This Mycologist Holds The Patent That Could DESTROY Monsanto
July 11, 2015 by Anonymous (
Monsanto, the biotech company found to be the most hated organizations in the world, is responsible for a number of dirty dealings that have earned it such a reputation. The creator of Agent Orange (a deadly herbicide responsible for thousands of disfigurements and birth defects in Vietnam), and glyphosate (recently declared to be “probably carcinogenic” by the WHO), it’s for good reason individuals everywhere are banding together to boycott the giant company and its foul play. (Don’t believe us? Watch Food, Inc.)
But although awareness is being raised every day enlightening individuals on why they should opt for organic seeds, local produce, and support bio-dynamic agricultural methods, few feel confident that their efforts will actually help put the agri-giant out of business. Based upon the following news, however, we believe there’s reason to be hopeful:
In 2006, Paul Stamets, the world’s leading mycologist, was granted a patent that has potential to change the world.
Stated by executives in the pesticide industry, the patent Stamets holds represents “the most disruptive technology we have ever witnessed,” and when they say disruptive, they mean harmful to the chemical pesticide industry.
It seems Paul has figured out how to use mother nature to keep insects from destroying crops, a finding that could make chemically-produced pest control completely obsolete. It is what is being called SMART pesticides.
SMART pesticides provide safe and nearly permanent solution for controlling over 200,000 species of insects – and all thanks to the magic offered by mushrooms.
The Mycologist does this by taking entomopathogenic Fungi (fungi that destroys insects) and morphs it so it does not produce spores. In result, this actually attracts the insects who then eat and turn into fungi from the inside out!
Wouldn’t a better world result if biotech companies has limited control over crops, seeds, and the way populations grow food? Monsanto is already blamed to be responsible for the bee and monarch die-off ; who knows what other horrors could be prevented if its toxic chemical concoctions were no longer needed to grow crops.
Monsanto may have generated $16 billion dollars in 2014, but its sales have reportedly been decreasing thanks to consumer awareness and action taken by activists.
By sharing this article, you are playing an important role in helping to raise awareness about an alternative pest control method that may potentially revolutionize the way humans grow crops.
Here are helpful links to understand more about the incredible patent Paul Stamets holds:
• Here is a link to the patent 7,122,176:
• A list of all the patents Paul has applied for:
• Plenty of information about Paul Stamets:
• Wikipedia page about Paul Stamets:
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Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: September 9, 2015
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