All posts by HealthyLife

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Help your Kidneys to be Happy & Healthy

Kidneys are the organs that get rid of toxin waste from our body. They are situated posterior side of our abdomen. Kidneys work with other organs of our body to increase RBC production, regulating blood pressure and helps in synthesizing critical Vitamin D.  Why anybody has to go through the process of cleansing the kidneys? It is important to keep our kidneys healthy and clean. If you are –

  • feeling fatigued or more tired than usual.
  • you feel pain in your kidneys after eating certain foods
  • you are experiencing skin problems like eczema, acne or rashes.
  • you have a hormonal imbalance or feel extra moody.
  • you have had kidney stones in the past.
  • experiencing weight gain and bloating.

Ancient medicines like Ayurveda and home remedies combined has many such kidney cleansing juices.

1) Coriander water: Coriander or cilantro seeds are helpful in removing toxins. Boil 2 tsp of coriander seeds in 1 &1/2 cup water. Strain the water and drink two times a day.

2) Cranberry juice: Cranberries are powerful berries and has been touted for years as supporter for the urinary tract. Research shows that cranberries can help fight against urinary tract infections, possibly by decreasing the adhesion of bacteria to the bladder and urethra.

3) Lemon juice: Lemon being acidic protects kidney from developing kidney stones. The citrate level increase helps in this process. Squeeze 4-5 lemons into a quart of cold water and drink up. For a warming beverage, squeeze one quarter to one-half a lemon into 8 ounces of hot water daily & drink it throughout the day.

4) Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) : Roots of Shatavari has antioxidant that supports healthy kidney. It stimulates the immune system. Boil Shatavari root or root powder in water and drink ( half to one ounce).

5) Watermelon and lime: Try this – 2 cups of watermelon and juice of one lemon – mix both and blend & drink it. Watermelon is high in water content and potassium. It helps to remove small kidney stones. Together with lime, it gives good boost to body and also helps in cleansing kidneys.

6) Carrots & cucumber: To flush excess uric acid these two power packed vegetables are good. Prepare juice with 2 carrots & one cucumber.  Drink to flush the excess toxins sitting in kidney.

7) Radish juice: Radishes are super detoxifiers for the liver and gallbladder, and help the kidneys flush out excess toxins. Mix one cup radish, one cup purple cabbage and one rib of celery.  Add little water, prepare juice and have.

8)  Spinach, kale and carrots: Add 15 leaves spinach, kale and two carrots and prepare juice with little water. Drink this juice. Packed with antioxidants, digestive fiber, iron – this juice detoxifies the body while cleansing both liver and kidney.

9) Try this mix to remove kidney stones : 1 cup pure maple syrup, 9 ounces extra virgin olive oil

9 ounces lemon (with peel), 9 ounces parsley root, 9 ounces raw organic honey

Scrub the lemon and cut into pieces with the peel still on, then put it in a blender and process. Next, clean and scrape the parsley root, cut it into chunks, add to blender and process in with the lemon. Then add the maple syrup, honey and olive oil and process once more until you get a smooth, well-blended mixture. You can store this is an airtight glass bottle in the refrigerator.

Finally, try these yoga pose that helps kidneys to be active.

1) This pose is called Squeezing and soaking action. Sit straight and stretch one leg to 45 degrees.  Let the feet be flexed. Fold the other leg so that the feet touch the inner thigh of the stretched leg. Now, slowly breath and turn your torso towards the stretched leg and bend. Hold the pose and slowly breathe in and out. Repeat this on the other side too. While you bend and twist, we wring out the kidneys, getting rid of all the toxins and supplies oxygenated blood to the area.

2) If possible sit on your folded legs (similar to child pose but sitting straight). Fold both of your fists and place under your naval region. Now start bending towards the floor. While bending keep turning your fists in a way that fists massages the kidney and stomach. This again, activates the kidney and intestine – helps in easy removal of toxins.

3) Sit in easy pose on the mat or floor. While breathing slowly bend and bring your arms right side and hold the pose.  Without lifting the heads up, slowly move the arms to center – your body is folded now in the center. Slowly move from center to left side and hold the pose. This pose not only stretches the side but also, acts on kidney, liver and intestinal parts.


