All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
Cracked heels – what is the solution?

Cracked heels – what is the solution?

One of the common issue during winter we face is cracked heels. Cracked heel affects more women than men. Cracks in heel sometimes can be painful and cause discomfort if we walk barefoot. If it is a deep crack then dust particles that enter the cracks can cause more harm and pain.

What causes crack in heels?

The sensitive skin in the heel when cannot take more various forms of stress load, starts splitting leaving small to longer cracks in the feet. It can start at back in heel and might extend to the other side of feet.

Reasons for heel crack:

Apart from poor hygiene, deficiency of nutrients (vitamins, zinc in diet), mental stress, aging skin, conditions like athlete’s foot, eczema, thyroid, diabetes etc, obesity, improper shoes, exposing to foot to water for longer hours and hereditary  factors like naturally dry skin causes crack in heels.

How to treat cracks?

  • Using heel balm or cream is one of the best option : These balms must contain exfoliating agent, moisturizing agent and should help in softening the tissue. Creams that use keratolytic and humectant agents are better. These creams will have Urea, salicylic acid, alpha-hydroxy acids and saccharide isomerate as active compounds. One should look at the ingredient list to make sure any of these compounds are present in the balm. Applying the balm before start of the end and before going to bed, 2 to 3 times a day helps to heel crack fast.
  • Wear proper shoe: Use covered shoes and make sure you wear fresh socks. At home if you don’t wear shoe, don’t forget to wear socks to keep foot warm.
  • Soaking feet: Soak feet in lukewarm water. Use a scrubber or pumice stone and rub feet slowly to remove hard and dry skin. Gently pat feet to dry and apply heel balm or moisturizer that keeps feet protected.
  • Petroleum jelly: Apply petroleum jelly and wear socks to keep the moisturizer intact.
  • Epsom salt: Soak feet in Epsom salt water for half an hour and using pumice stone scrub the feet.
  • Applying moisturizer – That contain Vitamin B3 and blends of oils that help to cure skin conditions.
  • Nutrition: Consume vitamin E and vitamin C rich food. Vitamin E naturally helps skin to heel.
  • Preventing infection: Use liquid bandage to cover the cracked heels. These bandages come in spray and helps to seal the wound. This prevents any infection and further cracking.
  • Custom orthotics: Also known as insoles are shoe inserts that help in redistributing pressure abnormalities in the foot and helps to heal the cracks.
  • Coconut oil: Applying coconut oil helps in retaining moisture in the foot. After applying coconut oil, soak for an hour or two. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial property. It prevents bleeding from the cracks too, thus prevents infection.
  • Honey: Honey has both antimicrobial property and is a natural cure for wounds. Applying honey can help heal wounds and keeps moisturizer intact in the skin. Apply honey and soak the foot for few minutes and wash using lukewarm water.
  • Vinegar, olive oil, castor oil, shea butter, oat meal mixed with coconut oil, mashed ripe banana paste – these are other types of natural remedies for cracks. All these helps to soften the skin and keeps moisture intact in foot.

If you have any medical condition, before using any of the natural remedies consult your doctor. If the cracks are severe, better to talk to your doctor and get recommendation. You may need to  consult podiatrist if the cracks are not healing for months.

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 7, 2017
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Tips to travel with infants

Tips to traveling with infants

Parents who have young children – babies and toddlers often cancel their trips to avoid difficulty of traveling. When you have infants, you have plenty of reasons why you don’t want to travel with young ones. It can be kids getting sick or holding baby in hand all time or kids may become grumpy, or kids food allergy etc. Sometimes the comfortability becomes a question mark and toddlers who are active might find it difficult to sit in a place. Some of the below mentioned travel tips are for parents who have babies and toddlers.

Get ready with separate bag for children : Pack all necessary items for children. Take extra set of clothes, socks, caps, blanket, any medicines, first aid kit, milk bottles, favorite toys, baby food, allergy precautions and medicines etc. should be in the kid’s bag. Keep list of phone numbers all the time with you including your pediatrician and family physicians phone number.

One carry-on bag should have extra set of clothes and stuffs that might needed in case your luggage is lost.

Use seat belt : Whether you travel by air or by other means of transportation, fasten the seat belt for your child. This keeps them safe. Baby should ride in the back seat always and use car seat.

Do not feed child in moving car: Moving vehicle can bother child’s system and they might end up throwing food. Instead, take brake and stop cars in proper resting area and feed the baby. During air traveling carry baby food in your carry bag and feed baby when it is needed.

