.

Belly fat and larger waistline associated with low levels of vitamin D.

“Due to the observational nature of this study, we cannot draw a conclusion on the direction or cause of the association between obesity and vitamin D levels. However, this strong association may point to a possible role for vitamin D in abdominal fat storage and function.”- Rachida Rafiq

Team analysis revealed that in Women abdominal fat and total body fat is associated with lower vitamin D levels. Deficiency was correlated with more abdominal fat in women. In men, fat accumulation was more in liver and abdomen. It is not clear whether, the accumulation of fat causes deficiency of vitamin D or vice versa. But obesity, fat accumulation in abdomen and lower level of Vitamin D are related and Vitamin D plays a role in abdominal fat storage and function.

Belly fat means probably you need more Sun shine!

People who have larger waistlines and more amount of abdominal fats are at greater risk of having lower level of Vitamin D and should get it checked. To ward off belly fat, soaking in Sun with outdoor activities helps. If not, get Vitamin D supplements. Recommended daily allowance of vitamin D is minimum 600 IU. Foods with fortified sources can help to get Vitamin D in the system. For non-vegetarians’ egg, red meat, fish eating helps. For vegetarians’ foods like fortified cereals, juices, milk and supplements will help. Dosage of supplements depends on person’s deficiency level.

Image credit; (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 14, 2018
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Saffron health benefits

Pinch of saffron & numerous health benefits

Saffron is one of the most expensive spice in the world.  Saffron is believed to be originated in Mediterranean, Iran and Asia.  It is cultivated in Spain, France and Italy. Iran produces more than 70% of world’s saffron.

What exactly is saffron?  Botanical name of saffron plant is ‘Crocus sativus’ and common name is saffron crocus The spice we get in shops called saffron is a small part of the plant and belongs to purple flower. Slightly yellowish red color part with slight bitter taste is stigmata (stigma- singular) where the pollen germinates. Each flower has 3 stigmata and these stigmata are separated, dried and boxed to sell. It is such small part of the flower and it takes about 75,000 saffron flowers to get one pound of saffron spice! Being small part of the flower, removing the stigmata is labor intensive work and must be done manually. Therefore, saffron spice is expensive.

A pinch of saffron provides numerous health benefits and can be used in different ways.

Image credit: Pinterest, Salonik Saffron, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Henna, CC BY-SA 1.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Image by Marc Pascual from Pixabay  (CC by 0)

Saffron is a friendly herb: Click here


Benefits of saffron: Click here


 Saffron is anti-cancer agent: Read moresaffron-anticancer-healthylife-werindia

 Saffron is aphrodisiac & promotes weight loss


Saffron for skin & hair: Read more


Saffron use in daily life: Read more



Image credit:Image by Nowaja from Pixabay (CC by 0), Pinterest, Indian sweets (WerIndia),

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Watermelon seeds

Ways to consume Watermelon seeds

Next time, before throwing watermelon seeds collect and use them for your health benefits. Because, watermelon seeds are powerhouse of many nutrients and is provides many health benefits. There are different ways to consume watermelon seeds. One can use them in different ways based on their health need.

Watermelon seeds has several health benefits

  • Sprouted seeds contain high amount of protein. It helps to increase metabolism.
  • Watermelon seed oil is good for skin and hair. It has light texture and is a good moisturizer. It contains vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.
  • It is a good detoxifying agent and can be added to green tea.
  • As it contains good amount of protein, can be included in protein diet for weight loss.
  • Good food for diabetes
  • Boosts immune system and good for heart health
  • Seed oil good remedy for dark circles and for hyperpigmentation.
  • It contains Vit A, B and E along with linoleic acid, oleic acid – all are good for our skin health. It is known as antiaging oil and reduces wrinkle.

How to use watermelon seeds? Some people prefer using seeds with shells. One can remove shells after sun drying by using a rolling pin. One can boil seeds for couple of minutes and pour in cold water. Boiling process causes shells to fall off.

