All posts by HealthyLife

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This Chicken in tutu is a therapy animal

This Chicken in tutu is a therapy animal

This chicken wears a tutu and comforts people while raising awareness about animals.

Though Erika Proctor works as a dog rescuer with her nonprofit organization Green Dogs Unleashed, she isn’t the type to turn away an animal just because they aren’t of the canine variety. A very special chicken named Darla is proof of this, and she’s a testament to the love all animals are capable of and the devotion humans can feel towards nontraditional pets.

When Erika and her son, Finn, went to a fair, they came across some very sad-looking and sickly chickens. Though he was aware that the chickens would likely not survive, Finn told his mom that he wanted to take them home so that the chickens could experience love before they died. They took home three chickens, but only one of them, Darla, survived.

The Proctor family is no stranger to working with special needs animals, as their organization aims to help and re-home deaf and blind dogs. Darla was no different, but as her strength prevailed over her sickness the family knew that she would be alright. What they didn’t expect was for the little chicken’s personality to stand out above the rest and win everyone over.

Though Darla spends time in the chicken coop with her friends, she often enters the house as she pleases through the doggy door to hang out with her boy, Finn. They often play together and Finn zips her up inside his jacket when it’s cold out. She gets along great with the other animal family members, including the cat, and even sat with the blind Great Dane, Serendipity, when she took her last few breaths recently.

While many have heard of therapy dogs and cats and seen them in action at hospitals or universities during finals, there are other animal species that undergo the training and become certified. Green Dogs Unleashed has a therapy dog certification program, which aims to train dogs with the right disposition to comfort humans during rough times, and Erika thought that Darla would be the perfect fit.

Since Erika wants people to see chickens as loving, adorable animals, she dresses up Darla and dresses up her feathers to present Darla’s best self on the days they visit humans for therapy events. Erika told The Dodo, “There is a bit more an element of surprise when you show up with a chicken in a tutu.” She added, “Many people see chickens as only a source of food. Having people — children especially — get to know a chicken personally, brings a new level of education and awareness to the animals.”

People that know Darla personally have said that, knowing her personality, it just “makes sense” to have her as a therapy chicken to raise awareness about animals and bring comfort to humans. Darla isn’t the only one of Erika’s pets that are changing what it means to be a therapy animal, however; Erika is in the process of trying to get Darla, a goat, and a mini horse approved for a school therapy animal.

Finn told The Dodo that Darla’s role as a therapy chicken helps people see “that chickens are people too. OK not really people, but they deserve the same respect as everyone.”

It’s absolutely heart-warming to see an animal normally considered livestock instead changing peoples’ perspectives on chickens and other animals used for food. These small moments are made possible with humans like Erika and Finn, who continue to fight to raise awareness about an animal’s true nature.

Read More:

Image credit: Erika Proctor

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: February 28, 2017
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Health experts recommend limiting added sugars in the diet to

  • two teaspoons daily.
  • 10% of total calorie needs.
  • no limit as long as foods eaten are before noon.
  • no limit as long as activity levels are above average.

The answer is: 10% of total calorie needs

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: February 27, 2017
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  • are made of hundreds of glucose units.
  • are digested and absorbed more slowly than simple sugars.
  • are lower in calories than simple sugars.
  • both a and b.

The answer is: are digested and absorbed more slowly than simple sugars.

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: February 25, 2017
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Harmony Between Body And Mind

The body and mind connection means that we use our thoughts to influence and improve our body’s physical condition. When we are under stress, it influences body negatively.  Conversely, you improve your mental condition to improve your physical condition. Improving the mind and body connection helps to improve the health.

To improve our health we need to change the life style that helps to reduce the stress and to strengthen the body and improve emotional state of mind. This helps to heal the body and improve health.  To change the way how our body feels, first we need to bring a change in mind- to be strong and in harmony.