Keep child engaged: Carry familiar books, CDs and toys. If child gets bored these items might help. If you are traveling near agriculture field or places where you can see interesting things, show it to child. This helps them to understand nature and it attracts their attention.

Shade screen: Carry shade screen with you. It helps children to be under shadow during traveling and they might go to sleep.

Protect ears and eyes: The pressure that is built inside plane can harm your child ears. Sucking pacifier, sippy cups or  milk bottle helps to give relief from sounds and air pressure built up. Use proper hat and child sun glass if needed to protect eyes.

Take sunscreen cream: Apply proper SPF for child in case you are planning trip to hot area. Talk to your pediatrician and get recommendation for the good SPF cream.

Hygiene should be the strength: Carry wet wipes, good quality diapers, water bottles, sanitizers. Carry one or two extra carry on bags or trash bags to bring back dirty clothes. Wash pacifiers and bottles using warm water. Many restaurants and hotels will accommodate this as a curtesy service. During air travel ask staff in the plane to help with this.

Snacks and fluids: Carry plenty of snacks and fluids with you. If you are traveling by air and cannot carry fluid in security checks, then buy small bottles after you go through security checks. Many air ports have good facilities for food and juices. Traveling by train, bus and car makes it little easier as there is no such restriction to carry fluids necessary for babies. Don’t give regular water to baby. Buy water from the reliable source and keep couple of water bottles only for the baby.

Stroller and baby carrier: Carry stroller which you will find it very helpful. Now a days new type of strollers are available in market. Some even have suitcases that are perform dual function – stroller and suitcase. Don’t forget baby carrier which makes it easy to carry baby wherever you go.

Napping: If baby feels sleepy and you don’t want to spend time in hotel, take baby in light weight stroller outside. Go for a drive to scenic view or play with child outside. This helps child to go to bed during appropriate hours. Do not go for long trips when you are visiting places with your little ones.

Carry technology with you: Take all your gadgets – smart phones, dvd player, kids movie CDs etc to keep them engaged and entertained. Take battery power pack, chargers etc with your other stuffs.

While traveling with children is fun, make sure they feel the same way. Keep them engaged, happy and show them what is family fun means. Plan well, pack all stuffs without forgetting (make a list of items) and stick to a proper schedule.


Image credit: Photo by Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 6, 2017
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Common Parenting mistakes

Common mistakes of parenting

Parenting is not easy task. Today parents have much to offer to their children.  While showering love and affection to children, in today’s world parents are forgetting what is a meaningful parenting means. Listen what grandma has to say about these common mistakes from parents…

My child is perfect: This is a feeling that parents have today. Therefore, you see more fights and arguments during PTA meetings. When parents see teachers and counselors, parents expect positive comments and feedback about their kids. Remember, your view as a parent about your child is different than non-family members. The feedback if is constructive and non-biased accept and help your child to grow.

Over involvement and taking decision for child: This is not a good thing to do. If you are doing it wake up. Invest your life in your child’s life where it is needed. Don’t put your ideas and your unfulfilled goals in your child’s head. Let the child enjoy its childhood. Talk to them, discuss with and give direction but don’t take decision for them. This not only confuses child and mentally they become suppressed.

Trying to be a best friend of your child: Yes, there is a age where you can be a good friend with your child. However, trying to be BFF takes away the parenting. Parenting is what is needed for the growth and development of a child. Parents not being parents is escaping from responsibility of taking care of child. If you want your child to love them, you don’t need to be a BFF of the child. You need to show that affection, care and love towards your child.

Exposing to competitive parenting: Today’s world generally is in a path where parents are in constant competition with other parents to get into better school, job for their children. Children instead of enjoying the childhood are constantly engaged in studying and tuition. This does not teach any value in a child’s life as the focus is always to do better compared to peers. This competition between parents also leads to broken relationship, friendship and betrayal.

Worshiping the child : Some parents go beyond their capacity to fulfill all the needs of their child. Parents life totally revolves around child. Showering with gifts, credit cards, taking world tour and giving them everything before even they ask…? Well, it is not good parenting. Don’t spoil them by saying their happiness is our happiness. Teach your child how to create a path and they will learn. Teach them about unconditional love and affection. Teach your child how to share and care.

Controlling childhood: A day comes when you see your children all grown up and start acting like strangers and you can’t to do anything about it. Allow your children to enjoy their childhood. Don’t rob their childhood and don’t rush them to grow. Let them play, go through normal activities of a normal child. Don’t control them. The more they enjoy childhood where you are part of it, children will have fond memories of their childhood. They will come back to you and will have concern about you as you are a big part of their sweet memories.

