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Natural Remedies For Head Lice

How to get rid of head lice naturally?

All school-going children generally will face the problem of lice growing in their hair. They lay eggs and increase their generation drastically if we do not take action. Later they will enter every family members head! Here are some natural remedies from grandma to control as well as to get rid of the lice from hair.

1) Vinegar: Apply vinegar (spray) on the hair and tie a towel around or put a shower cap. Leave it for two hours. If you feel that vinegar is too strong for your child then mix it with coconut oil.  Wash hair, using shampoo and comb the hair. Keep a paper underneath on the floor so that lice will fall on the paper. Wrap and get rid of the paper or burn it.  Repeat this 2 or 3 times a week and don’t forget to wash pillow cases and bed sheets! This method also dissolves the nits (eggs) shells !!

2) Camphor and hair oil: Mix a small piece of camphor and hair oil (coconut, sesame or olive oil).  Camphor is very strong and may burn eyes. Take proper precautions before using it! Apply this mix on the scalp and on nits’ areas. Strong odor of camphor suffocates the lice and they will start moving. Cover head with shower cap and leave it for half an hour. Remove shower cap and comb the hair. Later wash hair using warm water and comb the hair again.

3) Garlic treatment: Apply garlic paste in lime juice on the scalp. Leave it for half an hour. Wash the hair. Repeat this process 3-4 weeks. Eating raw garlic everyday helps and one can apply garlic oil on the scalp followed by washing the hair.

4) Petroleum jelly: Applying petroleum jelly suffocates the lice by clogging their breathing holes. Some people prefer petroleum jelly even though it is greasier and some studies found that petroleum jelly is better than other home remedies. Coat the hair and scalp, cover it overnight with a shower cap, and wash out the next morning. Comb for nits. Repeat the treatment once a week for next few days.

5) Nit-picking and combing: To treat lice, there are times use lice comb to comb your child’s hair every morning and evening for few weeks. First you comb hair section by section with a special lice comb to remove lice and nits. Divide the hair to several sections, have patience and pickup the nits and kill them using traditional method – crushing using nails or collect in waste paper and burn them! You can combine the combing with other home remedies.

6) Hot sun, warm oil in lemon juice: Warm sesame oil and mix with a table spoon of lemon juice. Apply this on hair. Let the hair soak in this mixture. Ask child to sit in hot sun for 20 min to half an hour. Comb the hair under sun. Wash hair using warm water and comb again. Acidic nature of lemon juice dissolves the nits shell.

7) Use essential oils: From essential oils stores you can buy a bottle each of rosemary, tea tree and lavender oil. Take 20 drops of each of these oils and put them in measuring cup. Now, add vinegar and double the amount of olive oil so you have half a cup of the mixture. Apply this to your child’s scalp and leave on overnight. Wash off the next morning, and apply any leftover mixture to your child’s head the next night.

8) Do not share combs and other tools: Instruct your child not to share the comb with other members of family or with friends. If they are planning for a sleep over postpone it for few days till the lice are removed.  During parents and teacher’s meeting, bring it as a subject without pinpointing and hurting anyone’s feelings.  Most parents will go through this problem and may give better suggestions.

Image credit: “Sakura” by Asela is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: October 13, 2016
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Beautiful mind

What is beautiful?

It is a ‘normal thing’ for people to recognize and adore beautiful people. Individuals, who are attractive and beautiful generally grab crowd’s attention, gets favoritism and treated better.  How long this external beauty lost? – Until a certain age or perhaps when people start realizing that beauty of the individual that they are admiring is only external. Does external beauty really matters? The answer is yes and no -both. External beauty matters when a person has an equally beautiful mind! If the body is beautiful and soul is unattractive because of the behaviors and attitudes of the person then, the external beauty has no significance.

What does it mean to have a beautiful mind?

Beauty is not just having a pretty face; it is also about beautiful mind, heart and a kind soul. The external beauty has something to represent to the outside world – with perfect body, with perfect make up, dazzling clothing apparels, shoes, bags and with sparkles jewelries. These things are temporary and do not lost long. The definition of inner beauty is what we should consider. An eternal beauty always lasts forever. A person who is good deep inside the skin is beautiful irrespective of how they appear outside.  The pleasant personality and good attitude of a person that spreads joy and happiness attracts people.