Remember -health is also a state of harmony between mind, body and soul. Whenever there is a problem or sadness, the consciousness makes body and mind intractable. The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter and spirit heals with joy. To win over unhappiness one has to make mind run the body. Never let the body to tell the mind what it has to do. The reason is body gives up easily, makes mind drain, and we end up stressed out.

If the happy mind directs the body then body feels energetic and does not feel tired. This is because the body achieves what mind believes.   Optimum health requires the mind, physical body and inner spirit to be in balance. Always beware that an unhealthy mind, even in a healthy body finally results in unhealthy condition. Most of us do not know how good our body is designed to feel. This feeling has to arise from our mind.

There are many ways to heal our body and mind. Try these steps:

  • Scan your body while closing the eyes.
  • Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  • Be aware of any sensations that your mind is going through – happy or unhappy
  • Notice where any unhappiness sensation is coming from
  • Let your awareness travel through the body
  • Follow the sensation until the unhappiness disappears
  • Breath is the link between body and mind. While you breathing in, bring focus on your mind, let only the breathing be you and while breathing out, bring a smile on your face. This helps to calm the mind and energize the body.

The secret of health for both body and mind is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly – Buddha

Live from inside out. Nourish your mind and body with happiness. When the mind achieves harmony, it will heal the body. Dwelling in the present moment should be the only moment. Living in present and in the moment helps to balance the mind and body both. As they say, “take care of you body that is the only place you live” To take care of body, do not forget to take care of your mind.

Article & Image Reference:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: February 24, 2017
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Banana Halwa

Banana Halwa

On Shivaratri day try this sweet recipe to offer to Lord Shiva as Naivedya. It is easy to prepare, simple and takes less time to prepare. Banana halwa made out of banana, sugar and ghee -as main ingredients is delicious. Banana is rich in potassium and contains dietary fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium etc.  Ghee, of course has special nutrient values and gaining much importance in the world of nutrition.

Banana Halwa recipe


  1. Banana 3 (ripened ones)
  2. Sugar ½ cup
  3. Ghee ¼ cup
  4. Cardamom powder ¼ tsp
  5. Roasted cashew pieces ¼ cup


  1. Remove the skin and mash the bananas.
  2. Heat ghee in a non stick pan and add mashed banana. Keep stirring till banana turns brown color. (cook on low to medium heat)
  3. Add sugar and mix well, let it dissolve completely. Add some more ghee and roasted cashew pieces.
  4. Add cardamom powder. Cook for another few minutes till it becomes sticky, single mass which starts leaving the bottom of the pan.
  5. Remove from heat and pour it into greased plate, allow it to cool and cut it into desired shapes. Store them in an airtight container.

Source: Recipe and image by: Mamatha Anil at

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Vegan Apple Cake

Vegan Apple Cake

Are you fond of fruit cakes and don’t like egg in it? Are you a vegan? Then try this vegan apple cake no eggs recipe. Easy to bake with simple list of ingredients presented here.


  1. All – purpose flour – 1 cup
  2. Corn flour 1-1/2 Tbs
  3. 1 tsp baking soda – 1 tsp
  4. Cinnamon powder – 1/2 tsp
  5. Ground cloves – 1/2 tsp
  6. Nutmeg powder -1/4 tsp
  7. Sugar – 3/4 or 1 cup
  8. Apple sauce – 1 cup
  9. Canola oil (or use vegetable oil) – 1/3 cup OR vegan margarine 1/3 cup
  10. Vanilla extract – 1/2 tsp
  11. Sugar – About 3 to 4 oz


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 F.
  2. Line a cake pan with parchment paper and grease the pan inside.
  3. In bowl whisk oil and sugar together and add applesauce and vanilla extract – mix it well.
  4. Add all other dry ingredients to the above mix and mix it well.
  5. Pour the mixture to the cake pan and bake for about half an hour.
  6. Let the cake begin to separate from the sides. Use a toothpick to see the baking status.
  7. Remove the cake from oven and allow it to cool to room temperature.
  8. Slice the cake into small squares or the shape you want to.
  9. Dust the sugar on the cake and serve with coffee or tea.


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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