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What benefits we get by fasting (occasionally)?

What benefits we get by fasting (occasionally)?

Fasting is abstaining from all or some kinds of food or drink, especially as a religious observance or for the sake of health. . According to Hindu religion scriptures, fasting helps to create an attunement with the absolute by establishing harmonious relationship between the body and mind (soul). Why to fast? A wise quote says “When the stomach is full, the intellect begins to sleep. Wisdom becomes mute and the parts of the body restrain from acts of righteousness.”According to Hindu philosophy, food means gratification of the senses and to starve the senses is to elevate senses to contemplation.

Hindus fast on certain days of the month especially full moon and 11th day of the fortnight called Ekadasi. Certain days of the week is also marked for fasting, depending on individual choices and on one’s favorite god and goddess. In other religions also people fast on various occasions.

Is it good to fast? Answer is yes. Scientific studies have shown that fasting helps to achieve various goals related to body and mind. Fasting improves our body and cell structures in various ways. For instance, some people refrain from taking salt on particular days. It is common knowledge that excess salt and sodium causes hypertension or elevation of blood pressure.

Fasting in Sanskrit is upavaasa. Upa means “near” and vaasa means “to stay”. Upavaasa therefore means staying near (the Lord), meaning the attainment of close mental proximity with the Lord.

A lot of our time and energy is spent in procuring food items, preparing, cooking, eating and digesting food. Certain food types make our minds dull and agitated. According to Ayurveda, fasting helps to get rid of the toxic materials in the digestive system. By fasting, the digestive organs get relief from the work and results in body cleansing. To avoid feeling low energy or fatigue one can have warm lime juice during the period of fasting. Fasting also acts as antidote to emotional balance -as per Ayurveda, our body is composed of 80% of liquid and rest solid and the gravitational force from the moon affects the fluid contents of the body and can disturb the mind. Fasting helps to gain the balance.

What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?

1. Changes the way function of cells, hormones and genes:

• Blood levels of insulin drop significantly, which facilitates fat burning.
• It helps in production of good amount of hormones. Higher levels of this hormone facilitate fat burning and muscle gain, and have numerous other benefits. The body induces important cellular repair processes, such as removing waste material from cells.
• There are beneficial changes in several genes and molecules related to longevity and protection against disease.

2. It can help to lose weight and belly fat

• Intermittent fasting helps you eat fewer calories, while boosting metabolism slightly. It is a very effective tool to lose weight and belly fat.
• Intermittent fasting will make us eat fewer meals. Unless you compensate by eating much more during the other meals, you will end up taking in fewer calories. Additionally, intermittent fasting enhances hormone function to facilitate weight loss.
• Lower insulin levels, higher growth hormone levels and increased amounts of nor -epinephrine – this increase helps in the breakdown of body fat and facilitate its use for energy.

3. It can lower risk of Type 2 Diabetes

• Anything that reduces insulin resistance should help lower blood sugar levels and protect against type -2 diabetes. Interestingly, intermittent fasting has been shown to have major benefits for insulin resistance and lead to an impressive reduction in blood sugar levels.

4. Beneficial For Heart Health

• Studies show that intermittent fasting can improve numerous risk factors for heart disease such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglycerides and inflammatory markers.

5. Induces Various Cellular Repair Processes

• Fasting triggers a metabolic pathway called autophagy, which removes waste material from cells. Increased autophagy may provide protection against several diseases, including cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

6. Help Prevent Cancer

• Intermittent fasting has been shown to help prevent cancer in animal studies. One paper in humans showed that it can reduce side effects caused by chemotherapy.. Fasting has been shown to have several beneficial effects on metabolism that may lead to reduced risk of cancer.

7. Fasting is Good For Your Brain

• Several studies in rats have shown that intermittent fasting may increase the growth of new nerve cells, which should have benefits for brain function. Intermittent fasting may have important benefits for brain health. It may increase growth of new neurons and protect the brain from damage. What is good for the body is often good for the brain as well.

8. Intermittent Fasting May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

• Studies in animals suggest that intermittent fasting may be protective against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease.

9. Intermittent Fasting May Extend Your Lifespan, Helping You Live Longer

• One of the most exciting applications of intermittent fasting may be its ability to extend lifespan. Although this is far from being proven in humans, intermittent fasting has become very popular among the anti-aging crowd. Given the known benefits for metabolism and all sorts of health markers, it makes sense that intermittent fasting could help you live a longer and healthier life.

How and when to fast?