So what makes a person really attractive and beautiful?  Whether one is physically attractive or not, a person is beautiful when they have some of these following qualities:

  • Good and pleasant attitude
  • One can who listens and exchange ideas with others
  • In an argument agree to disagree with respect
  • A person who is instead of imposing the decision, is willing to listen to other options
  • Rather than just black or white, one who can see the shades of gray
  • One who does not gossip, instead initiates the talk that will be informative and educative
  • A person who disagree with a generalization, but agree with some parts of it
  • Not trying to show off degrees, money, qualifications, status
  • Not taking difference of opinion personally – understanding the opinion and respecting views of other person
  • Being humble and respectful
  • Respecting and helping lesser fortunate people
  • Being helpful to physically disabled or who needs special attention
  • Not being judgmental all the time
  • Tailoring the language based on the audience knowledge and giving information to audiences accordingly – the one who knows how to and when to talk
  • Understanding someone’s weakness, gray areas, values, views, perception and not making fun of them
  • Inspiring, encouraging and motivating others to come up in life
  • Not holding grudge on someone for some reasons and let things go (with realization of it is not weakness to forgive someone)
  • Not trying to overtake conversations and listens to other views
  • And, anyone who takes time to be kind to others (is beautiful)
  • The one who makes others world beautiful
  • You are yourself around others and do not have a second image
  • A person who does not care for limelight
  • Independent and open minded
  • Being optimistic and smile often

True beauty lies beyond skin deep. It is nothing but having a beautiful mind and soul. A beautiful mind will never stop being amazing.


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Neck pain

Tips for preventing neck pain

Neck pain is preventable! Yes, certain disciplines and cautions in our daily schedules helps to prevent the neck getting hurt. The pain in the neck is a phrase one use when someone goes through nagging conditions. It means the pain in neck is something that does not go away easily.  Prevention is better than cure – there are ways one can prevent hurting their neck.

What are the main reasons that are responsible for neck pain? Neck pain generally results in a sharp or dull ache in the neck and shoulder areas. Neck pain can cause  numbness in the face, fingers, headache, stiffness, and difficulty while eating.

Main causes of neck injury or pain are: Stress and tension, sitting posture, lifting heavy weights, exercise postures, sleeping posture, driving without seat belt, shampooing hair while bending neck on the sink, conversing on the phone by tucking it between shoulder and neck, body weight and unhealthy food consumption.

Tips to prevent and reduce neck pain:

1. Reduce stress and tension: Tension in the head can go down to the neck and neck muscles along with shoulder muscle will experience uneasiness causing strain and pain in both neck and shoulder. When you experience severe stress and tension – take a break from the thought process. Go for walk, distract yourself by moving away from tension and worries or go for activities that makes you feel better.

2. Smart phones : Now a days the most common reason for neck pain is not manual work but looking at smart phones! Putting head & neck down while looking at phones for longer hours results in prolonged neck pain. When you have to look into phone hold the phone straight in front of your face.

3. Body weight: Reducing body weight helps in reducing neck pain. This is because our over body weight has a negative impact on our spine which is nothing but extension of neck.

4. Sitting posture: Sitting and working continuously by bending both back and neck will strain the back and neck both. It is good habit to stretch both upper back and neck periodically when you have a sitting job.

5. Stretching neck:

  • Look up by lifting your head and tilt your head slightly backwards
  • Tilt your head/neck left and right side by looking away from your shoulder
  • Bend your neck slightly down by looking downwards
  • While sitting on the palm of right hand, tilt/pull your head slowly towards left side by holding head in left hand. Repeat this 3 to 5 times with few seconds break and change the sides.

6. Practice yoga : Yoga has good postures for strengthening neck, shoulder and back. Good yoga teacher will direct you how to do these poses. Following asanas can help you to overcome neck pain:

  • Sage’s twist – This twist pose will relieve the tension in the neck and shoulder and reduces pain.
  • Cat and cow pose – The Cat and cow pose will stretch out the spine, neck and back muscles to relieve pain.
  • Extended puppy pose – This pose will extend the spine and increases  blood flow to the neck.
  • Child pose – The Child Pose is a simple asana to gently stretch the neck and back.