Judging other parents and their children: Never do this in front of your child. Control yourself. Your actions and words can leave a permanent print in your child’s mind. Often parents say, “I wish my children are like that” or trying to change parenting style because you liked it – all these can only harm your child and you may end up in more worries.

Forcing your dream on your child: Yes, you may have wanted to be an engineer and it did not turn out that way. This does not mean that you can force your ideas and goals in your child’s life. Many parents start dreaming about their child’s future in pregnancy itself. All parents secretly hope to have a child that is like them only more smart and talented! Well, that is not how it ends. Child might be smarter and talented, but they may find some other field that is interesting for them. Encourage your child with what makes them happy, not what makes you happy.

No parent wants their children to be unhappy and not successful. Every parent wants to show their affection and love to their child in different ways. In a quest to make children happy, parents should not lose their balance. As a parent, it is better to stay mindful and show children what is a meaningful life means – to lead a happy life and how to create a life road which is happy and healthy.

Listen to grandma:

Image credit: Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 4, 2017
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How to get immediate relief from common conditions?

How to get immediate relief from common conditions?

Some of the common conditions that we all get into are – burns, once a while gastritis symptom, itchy eyes, dry cough, mouth boils and headache. We can get immediate or temporary relief from these symptoms using home remedies.  After seeing these remedies don’t forget to store these items in your kitchen cabinet and refrigerator.

 For simple burns:

  • In case if you burn your tongue after sipping a hot drink, immediately put a tsp full of sugar in your mouth. Sugar relieves the burning sensation and pain.
  • If you have small burns during cooking or baking, for immediate relief apply honey in the area. Honey helps to heal the burn fast and soothes the burning sensation.
  • For sore throat: We all know how gargling using salt water helps. You can also try following methods to come out from sore throat.
  • Mix 1 tsp of lemon juice, ½ tsp ginger powder and 1 tsp honey in half a glass of warm water. Mix well and gargle. Honey helps to coat the soreness in throat and reduces inflammation.
  • Mix 1/2tsp of turmeric and ½ tsp of salt in one cup hot water. Gargle using this mixture.

For short term gastritis:

  • Keep a glass of boiled and cooled milk in fridge. Allow milk to cool further. Drink this once a day till you feel better.
  • Avoid any spicy pickle, lemon juice, spicy food, eating strong raw onion when you have gastritis.
  • Prepare rice porridge and add little ghee and consume. This traditional method helps to calm down the system.
  • Drinking tender coconut water also helps.

For itchy eyes and face:

  • Splash clean ice water on the face and eyes. Place a clean ice pack on the eyes -this helps to relief not only itching of eyes also reduces any swelling around the eyes.
  • Wash face using warm water
  • Drinking plenty of water, warm water helps too!
  • Wash Aloe vera gel seven times and place this on face and eyes for few minutes. Aloe helps to reduce itching and burning sensation.

Mouth ulcers:

  • Take ripe banana and cut into small pieces. Mix with honey and slowly have couple of spoons. While eating make sure it touches the affected area.


  • Consume ginger tea with lemon juice and honey
  • Do simple exercises to stretch head and neck to reduce the intensity of pain. Move chin up and down, turn neck left and right, hold hand in one hand and bend it one side. Turning head clockwise and anti-clockwise direction helps – all these simple moves relaxes nerves.
  • Apply ice pack or place ice cubes on back of neck to get relief from migraine. Cold helps to reduce inflammation.
  • Inhale crushed cloves or clove oil in few minutes intervals – clove helps in throbbing headache as it a cooling and pain-relieving herb.

Dry Cough:

  • To get relief from simple cough use Aloe vera gel and honey – mix both in warm water and drink.
  • For dry cough – mix ½ tsp ginger powder, 2 tsp honey and a tsp of lemon juice. Consume this twice a day
  • Drink turmeric milk before going to bed – this is a classic and traditional remedy. Boil a glass of milk with 2 tsp of turmeric. Bring the content to ¾ and drink. If you want little taste add ½ tsp of sugar and drink.

Don’t forget – If any of these conditions are acute and you cannot control then see your family doctor. The above mentioned home remedies are for temporary conditions only.

