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Tag: health Fitness

10 fitness resolutions that will help improve your health

10 fitness resolutions that will help improve your health

It's the beginning of the New Year and that means that your fitness resolution is potentially full of unfamiliar things. At t

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Healthy body tips

Grandma’s 25 Tips For A Healthy Body

Our ancestors have passed down their wisdom and rich experience to us, to lead a healthy life while acquiring a healthy body.

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Zumba fitness

Zumba Fitness : A fun filled exercise for all age groups

Zumba Fitness is a Latin-inspired cardio-dance workout that uses music and choreographed steps to form a fitness party atmosphere.

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Benefits of Group Fitness Classes

When we want to reduce weight, we hit gym. Initially with enthusiasm- we run on treadmill, use elliptical, weights or cycle.

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Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)

Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)

Stand straight /erect with feet slightly touching together. Knees should be tight (do not lock), chest forward Join the palms in front of the chest in Namaskara mudra.

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Urdhava Hastasana (Raised Arm pose)

Urdhava Hastasana (Raised Arm Pose)

Exhale and slowly stretch the arms straight forward and above the head.

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Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

From Adho mukha svanasana slowly inhale and putting your weight on the hands bring the right leg between the two hands and straighten the left leg behind like a stick resting on the toes

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Adho Mukha svanasana ( Downward Dog pose)

Adho Mukha svanasana ( Downward Dog pose)

From Ashwa Sanchalanasana inhale and exhale while bringing back the left foot meet right foot.

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