The Lion pose benefits
Lion pose is simple, beginner’s pose in Yoga. This simple pose provides many health benefits – it relieves tension from system, improves blood circulation
Lion pose is simple, beginner’s pose in Yoga. This simple pose provides many health benefits – it relieves tension from system, improves blood circulation
Even if you get happiness from owning many materialistic things will it be temporary or permanent – you need to decide on this at one point of your life. Sooner the better. This is where designing a simple life can help you out.
A good family bonding is important in everyone’s life.
Reclining baddha konasana is a restorative hip opener pose.
If you are looking for a simple and a magical posture that can help your entire body and mind try beginners Ananda balasana or popularly known as happy baby pose.
Being solitude once a while helps to understand oneself.
If you want to shape your arms, practice warrior 2 pose also known as Virabhadrasana. This pose strengthens entire arm and shoulder
Also known as Gomukhasana in Sanskirti, cow face pose is an advanced and intermediate yoga pose.