What poses one should not do during neck pain?

Shoulder stand, plough pose, plank pose without using knee, side plank without using knee – these are some of the poses one should not try while suffering from neck pain.

7. Smoking: Stop smoking immediately if you have neck and back pain. Smoking leads to weakening of both cervical bones and muscles.

8. Weight lifting: Whether at home or gym – when you lift any type of weights make sure that you are holding your posture properly and it is not hurting your shoulder and neck. For heavy weight lifting wear supporting belts. The injury either in the neck or in shoulder can lead to pain in the other. It is better to be safe. Talk to your doctor if you are going to gym to lift weights.

9. Driving: Wear seat belts while driving to prevent sudden injuries. Do not try to reach  back seat to pick up something while driving. This can hurt your neck and back and may result in accident.

10. Essential oils for the rescue ! : Use essential oils to relax and to get relief from the neck pain. Mix Eucalyptus, peppermint, tea -tree oil with career oil and apply on the neck once or twice a day.

11. Neck massage: Go for  massage therapy with massage experts. Gentle circular motion around the neck  releases the tension in the neck and reduces the pain.

12. Sleeping habits: Soft bed, pillow, sleeping continuously on the back – all these can cause neck and back pain. Try removing pillows and use slightly hard surface to sleep.

13. Other tips: One can apply slightly warmed sesame, castor or olive oil. Or keep ice pads on the neck to reduce the inflammation and pain. Vitamin D, Vitamin B and Vitamin C supplements helps in reducing the inflammation and takes care of both muscles and bones. Wear neck collar to support neck whenever is necessary. Neck collar helps in bearing the weight of the head and keeps bones in proper condition by supporting the bones.

Contact your doctor you feel numbness in your hand, face and fingers. Your doctor may refer you for further tests and a possible physical therapy. Do not neglect neck pain or any type of pain in your body! Honour your body and health!!


  • Image credit: Photo by Jesper Aggergaard on Unsplash

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Ragi Halwa

Ragi – Finger millet halwa

Ragi or finger millet is very rich nutrient food. Ragi has calcium, iron and many more nutrients that are important. Major portion of ragi is carbohydrate- about 80%. The fat percentage is quite less which is good!. Protein and fiber contents vary but range from less to moderate. Do you know? Ragi mudde is a favorite dish from Karnataka, India. One ball of ragi mudde serves good amount of energy. Try ragi halwa recipe for dessert.

Ragi halwa


  1. Finger millet/Ragi 1 cup
  2. Jaggery powdered 1/2 cup (you can also use sugar)
  3. Grated fresh coconut 1/2 cup
  4. Cardamom powder 1/4 tsp
  5. Ghee 2-3 tsp
  6. Water


  1.  Wash and Soak the finger millet in water for 4-5 hrs.
  2.  Heat jaggery in little water until the jaggery dissolves. Filter and set aside.
  3.  Combine soaked finger millet, water and coconut in a mixer and grind into paste.
  4.  Filter the finger millet paste into a large bowl.
  5.  Once again grind the finger millet pulp/husk by adding water and filter the paste. Repeat this for 2 times. Discard the finger millet pulp/husk.
  6.  Now take a thick bottom pan and add filtered jaggery syrup, 2 tsp ghee and filtered finger millet milk. Allow it to cook on low flame. Keep stirring until you get halwa consistency [the liquid turns to smooth and thick mass]
  7.  Finally add cardamom powder, mix well and switch off the stove.
  8.  Pour into a greased plate and allow it to cool down.
  9.  Cut into pieces and refrigerate it.

My favorite healthy finger millet halwa is ready to serve.

Recipe & image by Mamatha Anil

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: October 11, 2016
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All but one of the following are rich sources of omega-3 fats. Which one is only a minor source?

  •  cod
  • sardines
  • rainbow trout
  • salmon

The answer is: Cod

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: September 30, 2016
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Adverse effects or contaminants have been reported for all but one of the following. Which one?

  •  ephedra
  • DHEA
  • 5-HTP
  • chondroitin

The answer is: Chondroitin

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: September 28, 2016
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