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Herbs for infertility cure

Herbs and foods for infertility cure

After marriage, every woman dreams of becoming mother. It is a natural feeling.  For some it is easy to conceive.

With career, stress, travel and running age for many it becomes difficult to get pregnant. After trying two, three years if a person not conceived, then it is better to consult your gynecologist.

Meanwhile, try some of the traditional home remedies – herbs and foods recommendation that can also help to conceive and cure infertility.

There are many herbs that can help to conceive.

Some of the herbs can be included in your food or can be used as external application. Look for herbal supplements that can help to conceive.

  1. Apply warm castor oil on abdomen. Castor oil helps to invigorate blood and balance hormone levels. You can apply warm castor oil packs on lower abdomen two to three times a day during premenstrual and menstrual time.
  2. Use essential oils during warm baths – myrrh, clary sage, peppermint, rosemary, juniper, lavender and thyme oil – add few drops of one of the oil that you like and have warm bath to relax and reduce body stress.

Below are list of herbs (supplements and fresh) that can cure infertility in women and help to concieve.

  1.  Black cohosh: Root of black cohosh brings menstrual bleeding and makes it more regular. (supplement) – One can prepare black cohosh tea and consume daily. It is similar to other herbal tea where you have to infuse powder in hot water and drink.
  2. Parsley: Tap root, seeds, leaves of parsley are good as emmenagogue and brings menstruation to normalcy. It is also rich source of vitamin C (fresh). Prepare salad or add parsley in your foods
  3. Shatavari: Asparagus promotes regular menstrual cycles and helps in bringing estrogen level to normalcy. (supplement) Consume 1 tsp of shatavari powder with a glass of warm milk.

Asparagus is also available in market. One can prepare stir fry and consume.

  1. Tribulus: Aerial part and fruits of this small herb helps in bringing ovulation to normalcy. It also known to increase FSH serum and estradiol levels in women (supplement). Mix Tribulus powder with honey (1/2 tsp in 1 Tbsp honey) and consume. If you are familiar with plant (it is tropical), you can use leaves and young shoots as vegetables.
  2. Dandelion: Leaf and roots are good for stimulating cervical mucous (fresh). Use it as salad or prepare Dandelion dish – chutney or tea
  3. Licorice: Root of licorice promotes cervical mucous secretions and helps in balancing hormones (supplement).
  4. Ashwagandha: It supports endocrine system and reduces autoimmune fertility issues (supplement) Mix 1/2 tablespoon of ashwagandha powder in a glass of warm water. Drink it twice daily.
  5. Pomegranate: One can eat pomegranate fruits regularly Or use powdered seeds – take ½ tsp with a glass of warm water daily
  6. Cinnamon: Bark reduces heavy menstrual bleeding and improves blood circulation ( dry bark). Add 1 tsp of cinnamon powder to one cup of water and consume daily for a few months. Include cinnamon powder in your diet.
  7. Dates: Grind few dates with cilantro root and make a paste. Add ¾ cup of fresh cow milk and boil. Drink this for few days till you concieve
  8. Ginger: It increases circulation in the body and reduces inflammation and associated pain (fresh or dry). Add ginger in your food in smaller amounts.
  9. Saffron: Saffron acts as aphrodisiac and is good for health. It increases blood flow ( available in market)
  • Ask your doctor before taking supplements.

Food recommendation:

  1. Eat foods that are natural and not treated hormonally.
  2. Avoid pesticide sprayed and non-organic food.
  3. Avoid refined and hydrogenated oil.
  4. Try to get unprocessed plant sources of essential fatty acids
  5. Consume flax seeds – add flax seeds in your salad, curry and prepare flax seed chutni powder. Flax seed supplies both linoleic and alpha linolenic fatty acids that is good for uterus.
  6. Consume pumpkin and chia seed oils – make sure oil is not old and recently compressed
  7. Consume lemons, limes, onions
  8. Eat walnuts, dark greens, cucumber, squash
  9. Avoid heat producing root vegetables like taro (Colocacia) and fruits such as papaya
  10. Consume omega – 3 fatty acid food sources
  11. Vegetarians need Vitamin B, C, E, selenium, Zinc from external sources. Include foods that supply these nutrients in your diet. Include leafy vegetables, beans and wheat germ in your diet.
  12. Do not eat meat as meat can increase inflammation levels and also might contain additives
  13. Avoid foods that increase cortisol and estrogen levels that are responsible for more infertility issues
  14. Reduce refined sugar intake – instead try brown sugar.
  15. Consume buttermilk, yogurt, ghee – all these supplies good amount of protein and keeps gut in good condition.
  16. Consuming homemade food is highly recommended. Include turmeric in your food – it reduces inflammation and is considered friendly for women.
  17. Include drum stick in your diet – prepare curry, sambar and consume with rice. Drum stick leaves can also be used for preparing curry and consume with roti, chapathi. Drum stick has aphrodisiac property.

Keep up good spirit and stay positive:

  •  For conception it is important to have positive thoughts and positive energy running in the entire body.
  • Rest and get good sleep – get a comfortable sleep everyday
  • Take warm bath with one of the essential oil mentioned above
  • Go for regular, moderate daily exercise to improve circulation and ease any symptoms of stress.
  • Do what you want to do – get into a hobby that keeps you happy.

