Age Related Macular Degenration

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Age-related macular degeneration or macular degeneration is an eye disease with onset at any age, usually after age 60, that progressively destroys the macula- the central portion of the retina that helps with focus. It rarely causes total blindness as only the center of vision is affected. The health of the macula determines our ability to read, recognize faces, drive, watch television, use a computer, and perform any other visual task that requires us to see fine detail.

There are two types of macular degeneration: wet and dry. In wet AMD, abnormal blood vessels behind the retina start to grow, leaking blood and fluid, causing loss of central vision, which may occur quickly. In dry AMD, which is more common, the light-sensitive cells in the macula slowly break down causing central vision to diminish over time.

Treatment: Yellowish spots known as drusen begin to accumulate in and around the macula when there is dry AMD develops. There are no proper approved medications are available for this condition. However, nutritional supplements containing antioxidant vitamins and multivitamins that also contain lutein and zeaxanthin can reduce the risk of dry AMD progressing to sight-threatening wet AMD.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 13, 2022

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