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Tag: Drug Addiction

Drugs and drunk driving not good

Study Shows Driving Both High and Drunk More Dangerous Than Either Alone

We all know that drunken driving is dangerous and like wise consumption of pot or illicit drugs also dangerous for life. A new research study shows that mixing alcohol to pot and driving after the consumption of the mix makes matter worse.

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Say NO To Drugs Today!

Drug Abuse is consuming drugs outside of their intended use and drug addiction is when an individual is unable to control use of drugs over long period

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Drug Addiction - Stop Today

Health Awareness: The Dangerous World of Drug Addiction

Drug abuse and addiction have negative consequences for individuals and for society.

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Drug Abuse Statistics

Drug Abuse Statistics

Countries have decided to control these drugs because they pose a threat to health.

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Types of Drugs

Types of Drugs

Ecstasy is a psychoactive stimulant. In fact, the term “ecstasy” does not refer to a single substance, but rather to a range of substances similar in chemistry and effects.

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And There Is Krokodil

And There is Krokodil

Desomorphine, known by the street name krokodil, is an opioid derivative of codeine.

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Why Take Drugs?

Why do people take drugs?

For many reasons people take drugs. Sometimes for fun, pear pressure, to feel good, stress etc.

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Harmful World of Drugs

Harmful World of Drugs

While some of the physical effects of drugs might sound nice, they do not last long. Many people get depressed and lonely afterwards and start feeling sick.

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