For A Better Day Try Vinyasa Yoga
People feel after vinyasa yoga practice they do not need any weight lifting or body work classes.
People feel after vinyasa yoga practice they do not need any weight lifting or body work classes.
Most people are afraid of failure in life. Truth is everyone in their life faces failure. Failure should not stop us on focusing on our goals because failure is an opportunity.
We all have nights where we find it hard to fall asleep, find ourselves waking up in the night or have dreams that disturb our sleep. This is perfectly normal.
Flying Crow Pose is an advanced yoga pose that must be learnt and practiced in front of an experienced yoga instructor. This pose known as Eka pada Galvasana in Sanskrit, named after Saint Galvav.
Side crow pose is advanced pose that needs both mental and muscle strength. It helps in strengthening arms, tones abdominal muscles and improves digestive system.
Mahashivratri is a festival that was chosen to honour Shiva, the Adi Guru, from whom yoga originated.
Shashankaasana also known as Rabbit pose is a beautiful stretch that helps to improve blood circulation to brain and face.
Instead of drinking soda and other caffeinated drinks after your wonderful practice drink yogi tea.