It is not difficult to fast, one has to make up their mind and should have self -discipline to go through a day without much food. Try once or twice and then you will see how the body feels. Do not go overboard on fasting, as frequent fasting may cause acidity and ulcer. Talk to your physician. Select one or two days in a month or select one day a week to fast. You can consume fruits and vegetables and have tea, lemon juice or other fruit juices. Do not forget to drink water. Eat something that is meant for fasting (as per your religion), or eat something very light – preferably fruits. Do not eat meat, do not smoke or drink alcohol on fasting day. Select those days which you prefer to fast and make sure to eat good meal previous day of fasting.

Remember: Fasting is for cleansing the body and to keep both body and mind happy and healthy.


Image credit: Photo by bongkarn thanyakij from Pexels (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: February 3, 2016
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Must Read: Erin Brockovich: ‘Flint, Michigan Is the Tip of the Iceberg’

Must Read: Erin Brockovich: ‘Flint, Michigan Is the Tip of the Iceberg’

By:  John Vibes at

Environmental activist Erin Brockovich has been speaking out about the lead contaminated water in Flint, Michigan, and saying that this is a widespread problem that exists across the country. Last week, Brockovich appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to share her thoughts on the issue, and explained what she learned when she sent a team to investigate the water in Flint.

Brockovich also spoke about how this crisis extends far beyond Flint.

“I can tell you that Flint, Michigan is the tip of the iceberg. I can tell you for certain that this is a national crisis that we are not getting ready to face. The crisis is already here. Even since Flint has hit the national stage, we’ve found out that Sebring, Ohio has the same problem … The same thing is happening in Louisiana, and we’re just now hearing rumors—I haven’t verified it before I came out—we’re having the same situation in Wisconsin,” Brockovich said.

Recent estimates have indicated that it could take up to 15 years and over $60 million to fix the problem, and the residents will be essentially forced to live there until the problem is solved. Despite the fact that the issue is obviously the government’s responsibility, they have made it illegal for people to sell their homes because of the fact that they are known to carry contaminated water. Meanwhile, residents are still left to purchase bottled water on their own, in addition to paying their water bill.

Brockovich is best known for building a case against the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) of California in 1993. Since then she has been a world-renowned environmental activist, and has even had a movie made about her activism, starring Julia Roberts.

Just this week it was reported that the town of Sebring, Ohio is currently experiencing a crisis identical to what residents are facing in Flint. As with Flint, officials in Sebring are rushing to cover up their part in the situation, and there is extensive evidence that the local government had full knowlege of how dangerous the water was. The EPA has accused local officials of providing “misleading, inaccurate or false reports” about the quality of water in the city.

Watch the interview with Erin Brockovich here:

(John Vibes is an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. He also has a publishing company where he offers a censorship free platform for both fiction and non-fiction writers. You can contact him and stay connected to his work at his Facebook page. You can purchase his books, or get your own book published at his website

Read More:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: February 2, 2016
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Healthy Recipe: OKRA – BESAN CURRY

Besides being low in calories, okra supplies vitamins of the category A, Thiamin, B6, C, folic acid, riboflavin, calcium, zinc and dietary fiber. It is good for pregnant women.

The other benefits of okra are – the mucilage and fiber present in okra helps to adjust blood sugar by regulating its absorption in the small intestine. It is a very good source of fiber and helps in gastro-intestinal conditions. It regulates cholesterol and good for diabetic people. Due to greater percentage of water in the bulk it thereby prevents constipation, gas and bloating in the abdomen. It also supports growth of probiotic bacteria in the gut. It also helps in hair growth and to maintain shiny texture of the hair.  It is enriched with amino acids on the likes of tryptophan, cystine and other sulfur amino acids.

If you are a okra fan and don’t know how to cook okra – here is a easy curry recipe for you.


  • Okra or bhendi – 1/4 kilogram / 250 grams
  • Vegetable oil – 3 Tbs
  • Aasafoetida– a pinch
  • Cumin seeds – 1/2 tsp
  • Mustard -1/2 tsp
  • Gram flour or besan – 4 Tbs
  • Red chili powder – 1/2  to 1 tsp
  • Coriander powder – 1 tsp
  • Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp
  • Ginger – 1 inch
  • Salt – to taste
  • Dry mango powder – 1 tsp
  • Garam masala powder – 1/4 teaspoon (optional)
  • Chopped coriander leaves – 1 Tbs


1. Roast besan : Under low flame roast besan in a dry pan. It should be roasted well and should give nice aroma. If you don’t roast the besan well, there will be a raw taste in the final dish.

