These 22 kitchen hacks make life easy
To our previous kitchen hacks list Grandma is adding 22 more tips to make life interesting and easy at kitchen
- Place old newspaper at the bottom of garbage bin to absorb liquids from waste food
- Put pancake mix in a ketchup bottle for no mess
- Wrap a wet paper towel around your beverage and put in the freezer. Within 15 minutes beverage it will be almost completely ice cold
- To serve ketchup, chutney, mustard, pickles in party use muffin tin
- Use a hanging shoe rack to store cleaning supplies in bathroom or laundry
- To remove stem from strawberries, insert a straw in the center.
- Butter stick is too hard? Grate it to soften it
- Use a rubber band to loosen a tight jar lid. Place rubber band (or a rubber piece) around lid and turn it easily.
- To cut cheese or other soft foods use unused, unscented dental floss!
- Put ice cream containers in zip lock bags and store in freezer. When you open next time, it will be soft and easy to scoop
- Sprinkle lemon juice on a sliced avocado to retain green color
- To stop banana over ripening, wrap cling film around the stalk
- To chop green leaves, use a pizza cutter, cutting will be fast and easy
- Place an apple with potatoes to keep them from sprouting
- To slice cherry tomatoes or other cherry fruits in one slice, gently press them between two plates and pass the knife between plates
- On back of cabinet door hang measuring cups in order and mark measuring units for easy cooking
- Keep nut or seed flours in freezer to retain freshness for longtime.
- To keep herbs fresh trim their stems and place in water inside a container. Tent the leaves with Ziploc bag and keep in refrigerator
- Use kitchen tong to squeeze more juice from lemon
- To avoid mess while pouring small seeds, sugar, tea powder into bottles cut envelop in cone shape and insert in bottle mouth and pour the item.
- Leafy vegetables – wash and dry thoroughly and wrap in paper towel and keep inside Ziploc bag and store in refrigerator to maintain freshness.
- If honey is getting thick and crystallized, keep the whole bottle of honey in a pan containing warm water. Honey will come back to its natural state.
Reference and image credit: Vimeo.com, https://www.pexels.com/search/kitchen%20hacks/ , Pixabay.com, walmart.com, community.tucson.com
Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: January 16, 2018
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