Murukku Press
This is a very essential tool in indian kitchen. Murukku / Chakli press comes in stainless steel, wood, brass materials.
This is a very essential tool in indian kitchen. Murukku / Chakli press comes in stainless steel, wood, brass materials.
In many houses still we see this cutting and scraping stool namely “Eeeligemane”.
Butter was probably first created accidentally when whole milk carried in skin bags was carried by horseback and naturally “churned” while traveling over rough terrain.
No matter how careful, clean and particular you are at home, children can very easily get lice from classmates and while playing with friends.
The best advice to control lice is to avoid head-to-head contact.
In case you feel itchy in your scalp then chances that the lice would have transferred to your head too.
To treat lice, there are times use lice comb to comb your child’s hair every morning.
Soaking the hair will help in preventing hair lice.