Different ways to use watermelon seeds are below:

  1. Roasted seeds: Roast watermelon seeds and salt seeds. To roast spread seeds on baking pan and roast at 350 F for about 45 minutes. Spray bit of cooking oil and salt. If you like spicy seeds add little turmeric, asafetida and chilli powder. Mix well. After cooling store in air tight container.
  2. Sprouted seeds: Soak seeds for about 8 hours and transfer to muslin cloth. Tie the cloth and sprinkle water. Store in a dark place for 2 to 3 days. Take out sprouted seeds and dehydrate before adding to salad. Between roasted and sprouted seeds, sprouted is better for health. Sometimes too much heat can take away nutrients from the seeds.
  3. Sun dry and eat: After washing Sun dry the seeds for few days. Consume dry seeds 1 or 2 Tbsp alternate days is good for health
  4. Sprinkle on salad: Sprinkle sun dried seeds on salads and consume
  5. With rice: Add roasted seeds to veg fried rice
  6. Powdered seeds: Prepare powder from dried seeds and mix with smoothies. Add to tea and consume.
  7. Edible oil: Watermelon seed oil is edible too and can be added to salad and curries.
  8. Add as a carrier oil: While using essential oil one can use watermelon seed oil as career oil. To any 8 to 12 drops essential oil add about ½ cup watermelon seed oil. For example, for 10 drops of rosemary oil add ½ watermelon seed oil and massage on scalp for hair growth.
  9. To apply on skin : Mix few drops of watermelon seed oil with turmeric powder and honey. Apply this on skin (face). Leave for 10 to 15 minutes and wash face using warm water. This also reduces hyperpigmentation.
  10. Apply to scalp: Massage scalp using watermelon seed oil. It gives a sleek look and is less greasy look to hair. It improves hair health.

Next time instead of seedless watermelon, buy seeded watermelon and try using them.

Image credit:

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 13, 2018
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Monsanto to pay $289.2 million in Roundup cancer trial

Monsanto to pay $289.2 million in Roundup cancer trial

A former groundskeeper with terminal cancer won a law suit against Monsanto Company. The agrochemical giant to pay total of $289.2 million dollars for failing to warn consumers that Monsanto’s popular weed killer Roundup causes cancer! The agrochemical company to pay $39.2 million as compensatory damages and $250 million in punitive damages for failing to put the warning that could have cautioned consumers.

Groundskeeper DeWayne Lee Johnson filed a lawsuit on Monsanto company which is based in St. Louis. He alleged that spraying Roundup herbicide while working as a groundskeeper to Benicia Unified School District caused him to develop NHL “non-Hodgkin lymphoma” cancer. Because of Johnson’s health condition and terminal diagnosis, the case was the first to proceed to trial. Jury found unanimously that glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup caused DeWayne develop the cancer and Monsanto failed to warn about the severe health hazard in the information.

In addition, jury also found St. Louis based Giant company Monsanto acted with oppression, malice or fraud and should be punished.

What is Roundup?

Roundup the World’s most widely used herbicide. It is a non-selective herbicide and kills most plants. There are few countries who banned use of Roundup. But the rising labor problem and effectiveness of Roundup in controlling weeds made it to the top amongst all herbicides. Currently it is used by farmers in more than 160 countries with more than 1.4 billion pounds application per year! It contains a compound called glyphosate and it is the primary ingredient that acts on weeds.

Glyphosate kills weeds by blocking proteins essential for the plant growth and development. It stops a specific enzyme pathway called “Shikimic acid pathway” that is necessary for plants growth.  In US it is the second most preferred weed killer of household lawn! Roundup is effective in killing poison ivy, dandelions, kudzu, clover etc. The primary use of Roundup is in agriculture. Soy, cotton and corn fields in US are treated with Roundup ‘glyphosate’.

Why Roundup does not kill crops?

Because seeds of popular crops are genetically engineered to tolerate glyphosate. Genetically modified seeds are modified so that the plants are not killed by glyphosate. Farmers are using Roundup on entire field without any worry. Thus, the GMO crops particularly cotton, soy and corn production has tremendously increased.

In addition to these three crops, about five million acres of California agriculture lands were treated with glyphosate during 2012 to grow peaches, onions, cucurbits, cherries, sweet corn, grapes, almonds etc.

How farmers are exposed to glyphosate?

There are various methods of exposure to glyphosate:

Air – inhalation, especially during spraying

Water – surface and groundwater used for drinking and cooking

Food – glyphosate found in soil/food

When farmers spray Roundup it can enter through skin, eyes or breathing. Some glyphosate can enter body by smoke and eating. Products containing glyphosate may cause skin and eye irritation. Swallowing can cause burn in throat and mouth, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain. Pets may be at risk if they touch or eat plants/grass. Reports also indicate that Glyphosate also might increase celiac disease by increasing gluten sensitivity.

In July 2017, California took the bold step of placing the active ingredient in Roundup – glyphosate – on its list of known carcinogens and is requiring warning labels on Roundup products containing the toxin.

Are there any other ingredients in Roundup?

