Flu and pandemic winter

How to be safe during Covid-19 surge and cold season

Many reports are indicating that this fall season there is surge in Covid-19 cases. Flu season affects millions of people every year and this year coronavirus pandemic is adding to the existing pain. Cold weather, school openings, and flu season are adding more fuel to the Covid-19 and there are more cases reported in recent days.

According to health researchers because of the flu, people could be more vulnerable to the pandemic and are expected to have more people hospitalized and an increase in mortality.

How can we be safe in this cold season and make sure we pass this crucial time?

You don’t need to sit at home 24 hours to get through a pandemic. However strict precautions can help you to enjoy the winter weather.

  1. The strongest weapons to prevent Covid-19 are Social distancing, hand washing, and facial masks. We all aware of these three practices. However, some people want to visit extended family and friends. By visiting near ones such people are putting everyone at risk. To stop spreading the disease, experts suggest limiting the physical contact in this cold season. Instead of a big gathering, restrict yourself from visiting or inviting a selected group of friends and family. Avoid contact and inviting other people into this group. Discuss and plan on how to spend time with this close nit group for the next three to four months.
  2. You should know about your health conditions. If you have existing conditions, then talk to your doctor about your risk of getting Covid-19 infection. There are Apps available to help to determine whether you are at risk of contracting the infection by looking at our location, activity, duration of the activity, and how many people around you take precautions to protect their health. These apps also suggest to you how to decrease your risk.
  3. If you are planning to travel on holiday before your trip avoid generally crowded pubic places as well as indoor serving restaurants. Avoid contact with people whom you don’t know. Many states and countries advise you to get a Covid-19 test done before your travel and will ask you to self-quarantine. In case you test positive then it is better to stay back at home and watch symptoms. If your results negative, still you should keep your guards up. Sometimes, the tests fail to detect the virus.
  4. Visiting family and friends sounds fun and exciting because this year has been emotionally rough for everyone. However, when visiting near be safe and cautious. If you are visiting your parents or grandparents who are elderly with a low immune system, keep a distance from them while interacting. Wear masks and face shields, gloves, use sanitizer, wash hands – take all these precautions when you are with them.
  5. A holiday gathering is fun and cold weather means all will be looking for indoor socializing. Avoid such gathering or keep gathering outside in the back yard with a fire pit and warm clothes and jackets. Maintain distance with all and tell everyone to interact at distance. Outdoor does not mean that you are fine without precautions. Follow all safety rules to Coronavirus out of your life.
  6. To be safe, CDC suggests that, Halloween 2020 parties and trick or treating should be celebrated with close friends, families, and neighbors at safe distance. Instead of attending a costume party or scavenger hunt, CDC suggests having virtual contests. Plan on having dinner with your close family members on Thanksgiving Day. Share recipes and have virtual dinner with friends suggests CDC.
  7. During winter many will develop mental health issues due to seasonal affective disorder (SAD).  If you are one of those who does not like short daylights and gets SAD, then prepare to face the winter in this pandemic. Talk to your family and friends and plan on activities. Join online classes, spending time with the trusted group as mentioned earlier in this article, practice yoga, and meditation that help you to bring wellness to both mind and body.

Don’t forget to take all necessary precautions related cold and flu seasons. Flu and Covid-19 symptoms can be initially confusing. Get your regular flu shot to avoid getting sick from flu virus.

Coronavirus is highly contagious, and winter is known for cold and flu season. The combination of both will put our health at high risk. Take safety precautions, practice hygiene, and keep safe.

Image credit: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 21, 2021

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