Side effects of Beetroot

Side effects of beetroot

Side effects of beetroot: Beetroot is also known for its sugar content. Beetroot added to salad, chips, sambar, soup, curry, veg noodles etc. Some of the common side effects of beet root are:

  • Beeturia: It is a symptom of passing pink color in urine or stools after consuming beetroot. Sometimes this might be a symptom of iron deficiency.
  • Kidney stones; It can cause kidney stones and might increase kidney conditions.
  • Allergy: It is rare, but if one shows reaction it could be – rashes, itching, hives, fever, and chill. It might hurt vocal cord.
  • Blood sugar level: People who suffer from diabetes are not recommended to consume beetroot as it has high sugar content. It is a serious concern for those who has blood sugar problems.
  • Blood pressure: It can cause dip in blood pressure levels and dizziness in those who are already suffering from low blood pressure.
  • Stomach upsets: It can aggravate digestive problems by causing cramping, bloating and gas formation. It can also cause diarrhea.

If any of the vegetables for that matter gives any kind of side effects, note down the reaction, when it happened, quantity, health conditions and prescription you might be on etc. This will help your doctor to diagnose what could be happening.

Image credit: Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: July 27, 2020

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