Benefit of practicing yoga yamas
Further in these eight limbs, the first two limbs of Ashtanga yoga are Yamas (moral disciplines) and Niyamas (observances) that teach us life disciplines to achieve peaceful life.
Further in these eight limbs, the first two limbs of Ashtanga yoga are Yamas (moral disciplines) and Niyamas (observances) that teach us life disciplines to achieve peaceful life.
The five yamas are first step to achieve yogic path and comes before poses or asanas. These yamas are helps to bring harmony in body, mind and sense for higher yoga practice.
Ahimsa – Non harming or nonviolence is the widely known yamas. Practice of not harming others and nonviolence in all aspects of life means not physically and mentally
The purity of speech is sathya, it is about speaking truth, conveying truth and not deceiving oneself and the world.
Non- stealing was one of the 11 vows that Mahatma Gandhiji was practicing. Asteya yama is non-stealing act that one must practice achieving self-confidence.
Celibacy or Brahmacharya traditionally refers to abstinence of the young yogis who control their desires during early part of lives