All posts by HealthyLife

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Remedies For Common Ailments

Remedies For Common Ailments

These below remedies are for most common ailments that one can suffer in day-to-day life. For many of these ailments we don’t need to see doctors immediately. Many of these remedies does wonderful work and reduces the ailments. If the condition does not improve for 3 days then, see your family physician.


Ginger juice mixed with honey is one of the most common remedy advised by grandmother for cough.

  • Take a piece of ginger and remove the skin
  • Extract the juice using a mixer grinder.
  • Leave this extract undisturbed for about ten to fifteen minutes
  • Drain out the juice.
  • You will find a white paste-like deposit at the bottom. Discard this deposit.
  • Mix a spoonful of honey (or sugar) and drink.

Cold :

  • Cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice from one half into a cup. Studies show that vitamin C taken before the onset of a cold shortens its duration and severity. Drop the lemon half shell into the cup.
  • Add boiling water and a teaspoon of organic raw honey, an immunity booster that also coats painful throat tissues.
  • Breathe in the healing vapor to open sinuses, and sip a cupful two or three times daily to fight the bug.


  • If fever is high continuously, apply cold pad on forehead. This reduces fever and it will not reach brain.
  • To induce sweating prepare hot a cup of hot ginger tea. To make the tea, steep a half-teaspoon minced gingerroot in 1 cup just-boiled water. Strain, then drink.
  • To make you sweat and increase blood circulation use hot peppers. All you need to do is if cayenne pepper is available sprinkle a bit on your foods when you have a fever. One of its main components is capsaicin, the alarmingly hot ingredient that is found in hot peppers.
  • Drink 8 to 12 glasses of water a day or enough to make your urine pale. Drink lots of fluid. Avoid caffeine and caffeinated drinks.
  • Instead of heavy food, consume rice porridge, barley water with little clarified butter or ghee. This gives strength to body. On the side have lemon pickle. Make sure to remove the spice and consume pickled lemons with porridge.
  • To gain strength have fresh orange juice.
  • Apply garlic paste mixed with coconut oil or olive oil under the feet. Wrap the feet using a old cotton cloth or gauze.  Leave this for few hours. Do not leave the mix if there is growing irritation or too much burning sensation.
  • Drink hot soups with little butter.
  • Drink hot peppermint tea to get good sleep and reduce muscle ache.
  • Boil few holy basil or Tulsi leaves in a cup of water until the solution becomes half. Regular consumption of this drink for 2-3 days is very good remedy for fever.

In most cases it is better to allow fever to go through its courses. If the fever persists more than 4-5 days then contact your doctor – grandma suggests.


An age old grandma’s home remedy for sinus is an oil bath.

1) Boil 2 cups of water, add one tsp of turmeric, one inch of ginger, pinch of asafetida. Inhale steam of this by covering and hovering using a towel. You will get good sinus relief.

2) Mix few drops of garlic oil and eucalyptus oil. Inhale the odor and get relief.

3) Stir up a concoction of equal quantities of lemon juice and horseradish. Eat one teaspoonful of this mixture an hour before you eat breakfast. Well, grandma says you should have courage to taste horseradish!

4) Dip a small clean towel in hot water. Wring it out and place it over your sinuses. Take care not to burn your nose!

5) Add 1 tablespoon powdered cinnamon and 2 cloves to 8 oz of boiling water. Steep, cover for 20 minutes, then uncover and cool slightly. Add honey and lemon to taste. Drink 1 to 3 cups a day.

6) Add few drops of eucalyptus oil to boiling water and inhale steam by covering towel on the head so that steam does not escape.

Stomach ache:

For stomach upsets and loose motion, take a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds and swallow it with drinking water two or three times in a day, which normally cures stomach upset and loose motion. Curd rice or rice kanchi (Rice Cereal with lots of liquid) is the menu during stomach upsets.

Stomach ache or pain:

Many a times we get a normal stomach ache that could be due to various reasons from eating something that does not suit us to over eating of a spicy food. Grandmas home remedies are in plenty for stomach pain. Try this before you panic and go the doctor.

