Chavutti Thirumal Traditional Foot massage
Century AD warriors from Kerala (Southern India) developed a type of special massage called Chavutti Thirumal which means Massage by Foot Pressure
Century AD warriors from Kerala (Southern India) developed a type of special massage called Chavutti Thirumal which means Massage by Foot Pressure
Yoga poses that involve twisting of the body helps to stretch the spine, provide relaxation for muscles and strengthens back. Bharadvaja’s twist is an intermediate yoga pose that reduces lower backache, also gives relief from neck and sciatica pain.
If you are new to yoga and would like to do inversion poses like shirasasana, you need hours of practices to get there. In the beginning learning basic poses are critical to get into advanced poses. Shashankasana, rabbit pose is beginners pose
Try Pratyahara! Pratyahara of yoga helps to control senses. In Sanskrit Prati means against or away and ahara means food
It lengthens the muscles of the legs, particularly the calves and hamstrings, builds stability in the pelvis and hips and opens the hip flexors.
Feathered peacock pose is a challenging intermediate / advanced pose that needs several practice session to get into the pose properly
One yoga pose that helps in firming and strengthening entire body is Awkward pose – also known as chair pose. It strengthens triceps, deltoids, abdominal muscles, tones leg muscles and quadricpes.
To stretch abdomen, chest, feet, ankle and to strengthen arm, upper back, hamstring, glute, shoulder and wrists upward plank pose is helpful