Why Is Difficult To Lose Weight?
Remember – you gained weight from many years and it was easy. If you want to lose weight then patience plays a major role along with in understanding some of these facts.
Remember – you gained weight from many years and it was easy. If you want to lose weight then patience plays a major role along with in understanding some of these facts.
Reducing and avoiding carbohydrate intake can lead to slow and sluggish metabolic rate.
Our body needs to move, be flexible and strong.
After your exercise, if you snack on one post-workout protein bar you will put back all the calories that you burnt few minutes back.
Polyunsaturated fats – like all fats – contain nine calories per gram, which means if you consume PUFA in moderate quantity it works better.
Skipping meals, breakfast and restricting calorie intake is not a good idea. This will lead to unhappiness in blood sugar and hormones in the system.
Have patience to reduce weight. Stop looking at short-term solution. Look for healthy habits when it comes to diet. Let the weight loss be gradual – slow and steady.
Your food selection matters for weight loss.