Roundup is high debated chemical compound in these days/ Some research suggests that Glyphosate as such is less toxic. As per few studies, it is difficult for human skin and system to absorb glyphosate and body may throw out glyphosate through fecal matter and urine. European Union Food Safety Authority (EFSA) also concluded that glyphosate is not likely to cause cancer or DNA damage! Some claim that other ingredients that are not disclosed by the Company are significantly more toxic and responsible for its toxic effect on human cells.

What WHO has to say about Glyphosate?

WHO in 2015 declared Glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans”.  That means use of Roundup can put a person in risk of developing cancer. Glyphosate responsible for Non-Hodgkin lymphoma that originates in WBC and according to California court Dewayne Lee Johnson is one of the victim of Roundup spray. Activists who are battling to ban glyphosate lauded the decision of San Francisco County Superior Court.


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Breastfeeding benefits

Benefits of breastfeeding baby

While Breastfeeding week is underway, young mothers or parents needs to understand why it is important and why there is so much talk about breast feeding babies. It is not only babies who benefit from breast feeding, mother’s health also will be in good condition.

The very first benefit parents should be aware of “Healthier baby”! Yes, breast feeding shapes good healthy baby. Let us see what the benefits of breastfeeding for both baby and mother are.

Mother’s milk in early stages of delivery (2 to 3 days) called colostrum or premilk contains many antibodies to help baby to fight against diseases. It also contains protein and low sugar and enough for baby to fight hunger. After 4-5 days breast milk will have both more sugar as well as protein that is required for baby to grow.

  1. Healthy baby: Any types of infections – pneumonia, cold or viruses are less among breastfeeding babies. Immune system grows stronger and mother’s milk that contains all goodies helps baby to fight against invaders. It also helps baby to protect system against Type 2 diabetes, crohn’s disease and digestive system will be in proper, healthy condition.

In addition breastfed babies have lower risk of :  ear infections, diarrhea and vomiting, lower respiratory infections, necrotizing, eczema

  1. Lower’s risk of sudden infant death (SIDS): Breast milk helps baby to survive and fight anonymous conditions that might develop. It reduces SIDS risk.
  2. Less obesity: Breastfed kids have lower obesity problem and so also mother!
  3. Bone health: Bone health of mother will be strong and good condition
  4. Calorie incinerator: Breast feeding burns up to 500 calories per day (20 calories per ounce) Feeding baby gives away lots of calories form mother’s body.
  5. Reduces stress: Breastfeeding helps mother to bond with baby happily and reduces any stress that mother might have. A sense of satisfaction that grows in mother by feeding baby itself helps to increase feel good hormones in the body.
  6. Reduces risk of cancer: Both mother and baby’s chances of developing cancer reduces. Chances of getting childhood cancer in babies and breast cancer and ovarian cancer in mother is less.
  7. Bonding with baby: Baby needs mother and one way of best bonding happens while breast feeding. Mother can connect to baby with care, love and natural affection. This gives baby confidence and boosts the morale. It cultivates good and healthy relationship with mothers.
  8. Breastfeeding saves money: Medical costs will be lower as breastfed babies need fewer visits to doctors, less prescriptions and hospitalizations.
  9. Better than formula: Plenty of babies formula are available in market. We don’t know exactly what are the ingredients that goes inside. With breastfeeding parents know where the food has come from.
  10. Right temperature for baby: Breast milk keeps baby’s body temperature at normalcy.

Breastfeeding means a healthy start that lasts a lifetime. It is the perfect food for babies and good for mother’s health too!

Image credit:Photo by Zach Lucero on Unsplash

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 7, 2018
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Chia seeds

Ways to include chia seeds in diet

Chia seeds comes from Salvia flowers of mint family. Saliva hispanica is the botanical name for the plant. Chia seeds are black or white in color and not brown. There is slight nutty flavor in these seeds and no significant flavor.

These tiny seeds were a staple food of Aztec and Mayan diets.  Chia seeds became popular in recent years throughout the world and people who wants to reduce weight and cholesterol try these seeds.

Just like basil these seeds also expand to hold water. They swell into gel like globules if you keep them on your tongue.

If you are not familiar with chia seeds before consuming understand how to incorporate them in our diet and should be aware of side effects.

Side effects of eating chia seeds: Some gastrointestinal issues like bloating, nausea, stomach pain, constipation and hard stool are possible. It can interfere with diabetic medicine and affect blood sugar levels.

One may develop rashes, hives, eye itching and watery eyes as symptoms of chia seeds allergy. Chia seeds contain Omega -3 fatty acids and can cause blood thinning and low blood pressure.

