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Tag: Covid symptoms

When to quarantine and when to self isolate

Covid And Flu: Understanding When To Go On Quarantine And When to Go On Self-Isolation

Guys, don’t say good bye to mask yet. Covid variants are out there and we need to take precautions. In addition, flu like symptoms are prevailing and people are having fever, cold, cough and sore throat. When tested for Covid-19, some are showing negative to the virus presence. Still the Covid cases are increasing across the globe.

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Flu and pandemic winter

How to be safe during Covid-19 surge and cold season

Many reports are indicating that this fall season there is surge in Covid-19 cases. Flu season affects millions of people every year and this year coronavirus pandemic is adding to the existing pain. Cold weather, school openings, and flu season are adding more fuel to the Covid-19 and there are more cases reported in recent days.

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Proning Helps Covid-19 Patients Breath Easily at Home

Proning Helps Covid-19 Patients Breath Easily at Home

One of the major symptoms of Covid-19 infection is respiratory distress.

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Indoor allergy during lockdown

Are you experiencing indoor allergy during the lockdown

It has been several months, people are spending more time indoors with fear of Coronavirus. Generally, people are taking extra precautions to stay away from those who are sick. Simple cough or cold brings unintended fear in mind about Covid-19.

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