All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
Ways To Treat Broken Heart Syndrome BHS

Ways To Treat Broken Heart Syndrome BHS

If someone is diagnosed with BHS then, the following few treatments are options.

·         Seek medical attention: If you experience symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or other signs of a heart-related issue, seek emergency medical help immediately. Prompt medical evaluation is crucial to confirm the diagnosis, rule out other cardiac conditions, and initiate appropriate treatment.

·         Hospitalization and monitoring: People with broken heart syndrome often require hospitalization for close monitoring and management of symptoms. Medical professionals will conduct tests, such as echocardiography and cardiac MRI, to assess heart function and determine the extent of the condition.

·         Medication: Depending on the severity of symptoms, healthcare providers may prescribe medications to support heart function and manage symptoms. Medications may include beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, or other drugs to address specific aspects of heart function.

·         Addressing underlying stressors: Identify and address the underlying emotional or physical stressors that may have triggered the condition. Seek support from friends, family, or mental health professionals to cope with the emotional impact of the stressors.

·         Cardiac rehabilitation: After the acute phase, cardiac rehabilitation programs may be recommended to help improve overall cardiovascular health through exercise, lifestyle changes, and education.

·         Follow-up care: Attend follow-up appointments with healthcare providers to monitor recovery and adjust treatment as needed. It is important to adhere to prescribed medications and lifestyle recommendations to support long-term heart health.

·         Emotional support:  Emotional healing is an important aspect of recovery. Seek support from friends, family, or a mental health professional to cope with the emotional aftermath of stressful events.

·         Lifestyle changes: Adopt heart-healthy lifestyle habits, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management. Quit smoking and limit alcohol intake, as these factors can contribute to cardiovascular health.

Image credit: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay (free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 31, 2024
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What triggers broken heart syndrome

What Triggers Broken Heart Syndrome

The exact cause of broken heart syndrome is not known, but it is believed that a surge of stress hormones (such as adrenaline) may play a role in the temporary disruption of the heart’s normal functioning.

·         Triggering events: It happens by a stressful event, such as the death of a loved one, a breakup, financial stress, or a traumatic experience. However, it can also happen by physical stressors like surgery or a serious illness.

·         Similar symptoms to heart attack: The symptoms of broken heart syndrome can mimic those of a heart attack, including chest pain and shortness of breath. However, unlike a heart attack, there is no evidence of blocked coronary arteries in broken heart syndrome.

·         Temporary heart dysfunction: The condition characterized by a sudden weakening of the heart muscles, particularly the left ventricle. This temporary dysfunction can lead to symptoms of heart failure.

·         Reversible condition: Broken heart syndrome is reversible, and the heart muscle function often returns to normal within a few weeks. Unlike a heart attack, there is usually no permanent damage to the heart muscle.

·         Diagnostic tests: Diagnosis is typically based on a combination of symptoms, medical history, and diagnostic tests such as echocardiography, cardiac MRI, and coronary angiography to rule out other cardiac conditions.

Image credit: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Broken Heart Syndrome – How Is It Different from Regular Heart Attack

Broken Heart Syndrome – How Is It Different from Regular Heart Attack

Broken heart syndrome, also known as stress-induced cardiomyopathy or takotsubo cardiomyopathy, is a temporary heart condition that could result because of intense emotional or physical stress. Despite its name, broken heart syndrome is not related to heart attacks, although the symptoms may be similar.

Broken heat syndrome also known as Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, often referred to as “Takotsubo syndrome” or simply “takotsubo,” is a medical condition that affects the heart muscle, leading to a temporary weakening of the left ventricle. The term “takotsubo” derived from the Japanese word for an octopus trap, which has a unique shape resembling the left ventricle of the heart during the condition.

Broken heart syndrome (BHS) and a classical heart attack (myocardial infarction) share similarities in symptoms, such as chest pain and shortness of breath, but they have distinct differences in terms of their causes, underlying mechanisms, and outcomes.

While broken heart syndrome and heart attacks share some similarities, a precise diagnosis is crucial for determining the appropriate course of treatment. If someone experiences symptoms suggestive of a heart-related issue, seeking immediate medical attention is essential for accurate diagnosis and timely intervention.

