How To Boost Your Bone Health According To Your Age Group?

How To Boost Your Bone Health According To Your Age Group?

Strong bones are crucial to good health, and good nutrition is crucial to strong bones. Find out what you need to protect the health of your skeleton for years to come.

As children, our bones are almost exploding with rapid growth. If we break something, no problem — we knit back together like Plastic Man. By around 18 or 19 years old, we’ve reached about 95% of our peak bone mass. We can continue to build some bone in our 20s.

Bones may look hard and unchangeable. They don’t seem to do anything much. But like any part of the body, they’re dynamic, living tissues. They’re constantly breaking down and remodeling themselves. In fact, you end up with a completely new skeleton about every 10 years.

If we aren’t well-nourished, then our bones don’t recover well.

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: April 22, 2022

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