  • One and half teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and a glass of butter milk will do the magic. Just put the fenugreek seeds into your mouth and swallow them with the help of butter milk. Those who have an aversion for milk products can swallow the seeds with the help of water. You must be alright almost immediately, say within 15-20 minutes.
  • Castor Oil: Just in case the pain is a little more than bearable, apply castor oil around your stomach in addition to the fenugreek seeds that is swallowed. You are sure to get rid of the pain which is an ordinary one due to a stomach upset. You can also feel gas relieved. This is a handy remedy for kids and adults this works very well in children.

Acidity and Gas Problem:

  • Half a fresh lemon
  • One teaspoon of baking soda
  • Salt to taste (optional)
  • One glass of drinking water

Squeeze out the juice from the lemon. Add salt and lemon juice to the glass of water. Add one teaspoon of baking soda, stir and drink the bubbling water immediately.

Mouth Ulcer or Oral Ulcer:

Oral or Mouth ulcer is a common problem. Traditionally it is believed that mouth ulcers are an indication of possible ulcers in the stomach and grandmas home remedies gives you relief from these painful ulcers.

  • The leaves of the black nightshade is a good cure for mouth ulcers.
  • A handful of fresh leaves are to be plucked from the plant, washed and eaten raw. This has to be repeated 2-3 times for at least 2 days.
  • Alternately a tasty Indian dish commonly known as the “dal and greens leaves” can be made and eaten with rice. The leaves of this plant have to be cooked with mung bean (green gram). Salt and asafoetida are to be added as per taste and seasoning of mustard seeds is optional. Incidentally mung bean also has the property of healing ulcers. This too has to be repeated for 2-3 days.
  • Any of the above 2 methods result in the reduction of painful mouth ulcers and cures in 2-3 days time.
  • Mung bean or green gram is available in all Indian supermarkets.

For bad breath relief:

  • Gargle with a small cup of lemon juice to kill odor-causing bacteria. Then eat a bit of plain unsweetened yogurt, which contains beneficial Lactobacillus bacteria. These so-called probiotics compete with and replace the reeking bacteria. The lemon-yogurt combo instantly neutralizes odor and lasts 12 to 24 hours.
  • Eat few beetle nuts two times a day.
  • Chew one cardamom three times a day.
  • Chew few coriander seeds and drink water.
  • Drink mint tea.
  • Brush your teeth 3 times a day! And floss the teeth.
  • Chew one clove a day.

For Hiccups control:

1) Swallow 1 to 2 teaspoons of sugar. The dry granules stimulate and reset the irritated nerve that is causing the spasms of the diaphragm. Any coarse substance, such as salt, can work in a pinch, but sugar tastes best.

2) Take breath and hold your nose for few seconds and release the breath.

3) Drink little warm water with little sugar

Sore throat:

1) Gargle twice daily with a solution of six pressed garlic cloves mixed into a glass of warm (not hot) water. Follow the regimen for three days. Research shows that fresh garlic juice has antimicrobial properties that fight pain-causing bacteria. The warm liquid soothes inflamed tissue.

2) Chew few spinach leaves and swallow the saliva/ juice

For burns:

1) If you grazed your skin with a hot-from-the-oven cookie pan, apply Aloe vera gel to the burn as needed. The soothing and anti-inflammatory gel creates a second skin to protect it from air, which irritates exposed nerve endings.

2) Apply honey on the burnt spot using cotton ball. Honey is a good remedy for wounds and burns!

Read more at:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: September 27, 2016
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Which one of the following is most likely to improve your memory?

  • vitamin E
  • phosphatidyl serine
  • lecithin
  • ginkgo biloba

The answer is: Phosphatidyl serine

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: September 26, 2016
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Vegetable Omelet

Vegetable Omelette

Here is another way to eat your daily vegetables. And, this is a vegetarian or vegan omelette recipe that contains no eggs.

Mung or Moong Daal is the main ingredient of this recipe. It is a good lentil that helps in reducing body inflammation. It contains all those good qualities of beans with sufficient proteins, rich in potassium, folate and other members of the vitamin B complex. It also supplies some amounts of Vitamin K, E and C!

Add vegetables of your choice and try this moong daal vegetable omelet with coconut chutney!