2. Slit open okra: First, wash and dry okra. Then cut both ends. Make two slits in each okra without breaking or cutting it.

3. Saute okra: In a dry pan add two spoons of oil and saute okra till it becomes somewhat crispy by losing all sliminess.

4. Get seasoning ready with besan flour: In the pan take little oil, heat and add cumin and mustard seeds followed by little hing. Add roasted besan flour to this and sauté again to remove raw odor of the besan.

5. Add okra and other ingredients: To the sauted besan now add sauted okra followed by salt, turmeric powder, red chili powder, coriander powder, ginger. Now sauté well under medium flame. Mix well sothat all the ingredients should stick to okra.

6. Cover the pan with a lid and allow it to cook for 3 minutes. In between, stir the okra and cook for another 3 to 4 minutes.

7. Open and make sure the okra cooked well. Now add dry mango or amchur powder and mix well. Cook again for couple of more minutes, add garam masala and mix well.

8. Add chopped coriander leaves.

9. Serve the okra curry with jeera rice, chapati, poori, or paratha or as a side dish with daal rice.

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Embarrassing body odor – How to Fix the Problem

Healthy people sweat and so others who you have a medical condition. Well, most of us go through this – sweat and perspiration problems associated with stinky body odor. It can happen to anybody and people who go through this may face problems in public places. People may move away from the person or they may make faces. It feels like an embarrassment and nuisance. You know.. You can fix this problem. However, what do you do if the odor persists – or it is coming from a more private place? Let us see here…,

Body odor, apocrine and bacteria:

Body odor (or B.O., bromhidrosis, osmidrosis or ozochrotia) is a perceived unpleasant smell our bodies can give off when bacteria that live on the skin break down sweat into acids – some say it is the smell of bacteria growing on the body, but it really is the result of bacteria breaking down protein into certain acids. Apocrine is a special type of chemical exudation that is produced in places like the armpits, groin, hands, and feet. Some bacteria on our body feed off apocrine sweat. Once bacteria consume the sweat, they break down the chemical bonds resulting in the stinky odor. An overactive bacterial fauna on the skin becomes responsible for the bad odor of body. Propionic acid and Isovaleric acid are two acids that are present in body odor.

Some of the reasons that are responsible for the sweating followed by stinky odor are :

Less hygiene:

• Not bathing enough & not using proper body wash
• Wearing clothes that do not absorb the odor
• Not cleaning the areas properly
• Not maintaining hygiene of private parts
• Using tissue papers to clean and not washing with water


• Hyperhidrosis is a condition where a person perspire more because of stress, physical activity. You will be surprised – the most stinky sweat of all is stress sweat.
• People sweat a lot because too much physical activity.
• People sweat and produce apocrine mostly with increase in testosterone during puberty.


• Foods that contain root vegetables like garlic, onion can cause the odor in the sweat. Crucifer family vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and other veggies have typical sulfur odor and can responsible for the stinky odor.
• Foods that also contain too much spice with asafetida can cause the odor.
• Too much meat and non-vegetarian foods also can the problem too.
• Zinc is important for the body and it controls how the body need to handle the waste. If there is a deficiency in zinc then, it can cause problem.

Health problems:

• People who has health problems and are on medications  also can have bad body odor.
• Sometimes the type of body odor can tell us what might be the condition a person might be going through. Ammonia odor may be due to liver problem and nail polish odor can be due to sugar complaints.
• Inherited metabolic disorder like trimethylaminuria is also a reason for the body odor.

Combating the body odor problem


• Soak your clothes. If you sweat a lot understand how to wash your clothes.
• Soak your dress shirt in extremely cold water.
• Apply a stain remover to the armpits. Reverse the shirt and apply stain remover.
• Understand what clothes you need to wear during different seasons. Wear cotton clothes as much as possible so that body breathes properly.
• Use fabric refresher to keep the fresh odor.
• Wear multi layer clothes to prevent spreading of the odor.

Apply deodorants:

• Apply aluminum free deodorants:
• Use crystal deodorants formulated from ammonium alum
• If you are afraid of developing rashes, contact your family physician to understand which brand deodorant is the best to use or test it on a small are of your skin.
• Organic products are usually the best choice.
• It is important to keep the armpit unclogged. Do not use the deodorants that contain aluminum because it is suspected of accumulating in the nervous system and can cause nervous system disorders.
• Use anti-perspirant after your bath.

