Grandma’s Tips
Tired of eating fruits & vegetables, try these tips
If you are fed up of eating fruits and vegetables and looking for some change in the way you consume healthy fruits and vegetables
Make your life easy in the kitchen with these tips
Make your life easy in the kitchen with these tips
Kitchen hacks one should know
Some kitchen hacks are really useful and makes our kitchen work easy.
When should you wash your clothes?
We all have that habit – sniffing and wearing clothes. Sniffing may give you satisfaction of smelling deodorant that is sitting in your shirt but it won’t tell you how dirty is your cloth. When should you wash your clothes?
18 Everyday essential cooking tips
To avoid gas formation when preparing dishes using legumes – daal, rajma and other lentil, add hing or asafetida and grated ginger. Both will keep stomach health!
Simple, cost effective and time saving cleaning tips
Instead of cleaning house all at once, clean everyday or alternate days. This will reduce your burden and saves your time.
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