How To Take Care Of Health If You Are Pregnant And Working
If you are pregnant and working, you are not alone. This is a common sight that we see in society where pregnant women working. Job can be small or big, it can pose challenges for pregnant women health. Depending on the demand that your job asks for, you might feel discomfort and it may be difficult for you to handle the job requirements.
How to take care of health at work? It is important to take care of not just physical health also mental health when you are working during your pregnancy. Any suffering mother goes through will have impact on baby’s health.
During morning hours, morning sickness is one of the common pregnancy issue one will face.
To stop nausea:
- Snack – Consider snacking often. Keep biscuits, crackers, juice near your desk. Eating food reduces nausea. Keep water bottle close to you.
- Breakfast – Do not skip morning food. Consider eating protein rich foods. Indian foods like idli, dosa have balanced protein and carbohydrates.
- Vitamin – Take vitamin B6 that supports system and reduces nausea.
- Stay away from nausea triggers – like smell of food, odors that bothers you. Get fresh air and stay away from nausea triggers.
To feel comfortable:
- Clothes – wear lose and comfortable clothing to office. Do not wear clothes that can get stuck to your leg and make you slip or tight clothes that prevent your blood circulation.
- Sitting – Use chair that give support to your lower back and helps your posture. Carry a cushion to work if you have a chair that is not adjustable. Use cushion support. Elevate legs while sitting for longer time to reduce swelling.
- Standing – If your work demands standing, get a foot rest. Or consider standing on mats that support your feet. Wear comfortable shoes. Place one leg on small stool. Take break and sit on a chair in between. Avoid prolonged standing.
- Lifting: To lift something, bend both knees. Do not lift anything that is heavy.
- Temperature: Extreme cold or hot temperature should be avoided.
Driving to work:
- Wear seat belt while driving.
- Wear seat belt below belly and across hip bone.
- Drive slowly and carefully. When you feel not up to driving, seek lift.
Overcoming fatigue:
- Take breaks – get up from your desk and walk around.
- Drink fluids – Drinking pregnancy friendly fluids will help. Water is the best fluid.
- Food selection- Eat foods rich in iron, vitamins., leafy vegetables, carrots and pregnancy friendly foods is a must to overcome fatigue
- Activities – When you feel fatigue, cut down physical activities. Take rest after your day work. Seek help for your house work
- Sleep – go to bed early or on time. Get at least eight hours sleep. To increase blood flow sleep on the side which you feel comfortable.
Managing stress at work:
- Talk to friend – When stressed out, It is better to talk to someone. You may have a friend at work or a co-worker who will listen to you and help you.
- Relaxing – During breaks, definitely practice relaxing. Breathing and meditation will reduce any anxiety and stress that your body is carrying. Stretch out – practice prenatal yoga.
- Delegate – Instead of taking all the workload on yourself, delegate the work. Take control and prioritize day to day tasks. If some work you cannot handle, let your boss or coworker know. They can fill in for you.
Image credit: Imagen de Khusen Rustamov en Pixabay (cc by 0)
Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 24, 2023
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