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Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: March 1, 2016
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Curry leaf chutney

Curry leaves chutney

Recipe by: Mamatha Anil (

The curry tree is a tropical to sub-tropical tree in the family Rutaceae  which is native to India and Sri Lanka. Curry leaves are natural flavoring agents with a number of important health benefits, which makes your food both healthy and tasty along with pleasing aroma. They contain various antioxidant properties and have the ability to control diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion, excessive acid secretion, peptic ulcers, dysentery, diabetes and an unhealthy cholesterol balance. They are also believed to have cancer-fighting properties and are known to help protect the liver. Curry leaves are good for hair growth. Chemical constituents present in curry leaves include carbazole alkaloids are responsible for antioxidant properties of this plant species.

Curry leaves chutney recipe : 


  1. Curry leaves( Karibevu ) 1 cup
  2. Grated coconut 1/4 cup
  3. Chana dal 2-3 tsp
  4. Toor dal 2-3 tsp
  5. Urad dal 2-3 tsp
  6. Green chilies 3
  7. Tamarind lemon size
  8. Cumin seeds 1/4 tsp
  9. Mustard 1/4 tsp
  10. Asafoetida pinch
  11. Salt
  12. Oil


  1. Wash curry leaves and set aside. Soak tamarind in water.
  2. Heat a tsp of oil in a pan, fry cumin seeds, toor dal, chana dal, urad dal, green chilies and grated coconut on low flame. Switch off the stove and transfer it to a plate.
  3. In the same pan fry curry leaves until they are crispy. Switch off the stove and let it cool down.
  4. Take all the fried ingredients,tamarind extract, salt and little water in mixer and blend into smooth paste.
  5. Heat oil in a pan, add mustard and asafoetida. Add ground paste and water. Let it cook for 1 minute. Switch off the stove. Serve with dosa, idli or Rice.

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: February 29, 2016
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The Shelter Buddy Reading Program

The Shelter Buddy Reading Program

The Shelter Buddy Reading Program improves dogs’ dispositions, thereby helping more pups find forever homes.

Shelter animals have the toughest time getting adopted. No longer small, fluffy, and innocent, they’ve spent time living with humans and, in effect, have taken on new behaviors or – in the worst case scenario – have been abused and now cower out of fear.

Because people tend to adopt calm and well-mannered dogs, those who have emotional trauma to overcome can either spend years in no-kill shelters or, sadly, be euthanized before they find their forever home.

A humane shelter in Missouri aims to change this and is doing so by warming up the dogs with the presence of compassionate children.

Every month, the Humane Society of Missouri holds the Shelter Buddies Reading Program, in which kids can visit and read to dogs.

The idea, really, is simple: train kids to read to dogs as a way of readying them for permanent homes, all while instilling a greater sense of empathy in the youngsters, too.

The Dodo reports that kids age 6 to 15 can sign up for the program online, after which they are trained how to read a dog’s body language. By knowing if the animal is stressed out or anxious, the kids learn emotional intelligence and are able to discern which dogs could use the most help.

Said Jo Klepacki, the program’s director:

“We wanted to help our shy and fearful dog without forcing physical interaction with them to see the positive effect that could have on them. We launched the program last Christmas, but now we offer it once a month.”

Once a youngster identifies the ‘right’ dog to read to, they are encouraged to sit in front of the kennel and interact with the dog – by reading to them.

Such a simple gesture can go a long way.

“Ideally, that shy and fearful dog will approach and show interest. If so, the kids reenforce that behavior by tossing them a treat,” said Klepacki. “What this is also doing is to bring the animals to the front in case potential adopters come through. They are more likely to get adopted if they are approaching and interacting, rather than hiding in the back or cowering.”

Amazingly, even high-energy dogs are benefiting from the program, too!

Said Klepacki:

“Hearing a child reading can really calm those animals. It is incredible, the response we’ve seen in these dogs.”

When the child completes the 10-hour training program, they are then allowed to come back with a parent and read and sit with the dogs.

The local children are encouraged to take part, not only to benefit the animals but because they benefit greatly from the volunteer work, as well.

“It’s encouraging children to develop empathy with animals. It is a peaceful, quiet exercise. They’re seeing fearfulness in these animals, and seeing the positive affect they can have,” said Klepacki.

“It encourages them to look at things from an animal’s perspective. That helps them better connect with animals and people in their lives.”

The reading program may be new, but it is showing great success in improving the behavior of dogs. In effect, more canines are finding forever homes.