  1. Moong daal – 1 cup
  2. Rice – 2 Tbs
  3. Salt – as per your taste
  4. Oil
  5. Vegetables:
  • Chopped Onion – 2 Tbs
  • Green chilli -1 chopped
  • Grated carrot -3 Tbs
  • Tomato -1 Tbs
  • Cabbage – 2 Tbs
  • Grated coconut -2 Tbs (optional)
  • Cilantro -1 (little)


1) Wash moong daal and rice and, soak in water for 2-3 hours

2) Grind this daal-rice mix to a fine paste

3) Add salt and little more water to make it a dosa batter or omelet consistency

4) Add all cut vegetables, cilantro and grated coconut (optional)

5) Pour the mix on heated tava (medium flame) like pancake or omelet

6) Cook both sides so that, vegetables will cook well

7) Serve hot vegetable omelette with coconut chutney!

Recipe for coconut chutney:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Meditation vs Detention

Baltimore school replaced Detention with Meditation

As a conventional method of punishment, most students are sent to detention, subjected to undesirable after-school activities, or even suspended when they do something wrong. That’s how a Baltimore elementary school, Robert W. Coleman, used to do things before they discovered a new, healthier way to approach “discipline”.

Since the program started, not a single student has been suspended!

Partnering with the Holistic Life Foundation, the school now employs the Mindful Moment program to instead teach kids to wind down, reflect, and breathe in tough situations. When students are misbehaving, they send them to the Mindful Moment room for “individual assistance with emotional self-regulation.”

The room is equipped with staff that has the necessary training to help students with anxiety, stress, headaches, and more issues that can cause them to act up or feel the need to stop by the room on their own time. For students that are referred there by teachers, the specialists spend 5 minutes in targeted discussion with them and then 15 minutes doing appropriate mindful exercises to help them; this can range from breathing exercises to simple yoga.

In this troubled neighborhood, the mindful moments help them to not only decompress but to also overcome the trauma they might have faced that’s causing them to act out. Ali Smith, one of the masterminds behind the program, said,

“They see people get murdered, they see violence, they see all types of things and it is all kind of building up inside them never actually had a way to kind of be aware of it and release it, so we are kind of giving them the tools to be aware of it and let it go.”

What’s amazing about the program is that it’s not only helping the students at school but in their home life as well. Many of the children are bringing back what they’re learning by telling their own stressed-out parents to breathe as a way alleviate their tension.

Since the Mindful Moment room’s inception last year, not a single student has been suspended, proving that the program really works to motivate students to pause before making a bad decision. Rather than stewing in their own anger or stress in detention, the students are gently pushed to deal with the underlying cause of their behavior and instead turn it into something positive.

In addition to the special room for students in need of assistance, the school also plays a Mindful Moment audio file over the loudspeaker every morning and afternoon to start their day off right and send them off calmly. The 15-minute exercise in breathing, meditation, and focus helps the children to re-calibrate.

Studies show that meditation can relieve pain, enhance creativity, relieve stress and boost immune systems. Regular practice can increase left frontal activity in the brain, which is associated with positive mood, and decrease activity in the amygdale, the area related to stress and anxiety.

This practice at the Baltimore elementary school, and other schools employing the program, is ground-breaking and proving to be very effective. More schools should consider an alternative approach similar to this to promote positivity rather than strict punishment, especially in areas that are high in crime.

Read more here: By Brianna Acuesta  @

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Which of the following long-term complications can result from food poisoning?

  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • kidney disease
  • nerve damage
  • all of the above
  • none of the above

The answer is: All of the above

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: September 24, 2016
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All but one of the following can be a sign of vitamin B-12 deficiency. Which one isn’t?

  • memory loss
  • excessive thirst
  • mental confusion
  • blurred vision
  • tingling in the feet

The answer is: Excessive thirst

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: September 22, 2016
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Overcome Worries

Worry will take you nowhere

We all worry. Yes, we all worry for various reasons – family, promotion, work, no money or wages, health, love, relationship, grades, business etc. Worry is the act of thinking about the unknown or expecting something worst or bad with a fear in mind. We worry for small reasons and for big reasons. In addition, we worry about something that does not even exists or not happened yet. Does worrying solve our problems? No, it will take us nowhere.