Grandma’s remedies

Image credit: Photo by Dony Wardhana on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 1, 2017
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Tomato peeling

Make your life easy in the kitchen with these tips

  • If your fridge is smelling because of stored vegetables try this. Take a potato, remove skin and cut into half. Add little boiling water and a tsp of salt. Store this in refrigerator for a day. Smell goes away!
  • If you preparing lemon rice, pulav or cumin rice – add a tsp of cooking oil while cooking the rice. Rice won’t be overcooked and will be perfect for these dishes!
  • While boiling milk, keep the milk container slightly moisturized. Cream that comes while boiling the milk will not get stick to the container.
  • Add little baking soda to scrubber and clean the stainless stove surface. It gives shine to the surface.
  • Sometimes vegetables can loosen the freshness and become bit dry. Don’t throw them. Wash and soak these vegetables in salt water overnight. You will get fresh look in vegetables next day morning.
  • Do not throw extra chopped herbs. Instead, store them in ice cube trays with little olive oil. Use them when you need.
  • If you have extra curry leaves, dry and store leaves in an air tight container.
  • To peel tomato skin – Slice the top off and then make an X mark at the opposite side – bottom. Boil them in boiling water for few seconds and peel the skin after cooling !
  • To freeze food – soup, curry, rice use flat and wider containers. This will freeze dishes faster and defrost also will be faster.
  • To extend lifespan of washed herbs, cut the root and store them in damp paper towel inside zipper-lock bags. Keep seals left open slightly and place it in vegetable drawer.

Grandma’s tips:

Image credit: Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: November 29, 2017
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Beauty with a purpose Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar

Beauty with a purpose Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar

India’s Manushi Chhillar from Haryana won Miss World 2017 crown, which is India’s 6th win.  Manushi, 20-year-old medical student is beauty with brain and is into very strict fitness regime. The competition was tough with 121 beauties participated and gave stiff competition. In final question and answer round Manushi was asked: “Which profession deserves the highest salary and why?” And her answer was “I think a mother is of highest respect. I don’t think its just about cash but love and respect she gives to someone. She is the biggest inspiration in my life. Mother should get highest respect.”

Manushi won the title not only because of her final answer but also for her dedication and fitness. She is a classical dancer, poet and painter. For her miss world 2017 project Beauty with a purpose, Manushi worked on spreading awareness on menstrual hygiene through her initiative Project Shakti. She is equally passionate about outdoor sports such as paragliding, bungee jumping, snorkeling and scuba diving. Manushi’s  fitness Guru Nmami Agarwal who is also a celebrity nutritionist recently revealed Manushi’s diet plan.

Diet plan of Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar:

  1. Never skip breakfast: Skipping breakfast increases hunger pangs by the end of the day.

2.Always eat regular meals and us smaller plates: Eating regular meals helps to reduce the temptation to snack on food that is high in fat and sugar.

  1. Avoid refined sugar. Avoid Sugar!

Sample menu:

  1. Early morning: Water two to three glasses (warm with or without lemon squeezed)
  2. Breakfast: Plain/unflavored yogurt with oatmeal or wheat flakes and fresh fruits and seeds, or two to three egg whites with avocado, carrot, beets and sweet potato.
  3. Mid-meal: Coconut water followed by fruits.
  4. Lunch: Quinoa/rice/chapatti with a bowl of vegetables and shredded chicken/lentils.
  5. Evening: Unsalted nuts followed by fruit or banana and fig smoothie
  6. Dinner: Chicken/fish (grilled/roasted) with sautéed vegetables (broccoli/carrots/beans/mushrooms/beets).

Apart from winning the title of Miss world 2017, Manushi also won Head to head challenge and Beauty with a purpose title in the competition!


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: November 19, 2017
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kids safety

Important safety rules for kids

It is very critical and important to give information about personal safety tips to kids. Once they start understanding what you are trying to tell them, talk to your kids clearly and slowly how to take care of their safety and why you may not accompany them all around.  Talking often and repeating the importance of safety will help them to act and take care of themselves during emergency. This is not about instilling fear in children, it is about helping kids understand the importance of safety and not getting hurt.

Safety #1 : Know your full name, home address and phone number:

It is very important to teach kids their basic contact information. Do not think that your kids are small and may not remember. Teach and ask them every day -name and address. They will remember and answer. In case of an emergency – like lost in the crowd they should be able to express themselves.  In addition tell and show kids which is the closest landmark to your home.  When you take them in a crowd insert a note of your address in kids pocket in a plastic envelop. Help kid to memorize parents name, grandparents name, nanny’s name and school name.