Image credit: Photo by Clara:

What triggers broken heart syndrome

Ways To Treat Broken Heart Syndrome BHS – Click to know more

Ways To Treat Broken Heart Syndrome BHS

Understanding differences between classical heart attack and BHS – Click to know more

Understanding differences between classical heart attack and BHS

Heart muscle and reversibility differences between heart attack and BHS – Click to know more

Heart muscle and reversibility differences between heart attack and BHS

Treatment and risk factor differences between heart attack and broken heart syndrome – Click to know more

Treatment and risk factor differences between heart attack and broken heart syndrome

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Pineapple from Meghalaya

Sweet And Golden Pineapple From Meghalaya

Pineapple from Meghalaya region of northeastern state of Meghalaya, India in recent years has gained more popularity not just in India, also in international market.  Meghalaya (abode of cloud in Sanskrit) is known for its lush greenery and favorable climate, which makes it suitable for cultivating a variety of fruits including pineapples. In recent years Meghalaya Organic Mission Agency (MOMA) has reported the successful run of pineapple export of pineapple and airlifting of fresh organic pineapples grown in different parts of Meghalaya. There are wild varieties of pineapple grows in hilly slopes and everywhere in Meghalaya!

The cultivation of pineapples not only provides livelihoods for many farmers in Meghalaya but also contributes to the economy of the region. Pineapple cultivation is often practiced by small-scale farmers in Meghalaya, and efforts have been made to promote and improve the production and marketing of Meghalaya pineapples to enhance the income of these farmers.

In recent years, there have been initiatives to promote Meghalaya pineapples beyond regional markets, aiming to reach broader national and international markets, capitalizing on their unique taste and quality.

Do you know? Meghalaya is also India’s biggest exporter of Meghalaya roses. It is also known for significant production of horticultural crops like orange, guava, litchi, banana, jackfruit, plum, peach and pear. India is ranking in fifth in world when comes to production of pineapple and the credit goes to Meghalaya.

Meghalaya pineapple is celebrated for its sweetness, aroma, and distinctive flavor. The pineapples grown in Meghalaya are often prized for their quality and are sought after in local markets as well as in international markets, especially in Middle East Region including Abu Dhabi. The pineapple variety found here are of the Kew variety. It is a late maturing pineapple variety and is the leading commercial variety in India. It is valued particularly for its canning quality. This variety of pineapple weighs 2-3kg, and is oblong in shape, slightly tapering towards the crown. In addition, these Pineapples have eyes that are broad and shallow making fruits more suitable for canning purposes. The fruit is yellow when fully ripe and flesh is light yellow, almost fibreless, and very juicy with 0.6-1.2% acid. Another variety is known as Queen variety.

Meghalaya pineapples, particularly those from the state’s Ri-Bhoi district, have gained fame and recognition for several reasons. The district of Ri-Bhoi contributes to 38 per cent of the pineapple production of Meghalaya.

Distinctive taste and flavor: Meghalaya pineapples are renowned for their exceptional taste, sweetness, and aroma. The unique soil composition, climate, and cultivation practices in Meghalaya contribute to the development of pineapples with distinct flavor profiles that set them apart from those grown in other regions.

Superior quality: Pineapples cultivated in Meghalaya are known for their high quality. Farmers in Meghalaya often employ traditional and sustainable farming methods, resulting in fruit that is fresh, juicy, and flavorful. Additionally, strict quality control measures are often implemented to maintain the premium quality of Meghalaya pineapples. As per the Agricultural reports – “The Meghalayan pineapples have exceptionally low pesticide and heavy metal residue compared to pineapples from mainland India. Also, regarding taste, they are less sour and significantly sweeter. The pineapples have a Brix value of 16-18, which indicates the sweetness of the fruit. The State of Meghalaya has pineapples as the One District One Product for the districts of Ri Bhoi and East Garo Hills.”

Organic cultivation practices: Many pineapple farmers in Meghalaya practice organic farming methods, avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals and pesticides. This results in pineapples that are fresh, healthy, and free from harmful residues, appealing to health-conscious consumers.

Geographical indication (GI) Tag: Meghalaya pineapples have obtained a Geographical Indication (GI) tag, which certifies their origin and unique characteristics associated with the geographical region of Meghalaya. This recognition adds value to Meghalaya pineapples and helps protect them from imitation or misuse of the name.

Cultural significance: Pineapples are not only a significant agricultural product but also hold cultural importance in Meghalaya. They are often used in local cuisine, festivals, and traditional rituals and the fruit symbolizes hospitality and is offered as a gesture of welcome and goodwill, further enhancing its significance within the community.

