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Family Traditions

Why family traditions matters?

This age younger generations are moving away from family traditions. It is generally happening for various reasons. Career, change in lifestyle, moving to bigger cities, busy life etc are some of the reasons. Family sizes also shrinking and traditions are disappearing. Traditions play a huge part in creating lasting memories of those we love and care about. It is important to hold the values of our traditions.

There are people whose views are different when it comes to following traditions. General argument that one can hear is “in this era of advanced technology and internet” we are connected and can reach people around the world within seconds!  People think that participating in traditional activities is considered old fashioned and boring.  What we forget here is merely learning about tradition from the internet is not the same as putting it to practice.

What is family tradition anyway?

Celebration of festivals together, visiting places once a year with family, spending time with family week end or time of year, gift exchanges, festivals, birthday celebrations, potluck, summer and winter family sports, movie night, game night, moon walk, cooking together etc.  There are many benefits we gain by participating in family traditions.

1. Whether your tradition is based on culture, fun or values – it gives children a sense of identity and security. During the process of interaction, children will pick up healthy habits and it helps shape up a healthy family.

2. Knowing family history helps everyone understand the root, what struggles ancestors faced, what skills they had and how to shape up future life.

3. Family gettogether also helps in gaining knowledge about the hereditary related health issues.

4. Gives sense of support and closeness – healthy discussions and encouragement from siblings, elders, cousins help in understanding oneself.

5. It is not just a time pass on cultural, social or religious heritage – it is also connecting generations and interaction on a solid foundation. Being excited about something with the ones you love makes any tradition more special.

6. High level of grand parental involvement increases the well-being of children.

7. In this fast-paced changing world having a bit consistency in life gives sense of security. Traditions involved in family bonding helps to build character, comfort and security in life. You can count on people who are related to you.

8. Faith and trust – whatever the religion or caste you belong to… family rituals like dining and praying together teaches children the value of faith, truth and trust.

9. Children will learn the value of society, community and importance of coexisting. It also teaches child how to face the world during different situation.

Overall, traditions help people to have better relationships with family and friends as well as have a sense of identity and belonging. Making memories with family traditions is important. Because our traditions weave the colorful fabric of our family’s life together and fill it with laughter, love, and smiles.

In fact, all those shared memories make us who we are. The children who understands a lot about their families tend to do better when they face challenges in life. More than money or things, the most important gift that we can give our children as a family is memories. Those laughs, smiles, silly cries and tiny, consistent moments are what makes life so very special.


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: May 2, 2017
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Sulforaphane, a compound thought to protect against cancer, is found in

  • broccoli
  • cabbage
  • tea
  • kale

The answer is: a, b and d - all three from crucifer family

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: May 1, 2017
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Vitamin E is one of the few major nutrients not listed on nutrition labels, in part because only a few foods contain significant amounts. What are the best sources?

  • eggs
  • wheat germ
  • safflower oil
  • nuts

The answer is: b, c and d

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: April 30, 2017
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Only one juice is high in iron. Which is it?

  • orange
  • prune
  • carrot
  • apricot

The answer is: Prune (A cup of prune juice has 3 milligrams of iron)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: April 28, 2017
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Cosmetics Safety Tips for Expecting Moms

Expecting moms – cosmetic safety tips

Expecting moms – stay away from cosmetic chemicals – As  the fetus  grow and change over nine months, mother reconsider some options for growing baby’s health. This includes foods, daily habits, exercises and also personal care products. Doctors also give suggestions and advice what to use not to use during precious pregnancy. Apart from these regular helpful advice like to stop smoking, reduce alcohol consumption, and eat a healthy and balanced diet, it is highly recommend that women green their personal care product routine.

A significant and growing body of research shows that pregnant women’s exposure to chemicals — particularly endocrine-disrupting compounds— can negatively affect normal development and may even increase their child’s risk for later life disease.

