Novel coronavirus myth buster

2019-nCoV myth busters

2019-nCoV myth busters: Like any other disease outbreak there are many rumors and false news are spreading around the world about nCoV. Some of the information forwarded to on social media messages may not be even true. nCoV is a new strain of virus and still there is lot to learn about the disease.

  1. Can herbal medicine work for nCoV?

nCoV is new strain of viruses and there is no evidence to show that herbal medicine could work. Talk to your doctor before proceeding with any herbal medicines

  • Can pets spread the new coronavirus?

There is no evidence so far to say pets can be infected with new coronavirus. Wash your hand with soap and water after contact with home pets.

  • What is the effect on younger or older people? Are they susceptible?

Irrespective of ages, anyone can be infected by new coronavirus. People who have low immune system and with existing medical conditions appear to be more vulnerable and can get severely sick

  • Are antibiotics work for new coronavirus?

Antibiotics are for preventing bacterial growth and infection. Antibiotics does not work for new viruses. However, if someone diagnosed with new coronavirus then they can take antibiotics to avoid co-infection of bacteria

  • Are there any specific medicines to prevent 2019-nCoV?

As of today, there is no specific medicine recommended to treat the new virus. Prevention care, appropriate care to relieve and treat symptoms are necessary. As far Clinical trial -WHO is guiding and helping with research to develop drugs to prevent the disease.

Image credit: Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 NIAID (CC BY 2.0)

Image description: Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 :Colorized scanning electron micrograph of an apoptotic cell (red) heavily infected with SARS-COV-2 virus particles (yellow), isolated from a patient sample. Image captured at the NIAID Integrated Research Facility (IRF) in Fort Detrick, Maryland. Credit: NIAID

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 3, 2020

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