Economic impact: Pineapple cultivation plays a crucial role in the economy of Meghalaya, providing livelihoods for many farmers and contributing to the state’s agricultural output. The fame of Meghalaya pineapples has led to increased demand, both locally and internationally, thereby boosting the income of farmers and stimulating economic growth in the region.

Health benefits: Like all pineapples, Meghalaya pineapples are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them not only delicious but also nutritious. This health-conscious aspect adds to their popularity among consumers who seek natural and wholesome food options.

The fame of Meghalaya pineapples stems from their exceptional taste, superior quality, cultural significance, and positive economic impact, making them a prized agricultural product both within India and on the international stage.


Image credit: (CC 0 Public domain)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 30, 2024
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Kids art and craft DYI activities

19 Different DYI Art and Crafts Projects For Kids

Engaging in do-it-yourself activities can be a fun and educational way for kids to explore their creativity and develop various skills. Parents and teachers can guide children to select age appropriate craft and art activities. These activities help children to broaden their skills and help them in development.

Some of the popular DIY craft and art activities to keep kids engaged are listed below. Some of the artwork might need adults’ supervision based on the age of the children. In fact when elders take part in these activities with kids it will be fun for both!

  1. Homemade playdough: Create your own playdough using flour, salt, water, and food coloring. Kids can enjoy making the playdough and then use it for imaginative play.
  2. Paper plate animals: Turn paper plates into animals by painting or coloring them. Add googly eyes, yarn, or other craft materials to enhance creativity.
  3. Sock puppets: Use old socks to create puppets. Decorate them with buttons, felt, and other craft supplies, and then put on a puppet show.
  4. Nature collage: Take a nature walk to collect leaves, flowers, and small branches. Use these materials to create a beautiful nature collage.
  5. Egg carton crafts: Transform empty egg cartons into various crafts, such as caterpillars, flowers, or even a treasure box. Paint and decorate them as desired.
  6. DIY bird feeder: Make a simple bird feeder using a pinecone, peanut butter, and birdseed. Hang it outside and observe the birds that come to visit.
  7. Rock painting: Collect smooth rocks and paint them with vibrant colors and fun designs. Kids can use them to decorate the garden or as paperweights.
  8. Recycled art: Gather recycled materials like cardboard, plastic bottles, and newspapers. Encourage kids to create their own art using these materials.
  9. Tie-dye t-shirts: Have a tie-dye party by using fabric dye to create colorful and unique designs on plain white T-shirts.
  10. Story stones: Paint or draw various scenes or characters on small stones. Kids can use these story stones to create imaginative stories.
  11. Origami: Introduce kids to the art of origami by folding paper into different shapes and animals. There are many beginner-friendly origami tutorials available.
  12. DIY board games: Create your own board games using cardboard, markers, and dice. Design the rules and have a family game night.
  13. Finger painting: Allow kids to explore colors and textures using their fingers to paint. This can be a mess-free activity with washable finger paints.
  14. Paper plate masks: Provide paper plates, markers, paint, and craft materials to create imaginative masks. Kids can wear their creations in pretend play.
  15. Salt dough creations: Mix salt, flour, and water to create salt dough. Kids can shape and mold it into various objects, which can be baked and painted once dry.
  16. Bubble wrap printing: Dip a piece of bubble wrap in paint and press it onto paper. This creates a textured print that kids can turn into artwork.
  17. DIY stamps: Make stamps using household items like sponges, potatoes, or carved erasers. Kids can use these stamps to create patterns and designs.
  18. String art: Hammer small nails into a piece of wood in a specific pattern. Kids can then wrap colored string around the nails to create unique string art.
  19. Crayon art: Create colorful artwork by melting crayons on a canvas using a hairdryer. This results in vibrant and abstract designs.
Nature collage art
Nature collage art
String art for kids
String art for kids

Always adapt the activities based on the age and interests of the children. DIY projects not only provide entertainment but also promote creativity, problem-solving, and fine motor skills.

Images credit: (CC0 Public Domain)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 25, 2024
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Thrifty habits to save money

Save Money By Adopting These Thrifty Habits

Adopting thrifty habits can help you save money and build financial stability over time. Consider incorporating below mentioned habits in your daily life that could save you lots of money. Even if you are familiar with many of these tips, revisiting your habits again might help you to keep focused.

