Yoga sequence to promote hair health

Yoga Sequences For Hair Growth And Hair Health

Are you trying hard to grow and maintain your hair? Are you trying new hair products and new ways to keep good hair? Try practicing yoga sequences for hair growth and maintenance. Yoga helps to keep body and mind in harmony. When our mind is in good health, our body feels energetic. Apart from good diet, shampooing, conditioning and applying oil, include yoga in your daily practice to promote hair growth.  

Hair plays a major role in our appearance. Hair grows from the bottom root in hair follicle. The tiny blood vessels known as capillaries supply essential nutrients including protein to follicle root for hair growth. The living part of hair called bulb at bottom of hair made of cells and these cells divide every 23 to 72 hours leading to hair growth.

There are several conditions that make humans lose hair. Stress and improper or insufficient nutrients are two key factors responsible for hair loss. Practicing yoga not only helps to reduce stress, also improves blood circulation in turn provide nutrients needed for hair growth. Several yoga poses promote hair growth in different ways.

People who suffer from hair loss, to maintain hair health, to promote hair growth and to reduce gray hair can practice next few yoga poses in sequence. This will help in blood circulation, oxygen supply, nutrient supply, stress relief and good hair growth. Apart from this, adding good diet in your daily regime is also important for beautiful hair and to maintain healthy hair.


Cover image credit: Image by Shahariar Lenin from Pixabay  (Free for commercial use)

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: October 28, 2020

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