Serrano & Tabasco chilis
Serrano : Word Serrano means “from the mountains” is chili variety native to South west America and Mexico. Serrano is couple of inches long and competitively small. The smaller the size of serrano, more hotter it gets. It is added to salsa, non vegetarian dishes and casserols. Serrano is cooked both in unripened and ripened stage. It is generally sold when it is green or greenish-yellow in color.
Scoville unit: 10,000-23000
Hotness: 6-7
Hotness Scale: 6-7
Tabasco chilis: If you are familiar tabasco sauce then you might be aware of the name it has originated from. Tabasco chili is one of the hottest chili variety. These chili plants bear fruits that point upwards unlike other many chili varieties. Neary 4-5 cm long and bright red in appearance.
Scoville unite: 30,000-50,000
Hotness scale : 9
Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: July 8, 2019
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