  1. Budgeting: Budgeting is a key factor when it comes to saving money. Create a monthly budget to track your income and expenses. This will help you identify areas where you can cut costs and save more.
  2. Meal planning: Plan your meals in advance, create a shopping list, and stick to it. This reduces impulse buying and minimizes food waste.
  3. Cooking at home: Eating out can be costly. Cooking meals at home is not only more budget friendly but also allows you to control the ingredients and portion sizes.
  4. Carry your lunch: Bring your lunch to work instead of buying it. Packing your own lunch can save a significant amount of money over time.
  5. Limit takeouts and coffee purchases: Cut down on takeout and coffee shop visits. Brewing coffee at home and preparing your meals can save you money in the long run and is good for health too.
  6. Buy generic brands: Consider buying generic or store brand products instead of name brands. Generic brands often cost less and can be of comparable quality.
  7. Medicines: Ask your doctor and pharmacist or insurance provider about generic medicine that could be an alternative to the medicines that your doctor prescribed. If there is an option, it will cost you less.
  8. Sales and use coupons: Take advantage of sales and use coupons when shopping for groceries and other essentials. Look for discounts on items you regularly purchase.
  9. Buying in bulk: Purchase non-perishable items in bulk: To save money in the long term buy nonperishable items in bulk quantity. This is particularly cost effective for items like rice, dal, toiletries etc.
  10. Comparison shopping: Compare prices before making a purchase, especially for big-ticket items. Online tools and apps can help you find the best deals.
  11. Second hand shopping: Consider buying secondhand items for clothing, furniture, and household goods. Thrift stores, consignment shops, and online platforms can offer affordable options.
  12. DIY repairs and maintenance: Learn basic DIY skills for home repairs and maintenance. Performing simple tasks yourself can save on professional service costs.
  13. Energy conservation: Save on utility bills by practicing energy conservation. Turn off lights and appliances when not in use, unplug chargers, and consider energy-efficient upgrades.
  14. Cancel unnecessary subscriptions: Review your subscriptions like streaming services, magazines, Apps and cancel those you don’t use regularly. This can free up extra money.
  15. Use public transportation or carpool: If possible, use public transportation or carpool to save on gas and transportation costs.
  16. Gas, petrol or diesel savings: Look for Apps that helps you find lowest price (and good quality) gas/petrol/diesel savings closer to where you live or your way to work!
  17. Emergency fund: Build an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses. Having savings for emergencies helps prevent the need to rely on credit and incur debt.
  18. Mindful spending: Practice mindful spending by questioning whether a purchase is a want or a need. Avoid impulsive buying and take time to consider your purchases.
  19. Negotiate utility and other bills: Negotiate bills such as cable, internet, or insurance. Providers may offer discounts or better rates if you inquire about available options.

The key to successful thrifty habits is consistency. Start with a few changes and gradually incorporate more as you become comfortable. Practicing and incorporating these changes will help to save. Small, sustainable adjustments can make a significant impact on your financial well-being.

Image credit: Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay ( free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 23, 2024
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jackfruit pakora recipe

Jackfruit Spicy Pakora

It is jackfruit season in India and other tropical countries. Tender jackfruits are available in country sides and small towns. There are varieties of dishes one can prepare using raw and ripened jackfruits. Jackfruit is rich in fiber, potassium, calcium, iron, and seeds are rich in protein. Jackfruit is considered as an alternate to meat and is also popular because these big fruits can save people from starvation.

Jackfruit spicy fritters or pakora recipe


  1. Raw jackfruit edible bulbs – 300 grams
  2. Chickpea flour – 1 cup
  3. Rice flour – 2 Tbsp
  4. Chilly powder – 1 tsp.
  5. Green chili – 1 or 2 chopped
  6. Turmeric powder ¼ tsp
  7. Asafetida – pinch
  8. Cumin – ½ tsp
  9. Chopped cilantro (coriander) – ¼ cup
  10. Ginger – 1 inch grated
  11. Salt – to taste.
  12. Oil – for frying.