Watch Video :

Image Credit: Humane Society of Missouri

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Avocado Chapati Recipe

Recipe by : Mamatha Anil  (

Avocados are nutritious fruits  with Vitamin K, C, B5, B6 and Vitamin E. It is also rich in folate and potassium. Avocado has become popular and considered as another super food.  They contain more amount of potassium than banana and contain oleic acid which heart friendly.  They supply good soluble fiber. Research shows that avocado can reduce cholesterol levels and increases good cholesterol or HDL. If you are not a fan of bland taste of avocado then try adding avocado to salads and other foods. One can make avocado chapati

Avocado chapati recipe:


  1. Multigrain flour 2-3 cups [I used DEEP multigrain flour which contains Wheat, Soyabean, Oat, Corn, Ragi, Barley, Jowar, Channa Dal and Psyllium Husk]
  2. Ripe Avocado- 2
  3. Water


  1. Cut the Avocado into half, scoop the pulp and place it in a bowl. [Discard the seed and the skin].
  1. Add multigrain flour into it. Mix well and add water little at a time and knead the dough until soft.
  1. Cover and let it rest for 30 minutes.
  1. Divide the dough into equal parts and make lemon size balls.
  1. Roll the balls in dry flour first and then roll them into thin discs using rolling pin.
  1. Heat the pan and place the rolled chapatis. Cook both the sides. Remove from heat.
  1. Serve healthy hot chapati with any sabzi/ curry

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: February 24, 2016
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Health Benefits of Wheatgrass

Super food Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is nothing but the tender cotyledons or young leaves of wheat. Leaves in wheatgrass are longer than the malt and has a rich concentration of iron, contains good amount of fiber. vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium, and has a negligible amount of protein. Wheatgrass is sold as dietary supplements as tablets, capsules or liquid forms.

Consumption of wheatgrass goes many centuries back – almost 5,000 years back to ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations. For Egyptians wheatgrass leafy blades were sacred and they honored them for their health benefits. Wheatgrass has also been used for thousands of years in India, as part of Ayurvedic medicine.  Wheatgrass can be grown indoors and it is very easy to sprout.

Wheatgrass proponent Charles Schnabel claimed in the 1940s “fifteen pounds of wheatgrass is equal in overall nutritional value to 350 pounds of ordinary garden vegetables”. One ounce of wheatgrass contains 120 calories, 8 grams of dietary fiber, 240% of the RDA of vitamin A, 93% of the RDA of vitamin C, 356% of the RDA of iron, and 12% of the RDA of calcium (Wikipidia) It also contains 8 grams of protein. The chlorophyll – green pigment content in wheatgrass is about 70%.  This content makes wheatgrass more powerful source of immune booster. Chlorophyll reverses aging, suppresses hunger, cleanses the blood, combats odor, and prevents cancer.  The benefit of wheatgrass is more when taken fresh and an empty stomach immediately after extraction.

How much wheatgrass is good? While consuming wheatgrass one need to be very careful because, too much consumption of wheatgrass can cause nausea, sickness or headache.  If you are incorporating wheatgrass juice into your diet, start with 1 ounce per day and slowly graduate to 2 ounces per day. Wheatgrass must be consumed in empty stomach or with other fresh fruits and vegetables.

Several reports and studies claims that wheatgrass is beneficial for our health in various ways.

  1. It is a source of good fiber for weight loss. Wheatgrass can provide the endurance and energy needed to burn of calories without getting fatigued. The nutrients in wheatgrass speeds up metabolism and this converts calories to energy.
  2. Reduces obesity – after consuming wheatgrass one will feel full stomach.
  3. It also believe to stimulates thyroid gland.
  4. It detoxifies and cleans liver. It helps in the movement of bowels.
  5. Improves Hemoglobin level because of high chlorophyll content.
  6. It is also a source beneficial enzymes and helps to heal the wounds fast. It helps to sooth the skin and acts as a soothing agent for damaged skin and scalp.
  7. Juice is a immune booster and reduces body pains. It has superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme that helps to reduce inflammation.
  8. Wheatgrass will cleanse your blood and help rejuvenate aging cells, slowing the aging process. It will help tighten loose and sagging skin.
  9. Wheatgrass has high potassium content and this improves skin quality and muscle tone.
  10. Wheatgrass’ alkalizing effect may, indeed, help to maintain strong bones.
  11. Wheatgrass also have some effect in reducing blood sugar level.

Try this juice to boost your day made with Kale, green apples, ginger and wheatgrass.

