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Tag: anxiety

Overcoming Anxiety

How to overcome daily anxiety without drugs?

Small things to big things can bring worries in life and can result in anxiety.

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Consequences of Drug Addiction

Consequences of Drug Addiction

Better get help today and come out of the deadly addiction!!

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Poison in Apples

Poison in Apples

Cyanogenic acids are poisonous and consuming seeds results in headache, confusion, anxiety, dizziness, increase heart rate and kidney failure!

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Sadness overcome tips

6 Trusted Ways to Move Through Sadness

Sadness forms part of everybody’s life. This type of emotion is a feeling of fear, sorrow, and anxiety. Consequently, sadness occurs due to disappointment,

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Gambling addiction

Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction is a serious public health issue demanding a comprehensive solution involving not only federal programs but also efforts on the part of states, counties, cities, communities, families,

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Handling Troubled Relationships

Why Walk Away From A Relationship?

All of us face this issue of coping up with situations and compromising with life.

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Anger Management

Anger Control – why it is important?

Anger if not prevented can do more harm than the reason that provokes it – Unknown.

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Emotions influences organs

Emotions influences organs

Our organs are strongly affected by our emotions. Did you know about this? If not, understanding how our emotional thinking affects our various body part is worth.

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