All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
Chickpea Salad

Chickpea Salad

Salad : Serving – 6 people


  • 3 cups cooked chickpeas or 2 cans (425 g each), rinsed and drained
  • 1 large potato, cooked and diced (peeled if not organic)
  • 1 large cucumber, diced (peeled if waxed)
  • ½ small onion, minced (optional)
  • 1 cup unsweetened soy yogurt (curd)
  • Juice of ½ lime
  • 1 ½ to 2 ½ teaspoons kala namak
  • 1 ½ teaspoons ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder or 1 clove garlic, minced
  • ½ to 1 ½ teaspoons cayenne or other spicy chili powder
  • ½ teaspoon coriander
  • Chopped cilantro, for serving


In a large bowl, combine the beans, potato, cucumber, and onion. Add rest of the ingredients and combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Taste and adjust the seasonings as needed. Mix well and serve topped with cilantro.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 13, 2016
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Corn Salad

Corn Salad

Salad: Serving – 4 people


  • Corn kernels – 1 cup
  • Red bell peppers – 1 tbsp
  • Onions and spring onions chopped – 1 tbsp each
  • Chopped mint- ¾ tbsp
  • Celery stalk, diced – 1 tbsp
  • Cherry tomatoes – 5
  • Pineapple diced – 1 tbsp
  • Parsley – 1 tsp
  • Cilantro leaves – 1 tsp
  • Basil – 3 leaves
  • Avocado, diced – ½ each
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp
  • Lemon juice – 2 tsp
  • Black salt – to taste
  • Tacos – 34shells

INSTRUCTIONS: Blanch corn with salt. Drain and set aside. Cut the other ingredients and mix. Add the lemon juice and olive oil. Toss it well and serve it in the shells for crunchiness.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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World's first Ayurvedic surgery performed in India !

World’s first Ayurvedic surgery performed in India !

Incredible India !  Recently an 83-year-old person who is allergic to allopathic (english) medicines underwent a surgery through Ayurvedic procedures.  Mr. Ojaswi Sharma who hails from Meerut, India, went through prostatic surgery where doctors removed a massive 240 gm of prostate, without using antibiotics and all thanks to Ayurveda.

One of the most interesting kind of surgery without help of antibiotics and world’s first kind of surgery was held in Meerut recently.  Ojaswi Sharma from Meerut just became patient zero for first Ayurvedic surgery and this surgery could change the course of medicine completely.

This surgery was conducted at Anand Hospital, Meerut on March 1, 2016. The only allopathic help that Ayurvedic doctors used was involvement of anesthesia but no antibiotics at all. Doctors who operated on Mr. Sharma used, ayurvedic herbs, such as amla (Indian gooseberry), turmeric, shigru (drumstick) and guggul (gum resin). In a normal and regular surgery, antibiotics are essential (or required) to reduce the possibility of infection on the site.  However, Mr. Sharma who is highly allergic to allopathic medicines made it difficult to for him to undergo surgery using antibiotics.

Dr. Subash Yadav, an urologist consulted India’s top Ayurvedic experts for a solution bringing to their notice Mr. Sharma’s high allergic reactions. Professor Hemant Khushawa, National Institute of Ayurveds, Jaipur who is an expert in Ayurvedic medicines said that “special medicines comprising extracts of giloy, shigru, amla, turmeric and guggul were used in calculated proportions to be administered to Sharma. Shigru is for mild infections and is also a natural painkiller. Amla increases immunity while giloy is helpful in detoxifying the liver. The medicines were started 10 days before the operation.”

The whole procedure has taken aback the medical fraternity considering the decline in effectiveness of antibiotics in surgery.

Conducting surgery with ayurvedic support is the beginning of a new era -Says Dr. Manoj Kumar who is director of the orthopedics department at Delhi’s Maulana Azad Medical College . According to Manoj Kumar   “The development is indeed a rare feat achieved by the doctors. Surgery is highly dependent on allopathy as of now. Conducting surgery with ayurvedic support is the beginning of a new era. It is high time a well-equipped research body was established in the country to conduct research and trials, particularly at a time when the human body is increasingly becoming antibiotic resistant.”

Sharma was kept under observation for a month and has fully recovered now.  

Since it is just one case and doctors including Manoj Kumar believe that better and well-equipped research needs to be done and more trials need to be conducted.

India is known for its incredible talents in many fields – Doctors, scientists, engineers and it is land of ancient civilization. If we recall, Sushruta, one of the earliest surgeons of the recorded history (600 B.C.) is believed to be the first individual to describe plastic surgery. Sushruta who lived nearly 150 years before Hippocrates (2500 years ago) vividly described the basic principles of plastic surgery in his famous ancient treatise ‘Sushruta Samhita’. Could Ayurveda in surgery be the new ray of hope in the declining and darkening world of antibiotics? Yes, it is quite possible.


Image credit:

Attribution: SSgt. Derrick C. Goode, U.S. Air Force / Public domain

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 11, 2016
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Healthy Food For Health

Healthy Food For Our Health

Healthy eating is important to keep our body and mind happy.  One should feel great after having food. In daily life there are several foods that are very healthy and can make one happy. These foods contain antioxidants, fibers and other compounds that helps the body in various conditions.  

Some common foods that we eat everyday are real super foods.  Lemon, dark chocolate, potatoes etc.  have super qualities that help our health.

Lemons – Click here to know more

Healthy Food - Lemons


Dark Chocolate – Click here to know more

Dark Chocolates - Healthy food


Potatoes – Click here to know more

Healthy Food - Potatoes



Walnuts – Click here to know more

Healthy Food - Walnuts



Avocados – Click here to know more

Healthy Food - Avocados



Garlic – Click here to know more

Healthy Food - Garlic



Beans – Click here to know more

Healthy Food - Beans



  1. Google images

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 5, 2016
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Healthy Food - Beans


The most least expensive protein that is available on earth is beans. Eating beans four times a week helps in reducing risk of heart disease by 22%. It also helps in reducing risk of breast cancer. Beans provide the body with soluble fiber, which plays an important role in controlling blood cholesterol levels.

Did you know?  You can find more antioxidants in darker beans.

Image credit:

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Healthy Food - Garlic


From ancient times garlic has been in use mainly for health and medicinal purposes. The pungent odor it loved by most people. It is a powerful fighter of microorganisms like E. coli, bacteria etc.  Garlic contains allicin compound which acts as anti-inflammatory and helps to lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

Did you know? Swallowing one garlic clove every day morning helps to reduce weight, lowers blood pressure, fights arthritis and helps in many other conditions. Garlic exposed to high heat for more than 10 minutes loses important nutrients.

Image credit: Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay  (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Healthy Food - Avocados


Rich, healthy and highly nutrients avocados serve good amount of fiber and folate.  It reduces risk of bad cholesterol and heart disease. It contains vitamins K, C, B5, B6 and Vitamin E.

Did you know? Most fruits contains carbohydrates whereas,  avocados served good fat content. Avocados contains more potassium than bananas. Adding avacado in salad increases the absorption of nutrients like beta carotene.

Image credit: Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Healthy Food - Walnuts


Walnuts contain Omega – fatty acids which is helpful in reducing cholesterol and it also contains amino acid l-arginine, which offers multiple vascular benefits to people with heart disease. Walnuts contain antioxidants that are powerful at free-radical scavenging that researchers called them “remarkable,” and research has shown that walnut polyphenols may help prevent chemically-induced liver damage and also fight cancer cells. It helps in improving male fertility.

Did you know? Walnut contains antioxidant melatonin that helps to regulate sleep. It also helps in maintaining ideal weight.

Image credit: Image by Pera Detlic from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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