We all are humans and our mind gets bogged down for no reasons. It is natural to develop a fear towards unknown future. Getting nervous and having fear stops us from reaching our goal or looking for a solution. Some people will worry for no reasons. This is a habit. Even if they have a happy family and everything one could ask for – still they worry. If you ask, what is the worry about – you may find the reason very silly or it may not make any sense at all.

The problems worry can cause are:

  • Distracting the focus and your goal
  • Distracting your work and activities
  • Worry from fear is hard to forget or unlearn, so it re-occurs easily and becomes habitual.
  • Your pessimistic action and words will act on your surroundings negatively.

To overcome worries and be neutral one has to recognize their own worrying/pessimistic behavior. Unfortunately, more “worriers” do not realize that they are worrying type. If you think that you might fall in this category then take a note book and look for these common visible traits  in yourself:

  • Irritability
  • Anger
  • Confusion
  • Lack of focus
  • Insecurity
  • Nightmares

With these behaviors people also exhibit unnecessary stress- People who worry for different reasons will be stressed easily.

How to overcome worries?

1) Think about the positive things that are happening for you. Just focus on positivity and happiness. Learn to smile. Smiling helps a lot to overcome unnecessary worries.

2) Write down the positive outcomes from your deeds and feel good about it.

3) If you start worrying about unknown future, stop the thought there itself. Do not encourage the thoughts. Instead, turn on radio, TV channels for good show, visit temple, meet good friends, volunteer, practice gardening and try to be in the midst of people.

4) Before going to bed do not think about tomorrow. Be grateful to what you have achieved today. Think about all good things happened to you and your family.

5) Understand that positive behavior is having good effect on you. Changing one’s mindset is a difficult task. Nevertheless, keep focusing on your positive thoughts that  eventually becomes a habit itself. You will start shedding the worries and start embracing the good thoughts. You will affirm – at present how you feel about being and experiencing the positive outcomes you desire with complete disregard to negative worries that were crossing your mind.

6) When you start worrying remind yourself is your worry is justifying or justified? What effect it had on you? Did it solve your issues? If not, what is that helped you to solve your issues.

7) Learn to avoid worries:

  • Avoid the source or situation that generates the worry. Try to overcome the fear.
  • The fear of change usually turns this into worrying about the unknown. Be open-minded and embrace new things in your life. Do not be afraid of outcomes.
  • Remind yourself, how often things happened according to your wishes.
  • Encourage others; do not put negative thoughts and worries in their head.
  • Do not control your actions because of fear and worries.
  • Faith and hopes can lead to positive outcome in life.
  • Understanding what is that responsible for worries and finding a solution by acting on it reduces worries.

8) Remember: Worrying will never change the outcome. It is your action towards the problem (that if exists) that will help you.

Life’s philosophy is whatever happens, happens for the best. Worrying about something, which is not in our control, is not going to solve our problems. Sometimes problem may not even exits. It may be our imagination. Kill that unnecessary worry by thinking “what did you gain by worrying”?  If your answer is nothing- then, stop worrying today itself and start living!

Read more at:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Rakhi Special Contest Recipe By Shikha Poddar

Rakhi Special Contest Recipe By Shikha Poddar

Our contest – ‘Independence Day/ Raksha Bandhan‘ is now closed. We got an awesome response from our users in the contest. All the recipes were simply fantastic.

Here’s one of our runner up’s  recipe:

#RakhiRecipe – Oats Kheer:


1/4th cup long grain rice & Oats (washed and drained), 4-5 cups milk, 2-3 cardamom seeds (crushed), 2 tbsp almonds (blanched silvered), a pinch of saffron threads soaked in a little hot milk, 1 tbsp skinned pistachio nuts (chopped), 1 tbsp raisins (optional), 2-3 tbsp sugar or as desired

How to make kheer:

Put the rice, oats, milk and cardamom in a pan, bring to boil and simmer gently until the rice is soft and the grains are starting to break up. Add Oats, almonds, pistachio, saffron and raisins and simmer for 3-4 minutes. Add the sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Remove the rice kheer from heat and serve either warm or chilled.

Try these awesome recipes at home & enjoy!!

Recipe By: Shikha Poddar [Independence Rakhi Special Contest Runner up]

Source:  WerIndia Blog

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: September 20, 2016
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