  1. Cut open jackfruit and use edible bulbs for pakora preparation. Cut the raw edible portion into very thin slices. Alternatively you can pressure cook jackfruit (with very little water & one whistle) and use it for pakora making.
  2. Transfer cut jackfruit pieces (or cooked jackfruit) into a bowl and add besan, salt, chili powder, green chili pieces, rice flour, asafetida, cumin, chopped coriander, turmeric powder, grated ginger and mix well.
  3. Sprinkle little water and continue mixing. Leave it aside for few minutes.
  4. On medium heat place a deep frying pan and heat oil.
  5. Slowly release few jackfruit fritter mix into heated oil and deep fry. Remove fritters once it turns golden brown.
  6. Transfer hot jackfruit fritters on paper towel to remove excess oil and serve hot pakoras/ fritters with tomato ketchup or green chutney.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Poor sanitation and Whipworm infection

Poor Sanitation Can Cause Whipworm Infection

Whipworm infection, also known as trichuriasis, is a type of parasitic infection caused by the whipworm, scientifically known as Trichuris trichiura. This intestinal parasite primarily affects the large intestine (colon) of humans. Whipworm infections are more common in areas with poor sanitation and hygiene practices. This worm appears like a whip in shape hence the name whipworm.

How the worm gets inside our body?

Whipworm infection is typically transmitted through the ingestion of embryonated eggs. These eggs are passed in the feces of infected individuals and can contaminate soil, food, or water.

Poor Sanitation: Areas with inadequate sanitation facilities and practices are more prone to whipworm infections. Contaminated hands, food, or water sources contribute to the transmission.

One of the most common reasons for whip worm infection is, ingestion of infected eggs present in soil. Poor sanitary conditions, open defecation as well as using human feces as manure are reasons for infection. Studies also show that people with certain chromosome traits are more susceptible for trichuriasis!

Symptoms of whip worm infection:

Mild to Moderate Infections: Many people with whipworm infections may not experience noticeable symptoms. In mild to moderate cases, symptoms may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss.

In severe infections or with chronic infections, whipworms can cause more serious symptoms such as rectal prolapse, anemia, and growth impairment in children.

According to CDC “People with heavy infections can experience frequent, painful bowel movements that contain a mixture of mucus, water, and blood. The diarrhea typically smells worse than usual. Severe cases can slow growth in children. Rectal prolapse (when the rectum sags and comes out of the anus) can also occur. In children, heavy infection may also be associated with impaired cognitive development.

Complications: Complications of whipworm infection are more likely to occur in severe or chronic cases and may include anemia, rectal prolapse, and growth stunting in children.

Diagnosis: Diagnosis is often based on the identification of whipworm eggs in stool samples. Laboratory tests, such as a stool examination, are commonly used to confirm the presence of the parasite.

Treatment: Whipworm infections are typically treated with antiparasitic medications, most commonly albendazole or mebendazole. These medications help eliminate adult worms from the intestine. Treatment is usually well-tolerated, and a healthcare professional will determine the appropriate dosage and duration.


  • Improved sanitation: The primary prevention measure is to improve sanitation and hygiene practices, including access to clean water, proper sewage disposal, and promoting handwashing. If sharing same bathrooms better sanitation is required so that other members of family does not get infected by using shared toilet.
  • Avoid contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feces, including with human fecal matter (“night soil”) used to fertilize crops. Avoiding Soil Contamination: Minimizing contact with contaminated soil, especially in areas where the infection is prevalent, can reduce the risk of whipworm transmission.
  • Wash hands with soap and warm water before handling food.
  • Teach children the importance of washing hands to prevent infection.
  • Wash, peel, and/or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure.
  • Education: Public health education programs can play a crucial role in raising awareness about preventive measures, such as avoiding the consumption of contaminated food and water.
  • Personal hygiene: Practicing good personal hygiene, including proper handwashing after using the toilet and before handling food, can help prevent the spread of whipworm infections.

Mass drug administration (MDA) : This is a treatment for the community for soil-transmitted helminths (hookworm, Ascaris, and whipworm) and four other “neglected tropical diseases” (river blindness, lymphatic filariasis, schistosomiasis, and trachoma). According to CDC since the drugs used are safe and inexpensive or donated, entire risk groups are offered preventive treatment. Mass drug administrations are conducted periodically (often annually), commonly with drug distributors who go door to door. Multiple neglected tropical diseases are often treated at the same time using MDAs.

It is important to note that if you suspect a parasitic infection or experience symptoms, you should seek medical attention. A healthcare professional can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment. Additionally, public health measures to improve sanitation and hygiene are essential for preventing the spread of whipworm infections in communities.


Image credit: Alan R Walker, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Photo by Denniz Futalan: (free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 18, 2024
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