Starting in the ninth week of pregnancy and continuing on to birth (otherwise known as the fetal stage), hormones direct the development of the reproductive and endocrine systems (which regulate metabolism and other aspects of development) of a baby.  This is a very sensitive window of susceptibility, and it is important to make sure that both moms (and baby!) are extra careful to reduce and avoid exposure to possible endocrine disrupting compounds, reproductive and developmental toxicants, and carcinogens. Prenatal development is intimately tied with what the mother consumes. Similarly, personal care products and cosmetics may also reach a developing fetus, and it is important to look at what is in your makeup bag during pregnancy.

Products of Concern: Color cosmetics, shampoo, lipstick, conditioner, fragrance, nail polish, lotion, anti-aging products

Chemicals of Concern: Benzophenone, butylated compounds, carcinogens, fragrance, octinoxate, parabens, phthalates, polyacrylamide, p-phenylenediamine,

Where will you find these chemicals?

  1. Aluminum chloride hexahydrate: Found in antiperspirant; check for aluminum chloride hexahydrate and aluminium chlorohydrate.
  2. Beta hydroxy acids: Salicylic acid, 3-hydroxypropionic acid, trethocanic acid and tropic acid.
  3. Chemical sunscreens: Avobenzone, homosalate, octisalate, octocrylene, oxybenzone, oxtinoxate, menthyl anthranilate and oxtocrylene.
  4. Diethanolamine (DEA): Found in hair and body products; stay clear of diethanolamine, oleamide DEA, lauramide DEA and cocamide DEA.
  5. Dihydroxyacetone (DHA): Found in spray self-tanners; could be harmful if inhaled.
  6. Formaldehyde: Found in hair straightening treatments, nail polishes and eyelash glue; look for formaldehyde, quaternium-15, dimethyl-dimethyl (DMDM), hydantoin, imidazolidinyl urea, diazolidinyl urea, sodium hydroxymethylglycinate, and 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol (bromopol).
  7. Hydroquinone: A lightening agent; abstain from hydroquinone, idrochinone and quinol/1-4 dihydroxy benzene/1-4 hydroxy benzene.
  8. Parabens: Keep away from propyl, butyl, isopropyl, isobutyl and methyl parabens.
  9. Phthalates: Found in products with synthetic fragrances and nail polishes; avoid diethyl and dibutyl especially.
  10. Retinol: Vitamin A, retinoic acid, retinyl palmitate, retinaldehyde, adapalene, tretinoin, tazarotene and isotretinoin.
  11. Thioglycolic acid: Found in chemical hair removers; can also be labeled acetyl mercaptan, mercaptoacetate, mercaptoacetic acid and thiovanic acid.
  12. Toluene: Found in nail polishes; skip methylbenzene, toluol and antisal

If you are expecting follow these safety tips:

  • Simplify your beauty routine by reducing the number of products you use!
  • Reduce or avoid nail treatments or hair dye during pregnancy.
  • Be careful with lipstick or mineral makeup since they may contain traces of heavy metals like lead.
  • Read labels closely and find safer alternatives using tools like the Think Dirty app and GoodGuide.
  • Use natural homemade cosmetics, the ingredients of which you are aware.

See more at:

Image credit: Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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It’s 4 p.m. and hunger strikes. Which is the best snack option?

  • A bowl of vegetable and bean soup
  • A serving of whole-grain crackers and low-fat cheese
  • Half a turkey sandwich on whole-wheat bread
  • One-quarter cup of hummus and medley of raw veggies
  • All of the above

The answer is: All of the above

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: April 26, 2017
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Miracle of Fennel Tea

Miracle of Fennel Tea

Aromatic, little spicy and a great medicinal herb that all of us should keep in our kitchen cabinet is Fennel.

We all know fennel seeds are good for digestion and also great to get rid of that bad mouth odor.

There are many other uses of Fennel tea and try this when you have these conditions.


1. To get relief from: abdominal pain, cramping and other types of gastrointestinal spasm:

Heat 1 tsp. of crushed fennel seeds and 1 cup of whole milk until the mixture boils.

Strain and sip the hot liquid.