How to consume chia seeds?

Before proceeding with larger amounts, use chia seeds in smaller quantity. Slowly you can increase amount in your diet. Two ways to include chia seeds in your diet are:

  1. Chia pudding: Add chia seeds to almond milk or fruit juice. Chocolate pudding is popular with both kids and adults. For one glass of liquid add about 2Tbsp of chia seeds and stir it. Seeds will absorb liquid and it appears like pudding. It will take about 10 mins to get the globules. Add little cardamom powder for flavor.
  2. Grind chia seeds and add powder to food: Dry chia powder alone is bit bitter to taste. Prepare powder of dry chia seeds and add to smoothies, juices, oatmeal and yogurt. If you prefer sprinkle on salad. Mix chia powder with flax seed powder while preparing chutney powder. Sprinkle chia powder on dosa and waffles.

Do you know chia seeds can replace egg in vegan cooking?

After consuming dry chia seeds keep yourself hydrated as chia seeds absorb water in the system.

Health benefits of chia seeds:

Chia seeds are considered as super food because of density of nutrients it possesses. Fiber, protein, omega 3 fatty acids, amino acids, calcium, potassium, magnesium, antioxidants and zinc are main ingredients of chia seeds. Adults can consume 15 to 20 grams (2 to 3 Tbsp) of chia.  If your body shows any signs of side effects stop using it in your diet.

  1. Reduces cholesterol and good for heart health – Omega 3 fatty acid content presence makes it beneficial for heart health.
  2. Weight loss benefits as it contains good amount of dietary fiber and provides less calorie. But one should not just consume chia seeds for weight loss purpose. Add exercise and practice portion control in your daily regime.
  3. Reduces obesity – Once you consume chia seeds, stomach feels full due to its liquid absorbent nature and the hunger goes down
  4. For diverticulitis: It makes bowel movement easy. However, it is important to keep yourself hydrated after eating chia seeds. Consuming too much chia seeds can also cause constipation as it absorbs water. Drinking water reduces constipation and chia seeds globules will move in bowel easily.
  5. Good for diabetes condition: Like high fibrous foods, chia with high fiber helps to keep blood sugar at bay.
  6. Chia seeds for hair: Chia hair oil is gaining popularity thanks to its protein content. It prevents hair falling and gray hair and keeps hair in good condition. Chia hair oil mask with coconut milk or almond milk, aloe gel and lemon juice helps hair to grow thicker.

Green chia smoothie: Here is a healthy chia smoothie one should try

  • Baby spinach: 2 cups
  • Water: 1.5 cups
  • Orange: 1
  • Strawberries: ½ cup
  • Blueberries – ½ cup
  • Almond powder – 2 tsp

Blend all the ingredients and add 2 Tbsp Chia seeds and consume!

Image credit: Image by xie mzc from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 3, 2018
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Kiki challenge

Kiki Kills The new #KIKIchallenge is dangerous

After Mannequin challenge, people are accepting a new viral challenge In My Feelings challenge. This popular dance craze has been sweeping internet and people are going crazy about the challenge. Many film stars and celebrities are also accepting the challenge and sharing their videos. In my feelings is a hit song of Drake.

This challenge started when comedian of the Shiggy show Shiggy shared video of himself dancing to the tune and called it “doing the shiggy”. The catchy tune is in Drake’s voice is for   “Kiki, do you love me? Are you riding? Say you’ll never ever leave from beside me.”  and heart gesture that he uses in driving motion with his arms for “are you riding” line made fans go crazy!

Since the original video went on viral, in couple of weeks on all social media including YouTube more than 400,000 posts are posted with hashtag #InMyFeelingsChallenge. People are mimicking the moves and trying to dance where ever they are. Celebrities Will Smith to singer Ciara has accepted challenge and people thought it is fun.

Is jumping out of the moving vehicles to music beat and putting oneself and others danger is fun?

Absolutely not! This was supposed to be a innocent challenge just for simple dance moves. But this challenge is turning out be dangerous as thousands of people started recording themselves while hopping into their moving cars and performing dance on road side, in traffic and on highways. Such risky dance been viewed by millions on YouTube and Instagram. It has become a dangerous trend now.

Dancing is good for health. But risking life by jumping out of moving vehicle to show you your moves and prove yourself is unhealthy!