Body washing:

• Bathing everyday is important to remove odor causing bacteria from the skin.
• Wash your armpits, feet and areas where you perspire and sweat more.
• Since the bacteria can grow well in damp skin it is important to dry the body well after washing.

Use Vinegar and other natural sterilizers:

• Vinegar is a natural antiseptic solution and keeps away the bacteria and other microbes from skin surface.
• One can use spritz bottle to apply vinegar on odor causing areas, then wipe the area using a cotton soft cloth.
• One can use tea tree oil or witch hazel to wipe the areas especially arm pit area to maintain the pH of the skin and to control the growth of bacteria.

Change you food habit:

• Use less caffeinated drinks and sodas.
• Avoid too much of crucifer members and root vegetables.
• Take green supplements along with your daily vitamins to keep body odor away.
• Drink good amount of water.
• Do not smoke or chew tobacco.

Shave Underarms:

• Bacteria should not get trapped in the unwanted hair. Shave or apply hair removal under armpit to get rid of those hair. Hair traps odorants especially in the armpit which is the main culprit that makes you to get embarrassed in public.

Change your shoes and socks:

• It is very important to keep your feet healthy. One of the worst stinky odor also comes from your feet .
• It is important to change the socks almost every day. After washing socks dry them under full sun or make sure to wear totally dried socks. If not, you will have problems with bad odor at your office, work place, meetings and in gym.


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Healthy Corn Chaat

Healthy Corn Chaat

Corn or maize is one of the most popular cereals in the world and forms the staple food in many countries. Health benefits of corn include controlling diabetes, prevention of heart ailments, lowering hypertension and prevention of neural-tube defects at birth. Corn is also a rich source of vitamins A, B, E and many minerals. Its high fiber content ensures that it plays a significant role in the prevention of digestive ailments like constipation and hemorrhoids as well as colorectal cancer. The antioxidants present in corn also act as anti-carcinogenic agents and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Here is a simple and easy recipe for corn lovers: Corn chaat – easy to prepare and it is very nutritious – rich with fiber and other vegetables.


  • Corn 1 cup
  • Chopped cucumber ½ cup
  • Cooked and chopped potato ¼ cup
  • Onion chopped 3-4 tsp
  • Tomato chopped ¼ cup
  • Pomegrante – 1 cup
  • Chat masala ¼ tsp
  • Pinch of red chilli powder
  • Mint leaves chopped 1 tsp or cilantro leaves chopped
  • Lemon juice ½ tsp
  • Salt


  1. Cook/Steam the corn with little salt for 10-15 minutes in medium heat.
  1. Pressure cook the potatoes and cut into small pieces
  1. Finely chop onion, cucumber, tomatoes and mint or cilantro leaves
  1. Combine cooked corn, chopped potato, onion, tomato, cucumber, pomegranate, and mint or cilantro leaves.
  1. Add red chilli powder, chat masala, little salt and lemon juice. Mix well.
  1. Corn Chat is ready to serve.

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: January 29, 2016
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Moody Person

How are you Dealing with a Moody Person

We all will go through this experience of having at least one friend or a family member who behaves weird or moody. In common words “they drive us nuts” or “why are these people being so difficult?”  What exactly is moody? The definition is -It is the unpredictable changes of mood, especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness of a person. You cannot predict when a person becomes moody and cold towards you. You will not understand many times why they have become moody.  Reasons can be many or none. Common reasons are:

  • Family matters – People carry their family unpleasant matters in their mind and can become moody.
  • Work pressure – Work or job pressure, colleagues behavior, demand of boss can make people moody
  • Personal look – If a person all of a sudden will start feeling about their body in a different way
  • Comparison – Comparison with other friends or siblings
  • Seeking attention – The most common factor – to be center of attraction. If a person is not giving us the support we want, we try to control him through our behavior.
  • No reasons- Absolutely no reason at all.

The dilemma is how to handle these friends who often becomes moody? Throwing friendship away is not an option. Because they are good, helpful and may be you have a long history of friendship or may be childhood friends. Also, the moodiness may be the recent development. What effect someone’s moodiness might have on you? Feeling neglected, trying to constantly please the person, neglecting  your own happiness , you becoming angry or sad (because you don’t know the reason) or you may feel you are the reason for your friend’s behavior.

Let us see how you can keep your mind happy and stress free and how you can manage these situations.

