Health Benefits of Cardamom
Keep a bottle of cardamom pods in your kitchen and it will not disappoint you! Cardamom not only adds flavor to food but also comes in handy for many health conditions. Cardamom belongs to same family as ginger (Zingiberaceae). It has been in use both in Ayurveda and Chinese medicines. Grandma’s medicines also call for cardamom to get rid of certain type of sickness.
1. To get rid of the foul smell from mouth, chew few cardamom seeds.
2. To get rid of irritation in throat, prepare powder of cardamom seeds and cinnamon stick. Add this to warm water and gargle. This reduces irritation, itchiness and pain in throat.
3. To get rid of hiccups: Take few pods of cardamom and boil them in water. By drinking this water, one can get rid of hiccups.
4. If you feel like vomiting or nausea put few cardamom seeds in mouth and chew the seeds for some time. Mix pinch of cardamom powder, one tsp honey and 4-5 drops of ginger juice. Take this before consuming breakfast or lunch. This will reduce nausea or vomiting sensation.
5. People who is suffering from burning sensation while passing urine should consume few seeds of cardamom with honey or curd. This reduces the pain and burning sensation. In Ayurveda, cardamom has been used as a remedy for urinary tract diseases and infections such as cystitis, nephritis, and gonorrhea.
6. To control loose motion add a pinch of cardamom to tea and drink 2 to 3 times. This controls the loose motion.
7. To increase strength nervous system and eye sight, everyday consume one cardamom pod seeds with honey.
8. Cardamom possesses aphrodisiac properties and helps in overcoming impotency.
9. Consuming cardamom seeds helps in calming the mind. – Prepare lemon sharabat and add a pinch of cardamom powder. This helps to relief headache caused by stress.
10. Dental diseases: Similar to clove cardamom seeds and oil also can be used for dental diseases. Chew seeds of cardamom once or twice a week as it has antimicrobial property.
11. Cardamom can also be used as a remedy for asthma and other respiratory issues. In aromatherapy, cardamom has been used to cure symptoms of asthma and bronchitis by improving blood circulation to the lungs. Add a pinch of cardamom power to two tsp honey and consume throughout the day.
12. To reduce cholesterol: Consume few cardamom seeds everyday till the cholesterol and fat amount comes down.
Safety tip: Use cardamom pods in small amounts. Too much spice in the food can cause gastrointestinal irritation, and stomach ulcers.
Source references: “Angaladalli oushadhi (by Sumithramma) and Nammajji helida maddu (by Sharada Bhat)”.
Image credit: Photo by Food Matters on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)
Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: April 15, 2016
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