Stick to your new year resolution
How to stick to your new year resolution ? Two weeks into New year, do you feel your resolution for the year is fading away and you cannot keep up with health resolution? Don’t worry. You are not alone, there are hundreds of people go through this. To keep yourself fit, motivated and healthy you need to put bit extra effort that will help you to keep going in this year.
• Write down all your resolutions again. Think it through, post your goals on post-it and stick then where you look at them regularly. As you keep looking at them your resolution sticks to your mind.
• Aim for the goals that are sensible to achieve. Focus on those goals. Do not be unrealistic and try to reduce too many pounds at a time. Give yourself enough time to accomplish resolution and achieve your success.
• If you are planning to get into shape, measure yourself regularly. Breakdown your resolution to short term with short measurable weekly goals. Try losing one or two pounds a week. As you see short term progress every week, you will feel good about yourself and it boosts your confidence.
• If you are trying to develop a hobby, do not give up. If you are unable to attend to your hobby once or twice it is okay. Pat yourself on back and push yourself to get into the hobby that make yourself worth of doing something good for yourself. Include a friend who has similar taste and want to do something good. Two’s company is always better to achieve the best.
• Whatever it might be, do not give up on yourself. Make room for your routine. Have a schedule in front of you – morning or evening, no matter what give yourself time to do your workouts, practice hobbies, reading, singing, spending time with family, cooking, meditation, yoga etc – whatever you wanted to achieve make room for it.
• Sign up for health newsletter that comes in your inbox with suggestions. Many experts will encourage you to achieve your goal and will bring positive changes. Read success stories, positive stories of those who achieved something extraordinary in the given situations. Success of ordinary people often the best inspiration.
• Have your friends and family on board who motivates you. When you are with people who encourages you, then you will achieve what you wanted to. When you make commitment to improve your lifestyle along with someone else company, you will not ignore your resolution. Whether it is exercise, eating healthy, burning calorie, trying something new, getting to complete your bucket list – all these can be fun to achieve when you are doing it with your friends and family. It helps you to achieve your goal.
Do not give up on yourself. If you want to be happy, focus on yourself, focus on your healthy habits, focus on your healthy lifestyle!
Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 29, 2021
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