Will Smith literally took challenge to new level by climbing top of bridge ! If he can do why can’t us?  – that is the mentally of fans. But, the deadly stunt is hurting many. Everyday there are reports about people accepting challenge and trying to prove themselves is putting many lives in danger. Many people got hurt and recently in Iowa a girl while stepping out of the car to show dance move hit by the door and suffered skull fractur, blood clots in ear and bleeding in the brain. Another man in Florida was hit by a car doing Drake’s moves.  There are growing subset of videos that are also showing failed attempts of kiki challenge. Cars hitting and crashing poles, getting hit by other vehicles, people falling and vehicles almost running over them.

Do you know? It is not just humans. Even cows, camels, goats and dogs have become the unlikely stars of the #kikichallenge videos. Animals lives are also put on danger.

In India, Jaipur police displayed a billboard with a message: “Kiki Kills” and it is really thought provoking for everybody who is aware of the challenge. In Gujrat an elderly woman danced on the road and police in Bengaluru posted a warning “If you dance for #kikichallenge on the roads, we are sure of making you dance behind the bars”.  Police warning also read “Kiki challenge may get you a kick of law not kick of dance”

In Egypt, people who found doing the challenge and obstructing traffic jailed for up one year. In Abu Dhabi three social media personalities were arrested for endangering others during dance performance. In many cities and countries the  #kikichallenge is banned! According to police in many countries, distraction in any mode is dangerous and it can be deadly. It is like texting and driving. Focusing on safety and road is important for everybody. Otherwise you will risk life of others who are on road for various tasks.

People may think nothing goes wrong when you step out and show small dance moves from moving vehicle as it takes few seconds to dance. But participating in such act can be fatal. If the challenge is healthy and do not impose to risk to anybody including the person, then accept the challenge.

Do not accept challenges that can be life threatening. All of us have responsibilities and let our behavior and action reflect that. Focus on those challenges that are healthy, worthwhile (in participating) and that do good to you and others.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Cannulated cow

Holy cow! These are cannulated cows

Humans greed is not going to end soon, and it is growing! Humans relentless ambition to use animals’ behavior and lives for food, sport and to make money – is unbelievable.

Some of those experiments humans conduct on animals is disturbing. Added to this industrial agriculture is also not fair in treating animals. We have seen how the male baby chickens face death by grinding and putting them in trash bags alive.

Another cruel example is debeaking of chickens. And, pigs are put in small cages where they live lifelong without almost no space to move. Animals are kept in horrible conditions. Another horrible practice is drilling holes in cows through a process called fistulation known as cannulated cows.

Fistulation includes partial removal of cow’s abdomen and surgically placing a cannula or plastic ring to keep the flesh open to an 8-inch hole. This keeps cow’s stomach exposed. Cannula acts as a porthole like device and allows access to rumen of the animals to conduct observation during research. The hole sometimes covered with a plug and when open one can see the stomach and its contents. The procedure commonly done in cows but can be done in horses. This practice is less in US and is much more in Switzerland. In US cannulated animals can be seen in research farms and universities

 Why this practice?

Industrial agricultural practitioners claim that this is healthy for animals as it allows transfer of microorganisms from one animal to another. Researchers study gut microbes and nutrition of animals. They also transfer microbes to another animal.  Reason of transfer is, it improves health of cows and benefits the meat and dairy industries. Ultimately these animals will be slaughtered for human’s benefits.

The claim is that, the surgery does not hurt the cows and does not interfere in its life expectancy. It allows researchers to study animals digestive pattern and to determine the quality of livestock feed.   People who justify this cruel act also say that because of cannulated cows global warming is reducing! However, the mutilation takes 4 to 6 weeks to recover. It means animals suffer and feel uncomfortable.

According to Missouri State University newspaper “It’s not all work and no play at Darr Ranch, though. …there is a day when students get to come in with any food items, ranging from Snickers bars to Twinkies. Students get to place these food items inside the steer and observe how long it takes for the cow to digest each of the items” The Standard

This evil practice is there from 1800’s. This is also a practice in animal experiments and veterinary schools. Sometimes fistulated cows are put on display at events. There is no legal protection for these cows from cruelty and even the federal animal welfare act does not protect these animals used in agricultural experiments. It is a sad state of affair and animals must undergo discrimination and pain.

Yes, the practice has been around for decades. But it is time to think what animals must be going through. We all know about animal consciousness.  After all, we love cats, dogs and treat them as our own kids. Why we are blind and deaf towards other animals’ pain and discomfort?

Cows are intelligent and smart animals. They exhibit a range of personalities. They don’t deserve such a cruel treatment, abuse or surgery. Stop supporting such inhumane act on any animals.

devra cow with hole in side (CC by 2.0)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 2, 2018
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