  • 2 bunches kale,
  • 4 green apples,
  • 1 box wheatgrass
  • 1 small piece of ginger

Grind all these together with two cups of water and sieve the content using a filter. Drink the green juice.

Disclaimer: Wheatgrass may cause nausea, headaches or swelling in the throat. Wheatgrass is usually grown in soil or water and consumed raw, might be contaminated with bacteria or fungus. It may not be good for breast feeding mother or during pregnancy period. If you are allergic to wheat, celiac disease, or gluten intolerance, check with your doctor before using wheatgrass. 



Image credit: (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: February 16, 2016
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Benefits of Group Fitness Classes

When we want to reduce weight, we hit gym. Initially with enthusiasm- we run on treadmill, use elliptical, weights or cycle. After few days of work out if we don’t get the result that we wanted, we lose enthusiasm and even feel lethargic to go to gym. There is a solution for this – joining group classes.  This is like playing together with our friends when we were kids. Group exercise provides us with an opportunity to feel young again and be physically active with others.

Now a day’s most fitness centers and gyms offer group classes for all ages.  Group classes for body works, steps and abs, pilates, yoga, aqua, cycling, kick boxing, boot camping or zumba. Women especially love to attend these classes.  Some of the benefits of joining and participating in group fitness classes include exposure to a social and fun environment, a safe and effectively designed workout, a consistent exercise schedule, an accountability factor for participating in exercise, and a workout that requires no prior exercise knowledge or experience. You will work out with help of an instructor who will be inspiring everyone in the class!

1) Motivation: Whether the class is in the morning or in the evening – once you enter the class you feel motivated just by looking at others who are attending the class. Once the work out starts following the instructor and the upbeat music makes anybody re-energized. With a friendly, bubbling instructor working out will be more fun.

2) No more boredom: While on the machine often, as we feel bored, we have a tendency to look at the clock. In the process, calorie-burning process goes slow. Whereas in a cardio group while following the instructor in no time you will be energized, sweat and even burn good amount of calories.

3) Faster result: Many people do not know what exercise they need to do or how to do. In a group class with help of instructor, this problem does not exist. Instructor will help you and guide you with proper postures. When you join classes like zumba, body works etc. you will feel your heart rate going up soon & sweat a lot. Within few weeks of workouts, one can see good change in the body – body shapes well & some good amount of pounds you would have lost.

4) Happiness and fun: Working with friends and other gym mates will makes a person happy. While working smile is contagious. Fun does not stop here -buying accessories also gives motivation and happiness.Carrying water bottle, yoga mat, weights, hair & wristbands etc and wearing nice fitness clothes makes one happy and keeps motivated to hit the gym more regular.

5) Punctuality: Workout with best friends always has an advantage. If you have not attended class for 2-3 days, friends will check on you and, a good instructor will notice your absence. This makes you feel you are accountable for your action and you will be punctual.

6) New- gym friends: You will meet people repeatedly and will start getting to know them. You may develop new friendship with new people who have same interests as you. Soon you will start discussing about your health, your classes, and your interests with them. You all will work hard and play hard at gym! You can keep your friendship to gym and you may form your own group “gym buddies” who has similar interests.

These group classes help us to connect with people in a better old-fashioned way than just texting or emailing. It brings positive changes and happiness in one’s life.

Image & article:


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: February 9, 2016
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Regina Brett’s “50 Life Lessons”

Regina Brett (born May 31, 1956) is a New York Times bestselling author, newspaper columnist currently writing for The Plain Dealer and The Cleveland Jewish News, and an inspirational speaker. She was a Pulitzer Prize finalist for commentary in 2008 and 2009. Her first book, “God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life’s Little Detours” was published in April, 2010 by Grand Central Publishing. It is now in 26 countries. Her second book, “Be the Miracle: 50 Lessons for Making the Impossible Possible”, was published in 2012. Her third book, “God is Always Hiring: 50 Life Lessons for Finding Fulfilling Work,” was published in 2015. All three books have been bestsellers in Poland.

