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Pollen Allergy – Plants, Precautions And What to do
Pollens are tiny, granular male cells present in flowers of plants. Some species are self-pollinating wherein pollination takes place in the same flower. In others, pollen has to be transferred from one plant to another for fertilization to take place. This is known as cross-pollination and one of the medium of transportation of pollens is the wind. During spring and summer when the plants flower, they send out the pollens which are dust like – in the air that causes allergy to humans beings.
The actual allergy to pollen is called hay fever, which is caused when pollen is dispersed through the air. In medical terms, it is known as “seasonal allergic rhinitis”.
Plants that produce lighter pollens, travel long distance by air or carried by animals. The severity of allergy depends on the chemical constituent of the pollen (& plant types). Different part of the world has various types of plant species that are responsible for pollen allergies.
If you have any allergy symptoms, get it tested. Avoid hanging clothes outside; avoid garden work when you have allergy, do not mow lawns or walk on freshly cut grass during pollen season. If the pets are in the garden playing, do not touch them or handle them. If you have trouble, breathing do not forget to keep inhaler and all day allergy tablets with you.
Many allergy associations have given instructions what to do during pollen seasons.During spring, midsummer and late summer different plants flower and produce enormous amounts of pollens. What we can do to keep away from pollens as much as possible? Closing window, keeping windows up during driving, use mask, washing hair regularly, washing inside of vehicles, protecting eyesand get familiarized with plants producing allergic pollens.
The main allergic, pollen -producing grasses in Australia include rye grass, Bermuda couch grass annual and Kentucky blue grass , paspalum and prairie grass. Because grass pollens are the most common in Australia, the University of Melbourne pollen count standards, used across the continent, are based only on grass pollens. The main weed pollen responsible for seasonal allergies is plantain. The main allergenic trees in Australia are overwhelmingly exotic, with the exceptions of the indigenous wattle and ti-tree . Examples include the silver birch, maple, olive, poplar, ash and oak.
In much of southern Africa, the most common pollens are the grass pollens. Examples of common grass pollens found in this region include rye grass , Bermuda grass , kikuyu grass and eragrostis . Indeed, in southern Africa there are an estimated 947 indigenous and 115 naturalized grass species. The grass flowering seasons in South Africa can be relatively long -up to 10 months due to the warm climate in the grasslands.
Allergy-inducing plants in Europe can be divided into five main areas:
Northern Birch, grasses
Central Deciduous forest trees, birch, grasses
Eastern Grasses, mugwort, ragweed
Mountainous Grasses, trees
Mediterranean Grasses, Parietaria, olive, cypress
Grass pollen is the most important allergen in Europe. As the cross-reactivity is extremely high amongst nearly all grasses, for the grass-pollen sensitive patient it makes no difference, which grass pollen she/he inhales. Only the pollen of cultivated rye has a higher allergen than the pollen of wild grasses. In fact, the high meadow grasses like orchard grass or rye cause the majority of symptoms.
In India there are many trees and weed plants that keep flowering. It is a tropical country and one can see flowers of many plants throughout the year. Some of the common plants/ trees that produce allergy causing pollens include: Ailanthus excelsa (tree of heaven or Mahanimb), Azadirachta indica (neem), Madhuca indica (mahua), Mimusops elengi (bakula), Morus alba (white mulberry), Eucalyptus spp, Cassia spp. and Murraya paniculata (orange jasmine, kamini).
Stay away from these plant species if you are in America: The main tree pollens present in North America, which are responsible for seasonal allergic symptoms, include the alder, oak, western red cedar, maple, elm , birch , ash , hickory , poplar , American sycamore, cypress , and walnut. The main grass pollens include timothy grass , Bermuda couch grass , orchard grass, sweet vernal grass , red top grass and different types of blue grasses.
Weed pollens include the dandelion, goldenrod, nettle and sage but it is the ragweed pollen that causes the most problems in North America. Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) pollen may travel as far as 400 miles and as high as 2 miles in the air.