Grandma’s remedies:

Image credit: Photo by Photo by Văn Thắng from Pexels (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: March 13, 2018
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Food enrichment to combat micronutrient deficiency

Food enrichment to combat micronutrient deficiency

Micronutrient deficiency is a form of malnutrition that happens in the absence of essential vitamins and minerals on our food that are required in small amounts for body to grow and function.

Hidden hunger – is the name given to micronutrient deficiency as the symptom of deficiency is not always acutely visible. According to WHO more than two billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiency. Thus, Micronutrient deficiency is an important global health issue. Deficiency of micronutrients in food has huge impact on health and leads to several types of conditions including – infections, intestinal worms, anemia, poor pregnancy, mental retardation, blindness and general losses of productivity and potential, obesity, impaired physical and cognitive development and increased risk of morbidity in children.

Indian Government has taken a huge step to combat micronutrient deficiency and to improve citizens health.

To overcome the deficiency of micronutrients in citizens Govt of India is encouraging enrichment of food items with micronutrients.

Minister of State for Health and family welfare Mr. Ashwini Kumar Choubey said in a written reply to Rajya Sabha “The Government of India in order to promote fortification as a means to address micro nutrient deficiencies FSSAI has operationalized the draft Food Safety and Standards regulations regarding fortification of foods”.

The regulation includes provisions regarding fortification of food articles like wheat flour, milk, edible oil, salt and rice with vitamins and minerals. All the major oil producers in India are voluntarily fortifying at least one brand in their product portfolios.

Under FSSAI regulation in 2011 only the sale of iodized salt is permitted for direct human consumption. And, similarly adding synthetic vitamin A is must in Vanaspati oil for consumer consumption.

To improve women and children health, Women and Child development ministry have advised the use of double fortified salt with iron and iodine, wheat four with iron, folic acid and vitamin B-12 and edible oil with vitamin A and D under their integrated child development scheme and mid-day meal scheme.

Mr. Choubey also added that FSSAI may continue fortification of food items from time to time under the guidance and regulation of the central or State Governments in consultation with stakeholders. To promote large scale fortification of food and to promote fortified food businesses FSSAI has established Food Fortification Resource Center in collaboration with Tata Trusts and NGOs in the field of nutrition.

Further reading:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: March 12, 2018
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This summer consider drinking jaljeera

This summer consider drinking jaljeera

During summer time apart from drinking good lemon juice, coconut water, fresh fruit juice try jaljeera drink.

It is common all natural ingredient drink from North Indian regions.

Street vendors keep jaljeera in earthen pots to keep the drink cool. It also will be served generally with golgappa or pani puri.

Jaljeera drink contains good stuffs that help to overcome indigestion and keeps intestine toxin free.

What ingredients present in jaljeera?

  1. Cumin seeds -1.5 tsp
  2. Fennel seeds- 1 tsp
  3. Dry mango powder (amture powder) -1/2 tsp
  4. Black pepper -1/2 tdp
  5. Ginger – ½ inch
  6. Black salt – as per your taste
  7. Tamarind – ½ Tbs
  8. Fresh mint – ¾ cup
  9. Coriander chopped -1/2 cup
  10. Asafetida – little
  11. Lemon juice or tamarind juice
  12. Cardamom powder – little
  13. Boondi – for taste ½ cup

To prepare jaljeera:

  1. Prepare masala powder using these ingredients – cumin, fennel, black salt, black pepper, cardamom and amchur.
  2. Grind mint, ginger and coriander leaves to a paste.
  3. Now mix all grinded paste, masala powder, asafetida and add lemon juice.
  4. Add 3 to 4 cups of chilled water and strain mix if needed.
  5. Keep jaljeera in the fridge to chill it further.
  6. Add boondi and pinch of chaat masala while serving.

If you see list of ingredients that goes in jaljeera preparation, all ingredients have good medicinal benefit.

  • Cumin: Reduces bloating and gas
  • Ginger: Reduces nausea, abdominal cramps, arthritis, gas and bloating. Reduces body inflammation.
  • Amchur powder: Contains Vitamin C and boosts energy
  • Asafetida : Reduces gas and indigestion
  • Black salt: Helps in easy digestion of food. Reduces heart burn and removes toxins
  • Mint: Reduces indigestion and gas. It acts as coolant and soothing herb. It increases bile flow and eased digestion. And, another benefit of mint is it fights cholesterol.
  • Coriander: Reduces gas and bloating. It is a very good coolant and helps in removing toxins by improving kidney function.
  • Tamarind juice: Reduces constipation and helps in digestion. It also supplies Vitamin C
  • Fennel: It contains fiber that helps to lower cholesterol in blood. It also eases indigestion and promotes healthy digestion. Fennel also known to reduce fat in the body.
  • Cardamom powder: Even though the amount is less, cardamom helps to keep mouth fresh and reduces nausea.

One of the main reason to drink jaljeera is to reduce fat and burn the calories. Try making jaljeera at home to get all the above benefits.

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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