Few years back an email with a topic “45 lesson life taught me” was circulated introducing Regina Brett in two sentences ! Interestingly, the email had mentioned that Regina Brett is 90 years old writes for The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio.  Yes, Regina Brett wrote 45 Lesson life taught me, but her age is not 90 !!. She is in her 50’s !!  When Regina turned 45, she wrote a column – 45 Lessons Life Taught Me. Later she added five more lessons when she turned 50. As Regina says, “My Life Lessons ended up e-mailed around the world. Then someone changed my age on one email to read  “Written by Regina Brett, 90 years old.” Another person attached a picture of lovely older woman older. No, that dear senior citizen isn’t me. It’s fashion designer Iris Apfel !! “

Here are 50 beautiful notes from Regina Brett’s “50 lesson life taught me”

  1. Life is not fair, but it’s still good.
  2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
  3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
  4. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
  5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
  6. You do not have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
  7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone.
  8. It is OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
  9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
  10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
  11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
  12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.
  13. Don’t compare your life to others’. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
  14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.
  15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry; God never blinks.
  16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
  17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today.
  18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.
  19. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
  20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.
  21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
  22. Overprepare, then go with the flow.
  23. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.
  24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
  25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
  26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: “In five years, will this matter?”
  27. Always choose life.
  28. Forgive everyone everything.
  29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
  30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
  31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
  32. Your job will not take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
  33. Believe in miracles.
  34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.
  35. Whatever does not kill you, really does make you stronger.
  36. Growing old beats the alternative – dying young.
  37. Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable.
  38. Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion.
  39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
  40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.
  41. Do not audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
  42. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.
  43. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
  44. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
  45. The best is yet to come.
  46. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
  47. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
  48. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.
  49.  Yield
  50. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.


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Fifteen (15) Bean Curry Recipe

Recipe by: Mrs. Mamatha Anil @

About author: Mamatha Anil lives in Bengaluru, Karnataka. Born and brought up in Sringeri, a beautiful place situated in Western Ghats – Mamatha is very much familiar with traditional and contemporary cooking. She has a MS degree in Applied Botany from Mangalore University and is very much interested in medicinal plants, gardening, cooking and interior decoration. She is also an expert in crochet work and is a very good painter. During her stay in USA, Mamatha has experimented with various ethnicity cooking and one can see her excellent recipes in her blog Bhakshya Bhojana. Expect more from Mamatha here in Healthylife columns. 

Beans are nutritional powerhouses packed with protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron, potassium, and are low in fat. Studies have shown that these legumes reduces risk of heart conditions, reduces cancer risk, lowers cholesterol and good for diabetic patients. Beans are rich source of proteins for vegetarians. Here is a curry recipe that has 15 different beans !

Serving size: 1 cup, Calories :120. Quantity mentioned below is sufficient for four people.


15 bean 1 cup ( I got the 15 bean pack from Wal-Mart which contains 15 different varieties of beans- Northern bean, pinto bean, large lima bean, yellow bean, baby lima bean, garbanzo bean, green split pea, kidney bean, cranberry bean, small white bean, pink bean, small red bean, yellow split pea, white kidney bean, black bean)

1. Coconut (grated) ½ cup
2. Onion medium size 1
3. Tomato medium size 1
4. Red chilli powder ½ tsp
5. Coriander powder ½ tsp
6. Turmeric powder ¼ tsp
7. Green chillies 3-4
8. Tamarind grape size
9. Ginger small piece
10. Garlic 3-4 cloves
11. Cashew 3-4
12. Clove 2
13. Cinnamon small piece
14. Peppercorn 2-3
15. Poppy seeds ¼ tsp
16. Cumin seeds ¼ tsp
17. Mint leaves (chopped) ½ cup
18. Cilantro/Coriander leaves (chopped) ½ cup
19. Salt
20. Oil
21. Water


1. Wash and soak the beans overnight.

2. Soak the tamarind in little water and filter it.

3. Pressure cook the soaked beans with little salt and water. (4-5 whistle)

4. Heat oil in a frying pan and add cloves, cinnamon and peppercorns. Add cashews and cumin seeds fry them. Add split green chillies fry them. Add chopped ginger, garlic and onion fry them till transparent. Add poppy seeds. Add chopped mint. Add red chilli powder, coriander powder and turmeric powder. Add grated coconut and fry. Finally add chopped coriander leaves. Mix well and switch off the stove. Let it cool. Grind them into smooth paste with tamarind water.

5. Heat oil in a pan, add cumin seeds. Pour the ground paste; add ½-cup water and little salt. Let it boil. Once it starts boiling, add chopped tomato and cook for few minutes. Add cooked beans and cook for 5 minutes in low to medium heat.

6. 15 bean curry is ready. It goes well with Poori, Chapati, Roti and Rice.

Image and recipe:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: February 8, 2016
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