2. Relief for Bronchitis & Coughs

  1.  1 ½ ounce fennel seeds
  2. 1 ounce coriander seeds
  3. 1 inch dry ginger
  • Prepare powder of all three ingredients and store in a tight bottle.
  • Use 1-2 tsps of the herbs per cup of boiling water.
  • Steep the mixture for 10 minutes and strain.
  • Sweeten the tea with 1 teaspoon of honey to enhance its expectorant effect and relieve cough quickly.

 3. Asthma and Whooping Cough Relief

  1. 1 ounce fennel seeds
  2. 1 ounce anise seeds
  3. 2/3 ounce marsh-mallow root
  4. 2/3 ounce thyme
  • Prepare powder of all four herbs
  • Use 1-2 teaspoons of the herbs per cup of boiling water.
  • Steep for 10 minutes and strain.
  • Sip at least 3 cups of the tea daily to relax the airways and relieve spasms.

 4. Flatulence Relief in Adults & Colic in Infants

  1. 1 ½ ounce fennel seeds
  2. 1 ounce caraway seeds
  3. 1 ounce anise seeds
  • Prepare powder of these 3 ingredients – mix well.
  • Use 1-2 teaspoons of the herbs per cup of boiling water.
  • Steep for 10 minutes and strain. Sweeten with honey if desired, unless the tea is to be given to an infant.

 5. Relieve Digestive Complaints in Infants & Children

Being antispasmodic fennel is good for infants in little quantity. It reduces spasm and pain in  the little one’s tummy.

  • Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of crushed fennel seeds.
  • Allow it to steep for 10 minutes and strain. You can use milk too for steeping.
  • Give little amount to child (above 5 years)

6. For lactation:

Use Fennel tea to increase milk production in nursing mothers. The infusion also can relieve breast infections and nipple soreness.

  • To make the tea, use 1 teaspoon of crushed fennel seeds per cup of boiling water.
  • Steep for 10 minutes and strain. Drink at least 3 cups of the tea each day.


Children older than 5 years of age should be given only half of the amount mentioned here. And infants should be given one-eighth of the adult dose. Do not give raw honey to babies and infants.



Image credit: Image by Putzeck from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: April 25, 2017
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Flying pigeon pose for body strengthening

Flying pigeon pose for body strengthening

The external rotation of the hip with some of the body’s weight on it creates openness.  It opens the deep lateral rotators of the hips. Concentration, balance, shoulder, core and spinal strength along with balancing – these are few things we achieve by practicing this pose. This pose is named after Sage Galav who was Hindu Lord Rama‘s one of  the Guru –

Sanskrit name: Eka Pada Galavasana (eh-kah pah-dah gah-lah-VAHS-anna)

eka = one, pada = foot, Galava = the sage Galava


  • Strengthens the arms, wrists, neck, and shoulders
  • Opens the hips
  • Strengthens the core
  • Improves balance


  1. Pregnancy
  2. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)
  3. Wrist, shoulder, or lower back injuries


1. Begin standing in Mountain pose. Cross your right ankle just above your left knee. Flex your right foot.

2. Bend forward to place your palms on the ground in front of you, shoulder-distance wide. Press the backs of your upper arms against your right shin. Hook your right toes around your upper left arm.

3. Lift your hips and bend your elbows. Shift your body weight far enough forward that your left foot lifts off the floor. Straighten your left leg so it’s parallel to the ground.

4. Balance in the pose for several breaths. Exhale and lower your back leg to the ground. Carefully unwind and then change sides.



  • One-Legged King Pigeon pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
  • Reclining Pigeon pose
  • Modifications:
  • Place a pillow or blanket beneath your head to alleviate the fear of falling forward.



  1. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
  2. Eagle pose (Garudasana)
  3. One-Legged King Pigeon pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)


  1. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)
  2. Gorilla pose (Padahastasana)


  1. Shift your body weight far forward to balance.
  2. Spread your fingers wide.
  3. Pull your chest forward to lengthen your front body.
  4. Push the floor away from you to activate your core.


  • Reach your back leg up and toward the sky.


  • Toes not hooked around the upper arm


Image and article is published with permission from

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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