Safety #2 Do Not talk to stranger and do not eat anything given by a stranger:

  • Teach your kids about not eating chocolates, candies or ice cream from hands of a stranger. Tell them not to receive anything from a stranger. Explain them who is a stranger – whom the kid has not met so far, someone from the street and give examples. Tell them no matter how tempting is the treat it is dangerous accept food from anyone.  Tell them to refuse to take and teach them to move away from the person.  If a stranger offers to drop at home ask them to refuse. Tell them not to talk to stranger. Ask them to be in the midst of friends always.
  • Teach kid a secret code. If stranger tells them “your mom/dad asked you to pick you up” in return ask stranger about the secret code. When stranger unable to tell – it means to move away or call someone to help. Always send a known person to pick up the kid from games, schools and other places. Never ask strangers help.
  • Tell kids not to meet someone without or invite them home without parents’ permission
  • Tell them not to write to someone who has made them uncomfortable or scared.
  • Tell kids that if someone tries to contact on internet not to talk to them and inform parents immediately. A person who says that he might be a 11 year old boy can be an older man!
  • Tell kids not to send a photograph, give phone number or address to any strangers whom they find on internet.
  • They should not give passwords to anyone else – even to best friends
  • Without your permission they should not download and install any software to computers.

Safety #3 Do not walk alone:

It is important for your kids to know that they should not walk alone home or cross the yard alone. There should be always a known adult should be accompanying them.  Tell them not to walk alone in the woods, playground, in parks and give examples what can happen. Narrate them the difference between walking in park and walking on road sides.

Safety #4 Playing with fire is not good:

Teach kids not to play with fire and tell them it is absolutely not allowed anywhere. If they want to cook something let them know that you will need to supervise them.  Teach them how to be safe in presence of fire.  Forbid them to play with match boxes, lighters, stove, candles etc. Tell them to step out if the smoke alarms goes off  and be with an adult – neighbors, teachers – known people.

Safety #5 No one has right to touch your kids body:

Once the kid understands the basics, it is very important to teach about this safety. Tell about good touch and bad touch of body parts. Tell kid no one is allowed to touch the body except mommy and may be daddy. If anyone else touched the kids body then, kid should immediately shout for help to alert people around and inform parents about it.

Safety #6 If you get lost what to do?

In case the kid gets lost in a mall, super markets, function or public place ask them to stay right where they are.  If they find a cop /police, tell kid to seek their help. Or if there is a customer service desk available tell them to approach the customer service desk and stay there. Or tell them to stay inside the shop and not to move.

Children mind is very fragile and they believe what they see. We cannot blame them because they have not yet seen or experienced the world like us. To protect your kids from any harm set these safety rules and keep your kids safe.



Image credit: Photo by Vladislav Vasnetsov from Pexels (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: November 16, 2017
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Seven best and easy yoga poses for immediate stress relief

Seven best and easy yoga poses for immediate stress relief

For many of us, relaxation means sitting in front of the TV at the end of a stressful day or sleeping.  This, however  does little to reduce the damaging effects of stress. To effectively combat stress, we need to activate the body’s natural relaxation response. We can do this by practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, rhythmic exercise and yoga. Fitting these activities into our lives will help us to reduce everyday stress and boost your energy and mood. Try these easy yoga poses to relax the body as well as mind.

1) Child pose (Balasana)

The calming child’s pose is a resting posture that can help quiet the mind, easing stress and anxiety while gently stretching the back. It is also good for the nervous system and lymphatic system.

2) Setu Bandha (Sarvangasana)

the bridge pose provides gentle stretching of the back and legs while alleviating stress and tension. The pose can reduce anxiety, fatigue, backaches, headaches and insomnia, and is even thought to be therapeutic for high blood pressure.

3) Eagle pose (Garudasana)

The active and empowering eagle pose can help ward off stress by improving concentration and balance, and also by opening up the shoulders, upper back and hips. Eagle pose is also an empowerment pose because it releases tension in the shoulders, legs and back, and it does require focus for you to remain balanced in it.

4) Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)

One of the foundational postures, the triangle pose is an excellent stress-reliever and full-body stretch, according to Yoga Journal. It can also help to improve digestion, and potentially mitigate the symptoms of conditions like anxiety, osteoporosis and sciatica.

5) Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose  (Viparita Karani)

Resting legs up the wall pose for stress reduction. The pose is traditionally thought to slow the aging process.  It helps renew blood and lymph drainage back into the heart area.

6) Cat Pose (Marjaryasana)

The cat pose soothes and stretches the lower back, relieving stress while gently massaging the spine. Try arching and rounding the back 10 times in a row while focusing on deep inhaling and exhaling.

7) Shavasana (corpse pose)

Corpse pose may look like a nap, but it actually allows you to quiet your thoughts and feel your body melting into the floor. You will learn to control your emotions and mind will focus on your body and on your good thoughts (third eye). In this pose all the tensions and negative thoughts will melt away.

Image credit: Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: November 14, 2017
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