Natarajasana Dance pose

Lord Of The Dance Pose Natarajasana

Natarajsana is known as Lord of the Dance Pose and is originated by Lord Shiva who is Yoga Guru himself. The pose depicts Lord Shiva’s fondness for dance, expression, and music.  It is also a classical dance form of Indian dance called bharathanatyam. This yoga pose is advanced yoga pose and requires balancing act on one leg. Benefits of practicing this pose are : Strenghtens legs, arms, shoulder and spine.

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Fit India movement by Yogi Narendra Modi

Fit India movement by Yogi Narendra Modi

Yoga is a Sanskrit word, which means to ‘connect or unite’. When mind and body is connected and in harmony which is possible by practicing yoga and meditation, we can achieve healthier life. India is land of Yogis and yoga.

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HealthyLife next

Healthy habits for healthy life

“Healthy living” to most people, means both physical and mental health are in balance or functioning well together in a person.

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Warrior 3 pose

Learn To Balance By Practicing Warrior 3 Pose

As we age, we may have difficulty in balancing and focusing. There are several yoga poses that help us to keep balanced. Warrior 3 is one such pose, an intermediate pose that creates stability and helps to keep focused. It strengthens back muscles, calves and feet. It improves balance and prevents injuries. In addition, it improves awareness to the surroundings and brings body to stability by adjusting to surroundings. By regular practice on can get into the pose easily

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Detoxifying Psolas muscle

Practicing These Three Yoga Poses Helps To Detoxify And Relaxing Psoas Muscle

Psoas is the deepest core muscle situated one on each side of the body. These muscles called psoas  major are the ones that attaches upper body to lower body. These muscles connects spine to legs. Psoas (psoai-plu) muscle are important in all terms – energetically, physically, and emotionally. Any stress that we experience can cause pain in posas muscle and hurts back. Yogis often detoxify these muscles to keep system calm.

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Couple yoga benefits

Benefits of Practicing Yoga with Life Partner

The word yoga in Sanskrit means “union”. It is derived from Yuj which means to join. Yoga helps to build a beautiful understanding of body and mind. When couple practice yoga together, it will help to strengthen the relationship and brings joy and satisfaction in life.

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Revolved Side Angle Pose

Improve Your Overall Health By Practicing Revolved Side Angle Pose

Revolved side angle pose is an intensive twisting pose. It involves full body stretching and twisting. Practicing this pose daily has multiple benefits for the body. While massaging the abdominal organs it stimulates the organs, relieves constipation problem and improve digestion.

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Plow pose Halasana

Halasana, Plow pose For Spine Health

Plow pose is considered as beginners pose, however it takes several practices to get into the pose and one needs to understand how to get into the pose correctly.

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