  1. Take off for couple of days from the person: You need to relax and unwind away from the stress. So, engage yourself in an activity where your friend or family member cannot get involved. Avoid the cold person and embrace the warm person. This way you will feel better and will give the moody person a chance to feel your absence and not to take chance with you.
  1. Tell the person how you feel:  The mood swing behavior of the person may bother you a lot and eventually will affect your social and family life. Tell them – firmly and in a polite manner -how their mood swing is bothering you. This will help the other person to understand your feelings and they may watch their behavior with you and other people.  They may even open up to you and let you know what it is that is causing them to act that way.
  1. Show them how it is to be moody: Not to take revenge but, if this moodiness behavior of the person is happening often and bothering you too much then, show them how it will be if you become moody. When that person sees what it is like they are able to see from your point of view. This will help them to understand the other person feeling and may start explaining themselves better or may let the moodiness behavior may leave them.
  1. Do not pay attention: If someone is constantly moody around you then you should try to act exactly how you normally would and do not pay any attention to his or her moodiness.  If you feel that, this is the right thing to do then just do it. Just talk to them normally as if you have not observed their moodiness or mood out behaviors.
  1. Do not blame yourself for others moodiness: Remember you may not be even the reason for someone’s behavior. You may be just in front of them when they are upset or moody as a bystander. If you feel so, ask the person right away and tell them to be honest with you with their feelings and moods.
  1. Stand your ground: Some people use their bad mood to control others. This is the way they might have been behaving their entire life.  Do not give in to the game. Make it very clear that you do not tolerate mistreated. Communicate to them that you will consider their suggestions, but not because they are demanding it from you.
  1. Remain positive and upbeat: Sometimes your behavior of being positive and energetic brings the person to normalcy. Open up common topics for discussion that are interesting for both of you. Do not participate in the blame game with moody person. It may affect your relationship with others.
  1. Communicate & lend your ears: (Continuing with second point) Talk to the person – many a times people who are moody might going through tough time and may not even know how to express themselves.Talk to them with kindness and compassion. Sometimes in future we may be in their shoes and we may need someone to talk. For benefit of happiness of both minds- talk, listen and help.

Everybody has good and bad days. Each one of us will suffer from a bad mood from time to time. Occasionally moodiness is acceptable. However, if someone you know, seems to be constantly mood off and on the verge of an outburst, chances are they have some problems that your friendship isn’t going to solve. To keep you and others happy and upbeat, before jumping to solve the problem and / or coming to a conclusion- handle matters carefully with moody people and analyze their problem and the depth of the situation. Success in relationships really is as easy as knowing which strategy to use with friends and family depending on what is going on.


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: January 27, 2016
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Working Night Shift

Working night shift is many times unavoidable. Depending on the profession and financial needs people work through night shifts in many jobs.Manufacturing companies, software companies, hospitals have 24 hours schedules. Some companies and hospitals rotate the shifts. However, working from evening to morning shift has lot of impact on health and happiness.  Night work leads to poor decision-making, which means we do not make good decisions on what to eat. This influences our health and puts us at risk for chronic conditions. An irregular sleep schedule affects a variety of important things- including antioxidant activity, immune system, vessels can be impacted and blood pressure changes. Here are few healthy tips for people who take up night job or work during night hour schedules.

Do not forget to exercise:

After getting some rest in the morning hours do not forget to go for walk or visit gym. Take time to exercise at least 30-45 minutes every day. During night shift, most employees do not have luxury of stepping out during break. They cannot go for walk or sit out to get some fresh air. If the company has a gym facility then, use the gym and work out during the break hours. Try to take walks inside the building -walk up and down stairs, or stretch before, after your shift, or during your breaks. If not, do not forget to workout morning after your rest to keep yourself energetic. This way body will not feel tired and lethargic.

Eat good food:

People who sleep less and have disturbed sleep have a tendency to eat junk food. Before going to work finish your early dinner. Because you will be awake at night you might feel hungry. Keep some fibrous, protein rich food for yourself at your desk.

• Eat high protein foods (vegetables, peanut butter on crackers, fruit, etc) to keep you alert. If you simply must eat some sweets, which tend to make you sleepy, do so at the end of your shift.

• Stock your kitchen with easy-to-eat raw vegetables and hummus, fruits, or a container of raw almonds and raisins so that when you are tired but hungry, you make healthy food choices.

• Eat less fatty and carbohydrate foods. Do not forget to drink water and light coffee. Limit caffeine intake four to five hours before the end of your shift. It will help your body wind down for home and relaxation. Keep some light healthy snacks and dark chocolates with you.

• When you sit in front of computer for long hours your facial muscle will be constantly looking at the screen and also activities of facial muscle will be less. Have little amount of snacks in between to keep your facial muscle active.

• Drink plenty of water throughout your shift. Dehydration can cause cramps and headaches, which can make your shift very unpleasant.

Good sleep:

After your shift, once you reach home freshen up, eat good breakfast and sleep for 6-7 hours. Sleep is the best gift that you can give it to your body. Homework, cleaning and other works can wait. If you take rest then your body will feel energetic and can will have strength to focus on other activities. If it is not possible to sleep at a stretch, divide your sleep between morning and afternoon. Darken bedroom or wear comfortable eyeshade for getting consolidated sleep.


Some people take medicines to relax and to get sleep. Avoid the overuse of sleep aids. Sure, they can be a temporary solution, but in the long run they could cover up a larger problem. Avoid prolonged use of sleeping pills and other sedatives, which interfere with normal sleep patterns. Beware of cold and allergy medications, which have sleep-related side effects. Do not make it a habit to take sleeping pills and other relaxing medications to get back to normalcy. This will only increase your problem related to health.

Listen to music:

Music helps to break up the monotony of a long shift. If your company allows carry your own music collections with you and play it softly. Use fast-paced sounds to pump you up when you are dragging towards the end of the shift. Music perks up easily and keeps you awake during your shift.

Let your family & friends know about your work:

Talk to your family, discuss with your friends about your work and the demands of your job. This will help you to relax as you lent it out your worries and the feeling of someone is there to listen to your complexity of work. This will help people understand why you are off from social events or from family gatherings, if any. They will also help you out as much as possible at home to complete household works and will cooperate to get you good morning hours.

In conclusion, work involving long hours or abnormal night-day schedules has been in existence from long time. There is evidence to suggest that such schedules are here to stay, for one reason or another. The main physiological consequence of such shift schedules is disruption of circadian rhythm-, which can have a deleterious effect on performance, sleep patterns, accident rates, mental health, and cardiovascular mortality. Not all gifted with what they want. Sometimes it is our responsibility to keep ourselves healthy and happy with the given situation. If your job demands you to work during various shift then, plan and prepare yourselves for the situation.


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Yummy Potatoes

Yummy Potato – Pea Curry in Curd (Yogurt)

Peas are rich source of protein and can replace meat. Green peas are a very good source of vitamin K, manganese, dietary fiber, vitamin B1, copper, vitamin C, phosphorus, and folate. Potatoes are of course, rich in carbohydrates and a staple food. The following recipe is a protein and carbohydrate rich curry goes well with Indian naan, bread or chapatti. It also contains curd (yogurt) as one of the main ingredients and adds more flavor. Yogurt helps in the easy digestion of other ingredients & is a natural probiotic.


  1. 2-3 Medium sized potatoes
  2. 250 Grams peas (frozen or fresh)
  3. 2- Finely chopped onions (medium size)
  4. 1 inch chopped ginger
  5. 2 Green chillis and 1 red chilli
  6. 350 ml Yogurt or curd
  7. 2 tsp cumin seed
  8. 5 tsp curry powder (see recipe below)
  9. Turmeric powder
  10. Lime juice – 2 tsp
  11. 1 cup finely chopped coriander leaves with stalks
  12. Vegetable oil


  • Curry powder recipe: Add following ingredients and dry fry them on medium heat. After cooling, powder the ingredients. Store the powder in an air tight container for future use.

2 tbsp whole coriander seeds + 1 tbsp cumin seeds + 4 inches of cinnamon stick +10 whole cardamom pods +1 tbsp fenugreek +1 tsp whole black pepper + 5 – 6 long red mild chillies  + 12 curry leaves  +2 tbsp  turmeric powder.

Curry preparation:

  • Steam cook potatoes. Remove the skin and cut each potatoes into 4 – 5 pieces (not too large )
  • Heat the oil in a large, deep frying pan.
  • Add chopped onions, peas and sauté for 10-12 minutes under medium heat.
  • Add chillis, ginger and sauté for few more minutes.
  • Now turn the heat to low and add freshly prepared curry powder and mix.
  • Add potatoes, lime juice, and mix well.
  • Now beat the curd so that there should not be any clumps and add curd, coriander leaves with chopped stalks.
  • Simmer slowly for 10-15 minutes under low heat. The curry sauce needs to reduce its quantity a bit and consistency becomes slightly thick.
  • Take out from the flame, garnish with coriander leaves and serve pea -potato curry with Indian naan, bread or chapatti.

Images Courtesy: Google


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: January 26, 2016
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